San Francisco considering banning circumcision


New member
May 27, 2010
Well i find circumcision more practical from a health and sanitary standpoint. Also they put silver nitrate in a babies eyes to prevent infections due to the lacrimal glands not being fully formed, that is painful to the Nth degree but they don't try banning that too.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
ShakyFt Slasher said:
It should be a right because: 1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases, and 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
Oddly enough on point 3 that is a misconception. When polled women claimed that uncircumcised men performed better during sex than circumcised men. On point 2 there is little benefit as compared to using a condom, it is really not a substitute. Finally on point 1; this practice is inflicted on children, babies, with no mental comprehension as to what is happening nor the ability to make any semblance of a choice. It is a complete violation of their human rights because they can not make the choice.

So there's really no excuse to keep it around. The entire practice of genital mutilation is monstrous.


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Jul 22, 2009
willsham45 said:
I am sure there are more important things to be thinking about.
Yes the goverment has more important things to do besides, you know, worry about the unessecary mutilation of boys in its country.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
I fully support the idea of a circumcision ban given that the process destroys the part of the penis with the highest density of nerve endings and is based on outdated, frankly bizarre, religious ideas. Also because mutilating the genitals of a small child is morally wrong, that much seems obvious.


New member
Jan 28, 2011
gring said:
utopaline said:
ShakyFt Slasher said:
It should be a right because: 1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases, and 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
not to be a troll, but 2 of the 3 statements you made are so far from the truth it's not even funny. Do some research, you'll be shocked to find out that being circumcised actually increase you chance of catching diseases and the foreskin is the most sensitive part of the male body so it actually makes sex way more enjoyable.

yup, and the fact that its someone else making the decision FOR the child is the worst part about it.

are any of the facts you mention brought up to the parents? DIDN'T THINK SO. for some strange reason doctors paint a pretty picture of circumcision to the parents, so thats why most people end up doing it to their child.

...i want my foreskin back lol

Luckily I still have mine. Parents aren't told about the cons because it is a 400-700 dollar operation that your insurance company pays for.

also, the 8 day argument is not true, While an infant's foreskin is considerably smaller than an adult foreskin, studies show that the procedure is more painful for infants. One reason for this is that the foreskin on an infant is fused to the glans of the penis and must be torn free in order to be removed. In adults, the foreskin is no longer fused. Also, adults may use stronger painkillers during and after the procedure, which infants do not receive due to the risks of anesthesia on infants. Studies indicate that only 4% of infants actually receive anesthesia because the risks it brings.


New member
Jan 28, 2011
Avatar Roku said:
MaxwellEdison said:
Dimitriov said:
MaxwellEdison said:
I understand that we should make titles provocative to get views and stuff, but no one wants to ban circumcision, they just want to make sure your parents don't force it on you. Which I honestly don't see a problem with, if it's a religious thing, why don't you wait until your kid is intelligent enough to make his own choice?
Because it is a far riskier, more painful, and generally difficult procedure when you are no longer a baby? Especially if it's done after puberty.
Perhaps the fact that its such a dangerous procedure is a warning sign? I mean, we are talking about cutting off part of your body because you think God wants you to here.
But that's the point. It ISN'T that dangerous when done 8 days after birth, the customary time. It's only that dangerous if done later.
****While an infant's foreskin is considerably smaller than an adult foreskin, studies show that the procedure is more painful for infants. One reason for this is that the foreskin on an infant is fused to the glans of the penis and must be torn free in order to be removed. In adults, the foreskin is no longer fused. Also, adults may use stronger painkillers during and after the procedure, which infants do not receive due to the risks of anesthesia on infants. Studies indicate that only 4% of infants actually receive anesthesia because the risks it brings.

uto *foreskin in tact*


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Timeslament said:
Bantarific said:













Information, such as to prevent infection.
This and again this.
Yeah, just read this. Totally agree.


New member
Mar 13, 2010
Worgen said:
it was started to make sex less pleasurable (at least thats why christians did it)
Risking TMI, I'm going to speak as a guy who decided to get circumcised when I was 18.

For all the talk about sex being less pleasurable for those circumsized, maybe, scientifically speaking, I've fewer nerve endings, but sex is just as good as I remember it being before I got my johnson trimmed. Same with masturbation. The pleasure it is still just fine and does not feel in decline even after more than a decade of swinging around unsheathed.

Keeping it clean was never a huge chore to begin with, but it's been substantially easier since.

