San Francisco considering banning circumcision


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Dec 5, 2008
There's some evidence that circumcision reduces the likelihood of HIV transmission, actually.

Quite frankly, I don't think it's anyone's business. If you wanted to mandate anesthesia when the process is done, that's one thing...


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Jan 11, 2008
pokepuke said:
marfoir(IRL) said:
Or because there was a medical reason for me getting it done?
You weren't by chance giving birth through your penis at the time, were you? Maybe there was a complication and you needed to have an emergency circumcision.

Other than that, I can't think of any medical reason that justifies it.

also... lol @ your c-cision
I dont know the details since I never asked. All I know is there was some sort of complication and it was done.
I wasnt given the choice but this is a situation where it is justified.

Avatar Roku

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Jul 9, 2008
Jaime_Wolf said:
Witty response:

They're going to ban parents from mutilating the genitals of their children without their consent because their religion tells them that sex is evil and the world is a better place when people don't enjoy it as much.
Actually, Judaism does NOT say sex is evil. Quite the opposite, it says it is our duty. One of the first commandments (not one of the 10) is "Be fruitful and multiply", sex is not only allowed on the sabbath (one of the only things that is), but is actively ENCOURAGED, etc.

As for the rest of your post, mostly opinion and stuff I've addressed, so I'll just let it go unless you want otherwise.
MaxwellEdison said:
Avatar Roku said:
But that's the point. It ISN'T that dangerous when done 8 days after birth, the customary time. It's only that dangerous if done later.
Is there a reason, besides not being dangerous, that it should be performed?
Not a concrete one, no. However, I can tell you how it has affected me, personally. As I've said earlier, it is a large part of my identity as a Jew, despite the fact that I'm not very religious (the above bible quoting was just from unwilling years of hebrew school). I can understand if that is not enough for you, but it is certainly has enough meaning for me.


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Jul 22, 2009
The evidence that says it reduces HIV transmission has been directly contradicted by, drumroll please, the American Cancer Association!


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Aug 5, 2010
Dimitriov said:
The point is you are defending people who mostly wish you would just piss off. Stop getting involved in the fights of other people who don't want you there.

My point on the loss of pleasure thing is you aren't missing something if you never had it.

And what about my right to be circumcised when it is safest and easiest to do so?
You can't have the right to chose to be circumcised as a baby because you aren't mentally or verbally capable of asking or consenting to be circumcised. So outside of having a time machine that's a right you can't have just because it isn't logically possible.

And even if you don't know what you're missing doesn't mean you didn't have the right to keep it from birth. You can't chop off a baby's finger just because they won't remember it happening or what it was like to have all 10 fingers. It shouldn't be up to parents to decide what their child can live without with regard to parts of their body that isn't doing them any harm.


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Mar 30, 2010
Bantarific said:













Information, such as to prevent infection.
This and again this.


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Mar 10, 2008
liquidangry said:
marfoir(IRL) said:
And I dont mean to sound callous here, but 100 seems like a very inconsequential number when put in perspective of the US's population and also since the US is where circumcision is most prevalent.
Out of curiousity I wonder how many babies die each year in total, and how many for really easily preventable reasons.
You sound callous because you're looking at the question the wrong way. You should be asking, "Ok, how many people die from NOT being circumcised." If the answer is zero then you should reconsider circumcision's merits.

And to everyone saying people should wait until 18... wtf? What do you think the answer is going to be? "Hello sir, would you like the skin on your penis removed?" ..... "Um, no...."

99.999999999% of people will say no unless they've got some horrible flesh eating disease on their foreskin.
People do get infections from uncircumcised penises, which in some rare cases can be fatal. While I don't have a specific number, I would estimate that it would be around 100 as well (take it with a grain of salt as it would be useful if I had data on that). Some people also get circumcisions for medical reasons other than "horrible flesh eating disease", like the foreskin being too tight or, again, infection.

It's a delicate balance of when to do it and why.


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Feb 26, 2009
Jumplion said:
it can be reversed with certain techniques.

I've read on this, and in the circumcision process they remove several things that can NEVER be replaced.

If I might provide a link with an explanation...

That says what exactly is lost in the circumcision. And what *can* be restored.

With several years of work on it.
Including painful 'stretching'.


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Jul 22, 2009
Jumplion would you please refer to this link that specifically adresses how wrong you are?

