San Francisco considering banning circumcision


New member
Feb 26, 2009
marfoir(IRL) said:
Yeah this doesn't sound like the circumcision is the issue....
I don't really give a crap what you think it sounds like.

I'm pissed off because people are still doing this to babies who don't even have the mental faculties to understand what exactly is being done to them.

I'm pissed off because apparently people have decided they know better than the thousands of years of nature.

I love my parents, but I feel they betrayed me in that instance.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
As a circumsized person (it was not for religion as far as I know) I am pro-circumcision. Uncut penises look gross and its apparently alot of extra work that I am glad I do not have to deal with. And also as someone attracted to men, uncut ones look disgusting, and honestly it would be difficult for me to be sexually active with someone uncircumcised.

I liked what one comic said "It should not ne a choice for the man, it should be up to those he wants to sleep with"

As for letting them decide when they are old enough...Im much happier not remembering it.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Saelune said:
As a circumsized person (it was not for religion as far as I know) I am pro-circumcision. Uncut penises look gross and its apparently alot of extra work that I am glad I do not have to deal with. And also as someone attracted to men, uncut ones look disgusting, and honestly it would be difficult for me to be sexually active with someone uncircumcised.
You're attracted to men, that grosses ME out. So therefore, we need to send you away to a 'straight camp' right away, where they'll beat the 'gay' right out of you.

No, not really. I'm just trying to make a point.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
It should be kept but it shouldn't be forced on people under 18, it's not the parents body so they really have no right to chose such decisions especially for such a long term decision. However if people still want to do it, they should be able to when they are old enough to make such a choice.

Personally I think if you want to cut up your junk, make sex less pleasurable and make masturbation more difficult then you are making a bad decision.


New member
Mar 19, 2010
Call me ignorant but what is the problem? Why would it be made illegal? Surely there isn't anything different with it.

Anyway San Fransisco is known to have wierd laws. It is illegal there to wash your car with a pair of dirty underwear. Seriously. You can't make something like that up.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
jedizero said:
Saelune said:
As a circumsized person (it was not for religion as far as I know) I am pro-circumcision. Uncut penises look gross and its apparently alot of extra work that I am glad I do not have to deal with. And also as someone attracted to men, uncut ones look disgusting, and honestly it would be difficult for me to be sexually active with someone uncircumcised.
You're attracted to men, that grosses ME out. So therefore, we need to send you away to a 'straight camp' right away, where they'll beat the 'gay' right out of you.

No, not really. I'm just trying to make a point.
I have no problems with people being grossed out by what I do in bed. Cause what they do grosses me out. And like them, they dotn have to date who they dont want to. Making circumscision illegal is more like your example than mine. Some people like uncut. I dont. Id rather there be both than making one or the other mandatory.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Wouldn't it be more traumatizing to be circumcised later in life at a point where you are actually able to remember it, and be effected emotionally by the change it has on your body. I mean if you're going to get circumcised ever it almost seems like it would be best to do it when you're an infant because you won't remember it later at all.

It's never bothered me anyway.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Saelune said:
I have no problems with people being grossed out by what I do in bed. Cause what they do grosses me out. And like them, they dotn have to date who they dont want to. Making circumscision illegal is more like your example than mine. Some people like uncut. I dont. Id rather there be both than making one or the other mandatory.
That's the thing, goddammit. This isn't about making it so you can't ever do it, its about ensuring you can't fucking do it to your baby who has NO CHOICE IN THE MATTER.

As someone who is 'cut', and hates the fact that he is, I can say that there is nothing more frustrating than realizing that apparently your safety wasn't foremost in everyone's mind, what was foremost was getting rid of that 'icky protective skin'

Horkeldorf said:
Wouldn't it be more traumatizing to be circumcised later in life at a point where you are actually able to remember it, and be effected emotionally by the change it has on your body. I mean if you're going to get circumcised ever it almost seems like it would be best to do it when you're an infant because you won't remember it later at all.

It's never bothered me anyway.
Subconscious pain, and trauma, NEVER GOES AWAY. Not even with shit that happened as a baby. The subconscious never lets anything go. As an adult, you can say 'I choose to do this. I accept what will happen.' As a baby when its done to you, you don't realize its been done for a long time. Then when you research, and find out *why* it was done...that's when I got so horrified at what had been done to me.

There's also the fact that the babies often don't have any anesthetic applied, an adult however can have sooooo many pain killers.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
If circumcision is banned in San Francisco, does that mean that when I enter the city I become a victim of a crime? :p


New member
Oct 10, 2009
Just do it at infancy, it prevents diseases. I've had relatives who've needed it done in their teens, and they found it to be a painful and humiliating ordeal. As for reduced sexual pleasure, that is not a set in stone fact, it's still disputed.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
jedizero said:
Saelune said:
I have no problems with people being grossed out by what I do in bed. Cause what they do grosses me out. And like them, they dotn have to date who they dont want to. Making circumscision illegal is more like your example than mine. Some people like uncut. I dont. Id rather there be both than making one or the other mandatory.
That's the thing, goddammit. This isn't about making it so you can't ever do it, its about ensuring you can't fucking do it to your baby who has NO CHOICE IN THE MATTER.

