Satanic Themed Videogames on the Rise


New member
May 18, 2009
Oh my god. They're games. They are to escape from the retarded knee jerk "crusaders", and/or reality. Most of his examples were actually a totally different mythology, or giant exaggerations. And I notice that it's only Christianity complaining. First religion on the bandwagon ay? Not that I'm knocking christians, just that everyone in power positions that are christian seem to be phenomenal idiots...

Mr. GameBrain

New member
Aug 10, 2009
Leave Satan alone!

He's just doing his job right?

You know, balancing out life's karma system.

After all, life wouldn't be so interesting if everyone is a goody two-shoes!

Besides, in quite a few classical literature texts, Satan is depicted as a good guy, (or at least a necessary prescence), so the idea isn't exactly a new one.

Just read some Blake, or Paradise Lost to see my point.


New member
Jan 16, 2010
Catkid906 said:
Okay. But would the Christian church complain if we made more games involving Pro-Islam messages instead of Pro-Satan?
Always remember George Carlin.

And to the church, I remind them of what Carlin said: "F**k 'em".


New member
Nov 4, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Satanic Themed Videogames on the Rise
Can we please cut down the "news" about morons whoring for attention, pointing fingers at games while having little to no idea about them? Just a bit? Seriously, I've only seen the videos about Dante's inferno here, but in all likelihood, if I were exposed to the aforementioned marketing campaign of its is only likely to annoy me, NOT AT ALL to even come close to start making me consider converting from atheism to satanism. Thanks =\

And on a side note, it's just evil of you to lump together in the same group 2 rock/metal gods and Bobby Kotick ;P


Apr 17, 2008
No love for Solium Infernum []? I feel slighted, because that's a really good game that would be right up their alley!


New member
Dec 13, 2008
JeppeH said:
is because we are sensible people giving sensible ansaws.
Hmm, that would depend upon whether you are the tolerent "We think you're wrong, but you're entitled to your belief, we acknowledge that science has yet to disprove the concept of religion but we believe that it eventually will" kind of atheists, or the "RAAARGH! YOU ARE ALL IDIOTS WHO ARE RESPOSIBLE FOR THE DE-EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN RACE!! SCIENCE PROVES THERE IS NO GOD!! BURN THEM! BURN THE IDIOTS!", Dawkinsian (tm) brand of atheists. I mean, yes, there is no proof of any religion, but even the big bang theory has several strongly contested alternatives. Thus a healthy, questioning outlook is IMO required when dealing with any absolute. Hence the former brand of atheist is admirably sensible, whereas the second is akin to an extremist religious perspective in its attitude. I mean, Dawkins? Really? Atheism needs a spokesman who isn't bigotted and who doesn't bully school children for having a faith.

So, basically, if people were to ask for the atheist view, I would hope that it is indeed the sensible people who are asked rather than the Dawkinsian pitbulls, otherwise we'd just end up with another big shouty intolerent ho-down.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Ok this Lance Christian fellow is apparently a bit delusional.I don't know about other games but Dante's Inferno is like the biggest maybe most up-to-date commercial for the church ever released.
I mean ok you're in Hell battling is more righteous than that? A "warrior of God" thing going on in that game .
As for the general discussion , well killing is a mortal sin but I don't see Lance here crying about it.I bet his gaming experience limits to pong and/or tetris


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Oct 4, 2008
RebellionXXI said:
However, I for one am willing to compromise. Let's say, in exchange for stopping the production of blasphemous and misotheistic video games, you agree to shut down all the televangelists and force the Jehova's witnesses and Mormons to stop trolling our neighborhoods dressed like members of the Geek Squad. Deal?

Didn't think so.
Fundamentalists don't make deals. They make demands, and if they don't get what they desire, they whine until their mouths fall off.

Treblaine said:
samsonguy920 said:
Catkid906 said:
Okay. But would the Christian church complain if we made more games involving Pro-Islam messages instead of Pro-Satan?
Depends on the denomination of the church. But your comment has me a little confused. Do you equate Satan with Islam? I would hope not since most of Islam's tenets are parallel with Christianity and Judaism. So much so it just increases the irony that there is friction amongst extremists in the three.
He said INSTEAD of Satanic. Why would you read that and somehow think he meant satan and islam where the same?!?! Why, what was your thought process there? Explain yourself!!
And Islam doesn't even mention Satan nearly as often as Christianity does, most likely because they don't have a fixation with recruiting people through fear, and IIRC he's not even called 'Satan,' and he apparently works for God in unconventional ways by showing people the difference between good and evil. I could be wrong about a few details, though; my knowledge of religion isn't perfect.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
I have two words for Mister Christian...


Also, Beelzebub(Lord of the Flies for anyone who hasn't made that connection) is NOT Satan, he is Satan's second in command.

"So Satan spake[ah Middle English], and him Beelzebub thus answer'd" Line 271, Book One, Paradise Lost

I would also like to share one of my favorite quotes from the poem while I am at it.