I don't really know that there's any great benefit to it, but it was a step towards helping me change what I wanted to about my body.


On the issue at large and in SF, I am typically a strong proponent of individual liberty... in this case, it should be NEITHER the government NOR the parent's decision, but the child when they come of age and, understanding the procedure, desire such a modification.


New member
Jan 28, 2011
Twilight_guy said:
People are saying it should be an adult choice but man o' man I can't see anyone opting for that choice. You know from a baby's screams that it isn't fun but at least you won't remember it then.

I don't think the city should have a right to ban it. Its a religious practice and church and state should be separate. No laws to ban religion and no religion in your laws (or so the idea goes).

As for people complaining that it should be a man's (or very strange lady's) right... Sorry but you don't have right until your 18. That's why you can't drink or get married or into enter legal agreements. Your parents decide what's best for you until that time or until you get emancipated. Parents call the shots here and if they want your wing-wang hatless, its going bald.
I agree of the separation of church and state, but if it is harming people, then the state sets in.
- child polygamy
- female circumcision in some countries in Africa

so if I start a church that says that all females must have their earlobes removed people would be protesting in the streets. The ear lobe has absolutely no function at all.

if the state is protecting children then religion should be taken out of the argument and the protection of the child should be all that matters.

watch the episode of Penn & Tellers Bullsh1t and see what kind of pain the child goes through. not just a simple snip....


New member
Oct 20, 2010
ShakyFt Slasher said:
It should be a right because: 1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases, and 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
*Compresses neck* "Yeah."


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Avatar Roku said:
Jaime_Wolf said:
Witty response:

They're going to ban parents from mutilating the genitals of their children without their consent because their religion tells them that sex is evil and the world is a better place when people don't enjoy it as much.
Actually, Judaism does NOT say sex is evil. Quite the opposite, it says it is our duty. One of the first commandments (not one of the 10) is "Be fruitful and multiply", sex is not only allowed on the sabbath (one of the only things that is), but is actively ENCOURAGED, etc.

As for the rest of your post, mostly opinion and stuff I've addressed, so I'll just let it go unless you want otherwise.
I would love to hear the rest of your response.

As for your comment regarding Judaism: first, Judaism is not the only religion that requires circumcision. In fact, it isn't even the largest religion that requires it - not by a long shot. Many of the related religions do make blanket statements about sex being a pretty negative thing. As for Judaism specifically, to suggest that your interpretation of a positive stance toward sex is universal among adherents is just silly.

And that's completely ignoring the fact that any positivity towards sex in Judaism is extremely circumscribed. To suggest that Judaism takes a positive view of the whole of sexuality is completely unreasonable.

The fact that it's part of your identity is also a pretty poor justification. Cutting off a child's ear might support my religious identity, but that wouldn't make it remotely ethical. And the mechanical parallel is actually pretty good: you can still hear without an ear, but it has a very important function and there's no real reason to do it.

As for the opinion, most of it was explicitly so. The parts regarding biology, however, were not. There are nerves in the foreskin and most circumcisions also excise additional nerves in the penis (often an absolutely remarkable proportion of them). The foreskin also has a mechanical function in sex. Claims that circumcision has no effect on sexual function are founded on the ridiculous idea that proper sexual function is the ability to maintain an erection and ejaculate. You cannot possibly make the argument that circumcision doesn't have a detrimental effect on sexual pleasure - you are provably wrong: nerve tissue is excised. At this point, people like to bring up evidence involving the effect of neural plasticity on sexual response and the fact that the brain compensates for the loss of nerve tissue, but those are mostly isolated cases and in none of them is there any evidence that the level of sensation regained is identical to that of before the loss (where there is evidence either way, it is universally the other way).

And if you want to argue that there are health benefits - you pretty much just lose. Cleanliness is simply not an issue so long as a boy is taught good hygiene and isn't such a large issue even if they aren't (when a kid hits a certain point refusing to clean themselves, you go to a counselor, you don't cut off the relevant body part). The claims regarding disease prevention are already tenuous (and many are related to absurdly rare conditions like penile cancer). The HIV claims specifically are outdated and not at all well accepted by HIV researchers. Essentially the only people who still believe them are those grasping at straws to justify circumcision. And most of the more common problems can be corrected with adult circumcision, which is a common and ridiculously simple surgery. The fact that it's even more successful on infants is not only a bad justification given how simple adult circumcision is, but, barring those affected by body size, most surgeries are more successful on infants and it's not as though we're cutting off arms in case kids develop bone cancer. captcha had transliterated Hebrew in it. Irony?