As someone who is 'cut', and hates the fact that he is, I can say that there is nothing more frustrating than realizing that apparently your safety wasn't foremost in everyone's mind, what was foremost was getting rid of that 'icky protective skin'
It is safest and best to do it while you are a baby though. I think most people are ignorantly overreacting, since what they imagine is "cutting off a piece of your penis". While this is true, it is not as dangerous or negative as people think. There are tons of things that happen to a baby that they have no choice of. Circumscision far from the worst of those.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I'm all for this. All it means is that in 20 years time, I'm going to be a sexual fetish for most women, who will see my circumcized penis and go "Oy, that's different.. and different is sexy turn on to me. I wanna try that and tell my friends about it and they'll all want to see too.."

When I'm 40 years old, I'm going to be SWIMMING in 20 year old, curious and eager nookie.

Lord, please let this become a national ban asap..


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Romblen said:
Just do it at infancy, it prevents diseases. I've had relatives who've needed it done in their teens, and they found it to be a painful and humiliating ordeal. As for reduced sexual pleasure, that is not a set in stone fact, it's still disputed.
Saelune said:
It is safest and best to do it while you are a baby though. I think most people are ignorantly overreacting, since what they imagine is "cutting off a piece of your penis". While this is true, it is not as dangerous or negative as people think. There are tons of things that happen to a baby that they have no choice of. Circumscision far from the worst of those.
Both of you, please read both of these links.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
jedizero said:
Subconscious pain, and trauma, NEVER GOES AWAY. Not even with shit that happened as a baby. The subconscious never lets anything go. As an adult, you can say 'I choose to do this. I accept what will happen.' As a baby when its done to you, you don't realize its been done for a long time. Then when you research, and find out *why* it was done...that's when I got so horrified at what had been done to me.

There's also the fact that the babies often don't have any anesthetic applied, an adult however can have sooooo many pain killers.
Well I was circumcised and I have no subconscious pain as far as I can tell. I'm perfectly fine with it. I was a happy baby after it so if it was traumatizing it must not have been for very long.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
jedizero said:
Romblen said:
Just do it at infancy, it prevents diseases. I've had relatives who've needed it done in their teens, and they found it to be a painful and humiliating ordeal. As for reduced sexual pleasure, that is not a set in stone fact, it's still disputed.
Saelune said:
It is safest and best to do it while you are a baby though. I think most people are ignorantly overreacting, since what they imagine is "cutting off a piece of your penis". While this is true, it is not as dangerous or negative as people think. There are tons of things that happen to a baby that they have no choice of. Circumscision far from the worst of those.
Both of you, please read both of these links.
The second one is obsolete, and the first one seems like a biased site.
Seems to me you just freaked out about the info. When I learned I was not naturally like that, I was relieved as to the alternative. You obviously differ but are taking it to an extreme.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Horkeldorf said:
Well I was circumcised and I have no subconscious pain as far as I can tell. I'm perfectly fine with it. I was a happy baby after it so if it was traumatizing it must not have been for very long.
*shrug* Some people have different feelings on it, I guess.

Look, you're happy with it. Fine, but why should everyone else be the same, and be forced to follow the same fucking line of thought?

Why should everyone be happy with having a part of their body removed?

Why should we not be angry that we were mutilated just after birth? For what reason? To satisfy some fucking religious dictate? To satisfy what was 'socially acceptable' at the time?

You're free to be quite happy.

I'm free to be quite pissed.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Ultratwinkie said:
Romblen said:
Just do it at infancy, it prevents diseases. I've had relatives who've needed it done in their teens, and they found it to be a painful and humiliating ordeal. As for reduced sexual pleasure, that is not a set in stone fact, it's still disputed.
It prevents disease like magic underwear. It doesn't. Its an old wives' tale from the 19-20th century.
Well, Im guessing the disease that is prevented is anything that would occur from poor maintenance of the foreskin, since you apparently have to make it a point to clean it.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
II2 said:
Risking TMI, I'm going to speak as a guy who decided to get circumcised when I was 18.

For all the talk about sex being less pleasurable for those circumsized, maybe, scientifically speaking, I've fewer nerve endings, but sex is just as good as I remember it being before I got my johnson trimmed. Same with masturbation. The pleasure it is still just fine and does not feel in decline even after more than a decade of swinging around unsheathed.

Keeping it clean was never a huge chore to begin with, but it's been substantially easier since.

I don't really know that there's any great benefit to it, but it was a step towards helping me change what I wanted to about my body.
And this is fine, you know why?

Because YOU chose to do it, at age 18 when YOU were an empowered adult. The choice was not made for you by underinformed or even actively misled adults.

And to be honest, you may be happy with the results, but clearly many people are not. Just google "foreskin restoration" to see just how many unhappy men are out there.