Avatar Roku

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Jul 9, 2008
Bantarific said:
Jumplion would you please refer to this link that specifically adresses how wrong you are?
In the future, be aware that it's easier to address a specific person if you quote them, as they'll get a message. Here you go:
Jumplion said:


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Circumcision should only be banned for children under the age of 18.

Circumcision for males 18+ should be only permitted with the males express written consent.


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Mar 10, 2008
jedizero said:
Jumplion said:
it can be reversed with certain techniques.

I've read on this, and in the circumcision process they remove several things that can NEVER be replaced.

If I might provide a link with an explanation...

That says what exactly is lost in the circumcision. And what *can* be restored.

With several years of work on it.
Including painful 'stretching'.

I have to wonder how the process of circumcision goes down. I've always thought it was an extremely tiny snip on the tip of the foreskin, at least that's how I've had it as far as I know.

By the by, what movie is that "WRONNNNNNG" thing from? Swear, it looks familiar.


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Nov 13, 2009
Radoh said:
It should be a decision made by adults if they want it for themselves.
Been quoted a million times before, but yeah. What else can you say?

My only concern is that, since it's quite a painful and unnecessary procedure (somebody before was saying something about it making sex more pleasurable, and I don't really understand that because as far as I can tell it would be like a woman having half her clitoris sawed off in terms of the nerve endings you lose), but not many people know how painful and unnecessary a procedure it is. A lot of men will have it done because of concerns over hygiene or because they somehow think having a smaller less ribbed and less sensitive penis will somehow make sex nicer for both him and his partner, and find out they've made the wrong decision, and regret it. You can non-surgically elongate the remaining skin so it's like the foreskin's been restored, but some parts get hacked off that can't be brought back. It's kind of worrying that not many people seem to know about this, considering how many people are for circumcision.


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Mar 10, 2008
Bantarific said:
Jumplion would you please refer to this link that specifically adresses how wrong you are?
Okay, already addressed it at the top. No need to act up on a high horse, learn something new every day.


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Apr 14, 2009
If they go ahead with it all they are going to do is piss people off. Not just for those who would do it anyway.
This really seams like one of those things the government does not and should not care about, I am sure there are more important things to be thinking about.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
People are saying it should be an adult choice but man o' man I can't see anyone opting for that choice. You know from a baby's screams that it isn't fun but at least you won't remember it then.

I don't think the city should have a right to ban it. Its a religious practice and church and state should be separate. No laws to ban religion and no religion in your laws (or so the idea goes).

As for people complaining that it should be a man's (or very strange lady's) right... Sorry but you don't have right until your 18. That's why you can't drink or get married or into enter legal agreements. Your parents decide what's best for you until that time or until you get emancipated. Parents call the shots here and if they want your wing-wang hatless, its going bald.


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Feb 26, 2009
Dimitriov said:
Of all the circumcised men how many complain about it? Not too many in my experience.
I'll complain!

And I'll complain for all the babies that had accidents during Circumcision! There are at least two people in Canada that got their wangs pretty much lopped off. They were forced to have a re-assigned sex, raised as a girl. They won't ever be able to do many things they might have wanted to do, such as having a child.

I'll ***** as much as I can goddammit! I got mutilated when I was a baby! I was betrayed by my mother and father, while a sick man carved up a part of MY body!

I'd do damn near anything to ensure that it doesn't happen to any other helpless baby.


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Dec 28, 2010
marfoir(IRL) said:
I dont know the details since I never asked. All I know is there was some sort of complication and it was done.
I wasnt given the choice but this is a situation where it is justified.
What you are saying seems deceptive. Another guy (#121) also posted an instance where action needed to be taken because of an abnormality, but the rationality isn't really there. I am speculating, but it seems fairly logical, that what really happened was that instead of doing exactly the minimum of what needed to be done to fix the problem, they just said "do a circumcision". Since it is a common procedure, they just went with the easiest choice. It may have actually been the best choice at the time as well, but possibly not the most accurate.

2012 Wont Happen

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Aug 12, 2009
SecretAlienMan said:
Great... more ignorant fascists trying to force their own believes on everyone else... Oh San Francisco, you make me ashamed to be in the same country as you...
Banning people from chopping off part of a baby's dick is not "fascists" aiming to "force their believes [sic] on everyone else", it is a pretty reasonable standpoint.