New member
Jul 14, 2010
There are plenty of arguements for and against it. An uncircumcised penis is apparently harder to keep clean and "gross" by some standards, while circumcised penises are supposedly easier to clean but less sensitive. Because every arguement for it seems to have an equally valid arguement against it, I think it should remain the parents' decision.

I think the real issue here is wheather or not a city can decide to ban what has already been established as a parent's choice, which I believe they shouldn't (especially San Francisco).


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Harkonnen64 said:
I think it should remain the parents' decision.

I was circumcised and I hate it! I feel like I was betrayed by my mother and father while a sick bastard who was more interested in money than caring for a child, cut and hurt me!


New member
May 29, 2008

Whatever you want to say, just do research. OMG it is mutilation or OMG my rights doesn't get us anywhere


New member
Jan 11, 2008
jedizero said:
Harkonnen64 said:
I think it should remain the parents' decision.

I was circumcised and I hate it! I feel like I was betrayed by my mother and father while a sick bastard who was more interested in money than caring for a child, cut and hurt me!
Yeah this doesn't sound like the circumcision is the issue....


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
utopaline said:
Twilight_guy said:
People are saying it should be an adult choice but man o' man I can't see anyone opting for that choice. You know from a baby's screams that it isn't fun but at least you won't remember it then.

I don't think the city should have a right to ban it. Its a religious practice and church and state should be separate. No laws to ban religion and no religion in your laws (or so the idea goes).

As for people complaining that it should be a man's (or very strange lady's) right... Sorry but you don't have right until your 18. That's why you can't drink or get married or into enter legal agreements. Your parents decide what's best for you until that time or until you get emancipated. Parents call the shots here and if they want your wing-wang hatless, its going bald.
I agree of the separation of church and state, but if it is harming people, then the state sets in.
- child polygamy
- female circumcision in some countries in Africa

so if I start a church that says that all females must have their earlobes removed people would be protesting in the streets. The ear lobe has absolutely no function at all.

if the state is protecting children then religion should be taken out of the argument and the protection of the child should be all that matters.

watch the episode of Penn & Tellers Bullsh1t and see what kind of pain the child goes through. not just a simple snip....
The difference being that certain actions are socially unacceptable and thus raise enough ire that the government steps in. The government can pass laws that in theory violate the bill of rights but general the court only passes it if there is a very good reason to. Such as shouting "fire" in a crowded theater present a danger to everyone so you lose part of your freedom of speech in order to protect people. A good number of laws passed to control the rights of parents were passed to protect children from potential dangerous actions by their parents. These actions are socially defined as "bad" and thus the court sees a reason to prevent them.
That's not true here. Even the article notes "The leading proponent of a ban, Lloyd Schofield, 59, acknowledged circumcision is widely socially accepted but he said it should still be outlawed." This is socially acceptable and thus the court has no strong public outcry to act on. If they do pass the law it would be passing judgement on the practice not based on public opinion but based on their own opinion and that of a minority. Now I'm not saying that a minority can't be right but it is very shaky grounds to suddenly be potential flying in the face of the Bill of Rights based on this. This is not an accepted socially wrong thing that is being crusaded its something that the group wants banned. I'm also not saying that it isn't painful. I'm sure it is. But isn't getting your ears pierced also painful and a mutilation and yet don't parents control whether that happens to a child too?


New member
Jul 1, 2010
Good! I'm glad to see it go. All Circumcision was at the start was a way to stop little boys from masturbating as it decreases sexual pleasure and that is the truth. Hell no body does it for religion any more! No body does it for religion in the slightest. Women don't even know when they're deciding whether to circumcise the boy what they're doing. It's even worse here in Alaska as insurance pays for it here so everybody does it. The women naturally go, "Well his father was circumcised so I might as well do it to him." The father probably wasn't even circumcised but she has no idea what kind of physical trauma she unleashes on her child. It's traumatizing to an infant and fucking hurts.

As for it causing diseases all I ever see is people saying that it "reduces the risk of contracting HIV" Or "Chlamydia" or "Genital Warts" Or what not. You know the other, better way to not contracting HIV? NOT SLEEPING WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS HIV. Get you and your partner tested and if you still want to do it wear a goddamn condom. Circumcision is something that should never be done ever. My mother is a nurse and when patients ask exactly what the hell circumcision is she tells them and it causes them to back off once they learn the truth.