Satanic Themed Videogames on the Rise


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Treblaine said:
The_Oracle said:
Treblaine said:
samsonguy920 said:
Catkid906 said:
Okay. But would the Christian church complain if we made more games involving Pro-Islam messages instead of Pro-Satan?
Depends on the denomination of the church. But your comment has me a little confused. Do you equate Satan with Islam? I would hope not since most of Islam's tenets are parallel with Christianity and Judaism. So much so it just increases the irony that there is friction amongst extremists in the three.
He said INSTEAD of Satanic. Why would you read that and somehow think he meant satan and islam where the same?!?! Why, what was your thought process there? Explain yourself!!
And Islam doesn't even mention Satan nearly as often as Christianity does, most likely because they don't have a fixation with recruiting people through fear, and IIRC he's not even called 'Satan,' and he apparently works for God in unconventional ways by showing people the difference between good and evil. I could be wrong about a few details, though; my knowledge of religion isn't perfect.
Yes thank you for those inane theological facts but YOU HAVE NOT ANSWERED MY QUESTION.

Who cares which religion refers to Satan more or how, that is IRRELEVANT. I want you to explain why you slandered Catkid906 by implying he saw ANY correlation between Satanism and Islam. If you don't want to answer the question, that's just fine, but don't bullshit us with a carefully worded and side stepping response.
I think you're talking to the wrong person; I'm just chiming in with an explanation. Did you think I was samsonguy920?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
The_Oracle said:
Treblaine said:
The_Oracle said:
Treblaine said:
samsonguy920 said:
Catkid906 said:
Okay. But would the Christian church complain if we made more games involving Pro-Islam messages instead of Pro-Satan?
Depends on the denomination of the church. But your comment has me a little confused. Do you equate Satan with Islam? I would hope not since most of Islam's tenets are parallel with Christianity and Judaism. So much so it just increases the irony that there is friction amongst extremists in the three.
He said INSTEAD of Satanic. Why would you read that and somehow think he meant satan and islam where the same?!?! Why, what was your thought process there? Explain yourself!!
And Islam doesn't even mention Satan nearly as often as Christianity does, most likely because they don't have a fixation with recruiting people through fear, and IIRC he's not even called 'Satan,' and he apparently works for God in unconventional ways by showing people the difference between good and evil. I could be wrong about a few details, though; my knowledge of religion isn't perfect.
Yes thank you for those inane theological facts but YOU HAVE NOT ANSWERED MY QUESTION.

Who cares which religion refers to Satan more or how, that is IRRELEVANT. I want you to explain why you slandered Catkid906 by implying he saw ANY correlation between Satanism and Islam. If you don't want to answer the question, that's just fine, but don't bullshit us with a carefully worded and side stepping response.
I think you're talking to the wrong person; I'm just chiming in with an explanation. Did you think I was samsonguy920?
Well NOW I feel stupid


New member
Sep 21, 2008
This is pretty much a "don't like it-don't buy it" kind of deal. Although there's a difference between having Satan as the good guy and having Satan as the bad guy. As A bad guy? Sure, no problems. Good Guy? Hahaha no. Since when has he done anything even remotely good for anyone? Oh, right. He hasn't.

It all depends on whether or not you 1)believe in God and the Devil and 2) how much you believe Satan will use any means necessary to get you to turn away from God.

If you don't, then you probably don't care about this. If you do, then this is actually an issue (the issue of Satan being portayed as "good" in games, not games that just have him in them).


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Treblaine said:
The_Oracle said:
Treblaine said:
The_Oracle said:
Treblaine said:
samsonguy920 said:
Catkid906 said:
Okay. But would the Christian church complain if we made more games involving Pro-Islam messages instead of Pro-Satan?
Depends on the denomination of the church. But your comment has me a little confused. Do you equate Satan with Islam? I would hope not since most of Islam's tenets are parallel with Christianity and Judaism. So much so it just increases the irony that there is friction amongst extremists in the three.
He said INSTEAD of Satanic. Why would you read that and somehow think he meant satan and islam where the same?!?! Why, what was your thought process there? Explain yourself!!
And Islam doesn't even mention Satan nearly as often as Christianity does, most likely because they don't have a fixation with recruiting people through fear, and IIRC he's not even called 'Satan,' and he apparently works for God in unconventional ways by showing people the difference between good and evil. I could be wrong about a few details, though; my knowledge of religion isn't perfect.
Yes thank you for those inane theological facts but YOU HAVE NOT ANSWERED MY QUESTION.

Who cares which religion refers to Satan more or how, that is IRRELEVANT. I want you to explain why you slandered Catkid906 by implying he saw ANY correlation between Satanism and Islam. If you don't want to answer the question, that's just fine, but don't bullshit us with a carefully worded and side stepping response.
I think you're talking to the wrong person; I'm just chiming in with an explanation. Did you think I was samsonguy920?
Well NOW I feel stupid
No need to worry! These things happen. :)

BrynThomas said:
Therumancer said:
Of course in Dragon Age Origins the whole incest angle is missing.
Actually, and this is only my mate informing from the novels, Maric is meant to have "spent some time" with the witch of the wilds. So Morrigan may have been a child of Maric and Flemeth, then if Alistair impregnants Morrigan there's a whole Arthurian incest thing pretty straight up.
Wha-? Really?

...Ew. A lot of shippers out there are going to be very squicked if and when they find that out. And it's fairly likely Flemeth was the witch of the wilds he was referring to given the fact that she's one of the only few around and getting knocked up is relevant to her interests. So to speak.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
That's because the Devil requires no imagination to be used in a game, he like the new nazi's, all evil all the time by default.
You know what? I'ma make a game that puts Satan in the same light as the Wicked Witch of the West when Wicked came out, just to completely fuck the dogma...