Satan speaking to his recently felled Legions in the newly established Hell:
"If then his providence
Out of our evil seek to bring forth good,
Our labour must be to pervert that end,
And out of good still to find means of evil;" Lines- 162-165, Book One, Paradise Lost


In my hand I hold a key...
Oct 14, 2009
After reading this article, among some of the games mentioned, I am reminded of the uproar over WoW a few years ago when people started talking about Goldshire's "Children of the Corn".

They're still in the game, taking the same route at the same time, but Blizz removed the more..."satanical" aspects of it (they stand differently and walk a LITTLE differently), sadly giving in to pressure from the people who wouldn't even have otherwise played the game (or let their kids play it).

Have to admit, it IS kinda creepy, especially when C'Thun kicks in...

Syntax Error

New member
Sep 7, 2008
Just a hint: Lucifer and Satan team up in Persona 3 to unleash the gamebreaker of the game, appropriately called Armageddon. Yeah, Persona 3 is Satanic in addition to promoting suicide...


New member
Jul 26, 2008
Just thought it laughable the way he stretched some of these things to mean what he said they did. Shadow Hearts, for instance, he says you intercept and destroy God to "save the world", but doesn't mention that you killed two other 'gods' during the course of the game for the same reason, or that the final god isn't God, and is described in detail as to how and why it isn't.

Whole thing seems more like he overheard somebody else talk about the game then wrote a review about it. Bit like that guy that posted that Avatar review on here a month or so back, that admitted that he didn't watch the movie, but went off about how the movie hated America and the military and some other such.

Gah, just looking at the list again...almost every single one of these is just flippin' ridiculous.

Nocturne- Pretty sure he means the Shin Megami Tensei one here, couldn't even lable it right apparently. Yes, the main character is a sort of demon, and yes, you can decide to fight against God, but you can also basically align yourself with him. And even then it all comes down to Chaos versus Order, Free Will versus Control.

Tecmo's Deception- Yeah, you can resurrect satan. You harvest souls. But the main character isn't really told right off who he's really working for or towards what end, and when you do find out, you're given the choice of either keeping it up or turning it all around and sealing the devil away for good. Guy doesn't mention that though, does he?

Dragon Age- As was already mentioned, not god, the dude here is the Maker, and he's not gone mad, he just got dissapointed and left. There's the bits about blood magic and all that, but, you don't have to fricken' do them. Player's are given a choice, you don't have to sleep with demons or any of that junk. Guy conveniently leaves that bit out again.

Dante's Inferno- Leaves out the fact that you're fighting the devil, while trying to redeem yourself, and optionally redeeming other souls along the way.

Trapt- Basically Deception over again, with a girl. Again, same deal with the story. Again, leaves out the fact that you can fight the devil instead.

Guitar Hero- Another article by this guy that went into more detail about his choices said it was because you could play as satan in hell. That was it. One character that didn't pop up until the third game, in a stage that didn't really look that different from your average rock show, meant that this game would make you start 'hailing satan'.

Devil Summoner- Again with the Shin Megami Tensei. Same deal with it that he had with Nocturne, and again, he leaves out the same thing about your choices. Swear, this guy would say he hated a movie theater because during some of the movies he watched, people talked loudly, or, because he chose to watch a bad movie instead of a good one. Although you do make deals with demons for their power, so, touche` guy who broadly generalizes games based on their minimal bad parts.

Kouldelka- Seriously guy? Do you hear that somebody is trying to make "a god" and then just say that they mean it's "the god". Same deal here that Shadow Hearts had. Don't even think they really claimed it was even a god in the game, just that it had godly power, or something to the extent, but even still they explain exactly what it is during the game.

Really just seems like the guy either didn't play the games fully, heard about them from a third party, completely missed large chunks of story, or just decided to leave out as much information that he could that proved contrary to the point he was trying to make, and just tried to score some sensational press coverage from the christian community, who, unfortunately, end up taking up pretty much all the backlash from the gaming community because of this guy.

It's sad really. Most of the people who read this article or hear about it from others, will start saying negative things about christians, things that they don't really deserve, all because of this jerk. A lot of those people aren't gamers, who only know to buy their kids whatever they ask for, without often knowing much about the ESRB or anything like that, and all they really have to go on is what this guy says. So they'll listen to him, start believing what he says about games, they'll start disparaging against games, and that will rile gamers up against them, and this guy just gets a crap-ton of free press with little to no consequence.



New member
Feb 18, 2010
meh, already killed Satan back in the 90's. He had John Romero in his forehead.

edit: as an aside, how come he doesn't comment on all the games where we get to kill Hitler? I'm pretty sure that's good enough for some sort of karmic balance.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Therumancer said:
Of course in Dragon Age Origins the whole incest angle is missing.
Actually, and this is only my mate informing from the novels, Maric is meant to have "spent some time" with the witch of the wilds. So Morrigan may have been a child of Maric and Flemeth, then if Alistair impregnants Morrigan there's a whole Arthurian incest thing pretty straight up.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
So does Kratos from God of War gets a pass for wanting to kill God* becuase it isn't the Christan one or something? Not to mention Hades actually loans you some of his power for a time.

*(Zeus: Ruler of all the Gods/Godesses)...
and the enemy of the main character Kratos since God of War II.