New member
Jun 1, 2009

Someone is going to have to die in the name of Satan now.

I want it to go on record that they made me do it.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
OH NO! THe fundamentalist christians are annoyed about something else? I mean, Satanism is HORRIBLE(yes, there is sarcasm)


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
The_Oracle said:
BrynThomas said:
Therumancer said:
Of course in Dragon Age Origins the whole incest angle is missing.
Actually, and this is only my mate informing from the novels, Maric is meant to have "spent some time" with the witch of the wilds. So Morrigan may have been a child of Maric and Flemeth, then if Alistair impregnants Morrigan there's a whole Arthurian incest thing pretty straight up.
Wha-? Really?

...Ew. A lot of shippers out there are going to be very squicked if and when they find that out. And it's fairly likely Flemeth was the witch of the wilds he was referring to given the fact that she's one of the only few around and getting knocked up is relevant to her interests. So to speak.
Well it makes sense, Alistair = Arthur (good and noble, raised in anonymity), Morrigan = Morgan Le Fay. The kid could be a Mordred-esque character, in line to the throne and possessing huge magical potential.

Also if Alistair is king, we know that Anora might be barren (from her and Cailain's lack of an heir, letter from Return to Ostegar) and who knows if Gray Wardens have problems with conceiving? So the child is powerful and a royal heir, a perfect recipe for a sequel.

Edit: I'm actually planning on replaying that bit to see if I can get Alistair instead of my character to make the baby with Morrigan, now that I reflect on the situation it makes it more epic.

Edit2: And by epic, I mean the old god as heir to throne part, not the incest.

Edit3: Nah the incest is just a little too weird, plus I remembered the kid will still be of the royal line, as Maric was their grandfather via Morrigan. Now in my game the kid will be the son to the Hero of Fereldan and the witch of the wilds, nephew to the king of Fereldan.


New member
Dec 14, 2008
I don't see why these people find it necessary to inflict their religions on other people.

If I choose to play a game that references the devil, who the fuck are you to tell me that's wrong? Where in the bible does it say "Video Games are okay as long as they don't offend self-righteous loudmouthed religious extremists"?


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Great, good for your beliefs. Unfortunately, the same right that allows you to ***** and moan is the one that allows us to think your beliefs about the horned man are bullshit.

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
BrynThomas said:
The_Oracle said:
BrynThomas said:
Therumancer said:
Of course in Dragon Age Origins the whole incest angle is missing.
Actually, and this is only my mate informing from the novels, Maric is meant to have "spent some time" with the witch of the wilds. So Morrigan may have been a child of Maric and Flemeth, then if Alistair impregnants Morrigan there's a whole Arthurian incest thing pretty straight up.
Wha-? Really?

...Ew. A lot of shippers out there are going to be very squicked if and when they find that out. And it's fairly likely Flemeth was the witch of the wilds he was referring to given the fact that she's one of the only few around and getting knocked up is relevant to her interests. So to speak.
Well it makes sense, Alistair = Arthur (good and noble, raised in anonymity), Morrigan = Morgan Le Fay. The kid could be a Mordred-esque character, in line to the throne and possessing huge magical potential.

Also if Alistair is king, we know that Anora might be barren (from her and Cailain's lack of an heir, letter from Return to Ostegar) and who knows if Gray Wardens have problems with conceiving? So the child is powerful and a royal heir, a perfect recipe for a sequel.

Edit: I'm actually planning on replaying that bit to see if I can get Alistair instead of my character to make the baby with Morrigan, now that I reflect on the situation it makes it more epic.

Edit2: And by epic, I mean the old god as heir to throne part, not the incest.

Edit3: Nah the incest is just a little too weird, plus I remembered the kid will still be of the royal line, as Maric was their grandfather via Morrigan. Now in my game the kid will be the son to the Hero of Fereldan and the witch of the wilds, nephew to the king of Fereldan.
But wouldn't your character child be powerful too? I mean we, are grey wardens as well... Mixed with morrigan genes, we have maybe, an arcane child.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Dr. wonderful said:
But wouldn't your character child be powerful too? I mean we, are grey wardens as well... Mixed with morrigan genes, we have maybe, an arcane child.
Very powerful, as my character was a mage as well. But what I was concerned about was the royalness of the child.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Saying satan is in videogames is like saying that pineapple juice tastes like pineapple , games usually have a bad guy/girl/thing in them , wich usually depicts evil , now by my count the one person/entity that is purely evil is satan , he has no known form etc etc , but to go that far and say that videogames are meant to be satanic is a bit farfetched , fighting demons and KILLING them does not make you want to go and worship satan now does it ?No if you're a normal functioning human being you will be thinking "I'm putting my royal foot up evil's ass" that's not a bad thing , our fascination with evil is based on the fact that we know it's bad , we just wanna try it , the only game I played that featured you being an ally of hell is well infernal , it sucked , but in the end you still had a choice to be good or evil , take fable for instance , if you go evil you grow horns , leave red footprints in your path and things like that , we have a choice to believe what we want , good or evil , heavenly or hellish , do you take hellboy for instance and make him into a satanic symbol ? That's just a load of crap , christians complain about everything nowadays , I mean back in the day they complained about their children being exposed to pornography literature , then movies , then on the streets , then in games , so what ? Like my grandfather used to say "If you don't like the drink , piss off".
Nuff said.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
He mentions Koudelka but one of your PCs is a priest in that. What a cracking game, wish I still had it.

Surely respecting peoples right to religion and there right to express such beliefs allows devil worshippers to create games. Similar to some of the toss christian carts that came out on the NES...