Satanic Themed Videogames on the Rise


New member
Jun 11, 2009
Has anyone pointed out to these people that the main objective in these 'Satanic' games is to beat the 'Satanic' force or enemy and restore peace and order?

Maybe they should.


New member
Dec 15, 2009

the only reason satan is portrayed as an enemy of the human race is because the bible says so. in the old testament, god was the one killing everyone.

in my opinion, satan is more of a hero than god. its his role.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
People hate having Christianity thrown in their face, I'd hate to have to hear "YAY SATAN" in any other game besides a South Park game (but South Park slides because Satan is hilarious).


New member
Dec 27, 2009
People have always been afraid of 'new' things, particularly if they don't understand them. As a result, all you need is a very excitable press and voila, instant freakout. It's not much of a trend either. People just get scared and there isn't much of a need to slam them for it IMO.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
-BloodRush- said:

the only reason satan is portrayed as an enemy of the human race is because the bible says so. in the old testament, god was the one killing everyone.

in my opinion, satan is more of a hero than god. its his role.
Read Paradise Lost; it's fun :)


New member
Nov 9, 2009
-BloodRush- said:

the only reason satan is portrayed as an enemy of the human race is because the bible says so. in the old testament, god was the one killing everyone.

in my opinion, satan is more of a hero than god. its his role.
Wow, um what? Read past the book jacket next time, pal. (hint: Wikipedia is also _not_ a good source, either). Satan's pretty much out there to corrupt things, ruin humanity, and wreck everybody's good time because he holds man and God in contempt. Satan didn't like that God lavished so much attention on humans, and set out to become king of the castle. Unfortunately, he forgot (or didn't care) who he was messing with, and that God, being God, is gonna win that fight, and did.

Second, God zapped people in the OT because they were doing bad stuff and acting crazy. Those stories are an object lesson to teach people "live according to God's Law and be nice to each other, otherwise it's Pillars of Salt time". That said, the Bible isn't meant to be taken as hard fact (sorry you silly creationists, you), and certain books that comprise it were written at different times (pre- and during-Roman empire) and for different purposes (setting out Jewish law, chronicling Jesus, etc). Yes, the Bible's an omnibus collection of books, for those of you who didn't know.

With all that in mind, I have yet to play a game where acting like a murderous psycho and being a dick in general _didn't_ turn out badly in the end. Dragon Age, clusterfuck that it is, actually does a good job of pointing out bad outcomes when you do bad things (killing the possessed kid, seducing the elf babe in the camp that the wimp is pining for, etc). A lot of such games, in fact, have the Devil (or some equivalent) as the root of all evil, if not your direct archenemy. In that regard, video games are doing what the Bible did: saying "Be good and act nice or bad shit will happen."

Take more electives in college, people. You find out some pretty interesting shit.

Also, South Park's Satan is pretty hilarious.


New member
May 13, 2009
Zero=Interrupt said:
-BloodRush- said:

the only reason satan is portrayed as an enemy of the human race is because the bible says so. in the old testament, god was the one killing everyone.

in my opinion, satan is more of a hero than god. its his role.
Wow, um what? Read past the book jacket next time, pal. (hint: Wikipedia is also _not_ a good source, either). Satan's pretty much out there to corrupt things, ruin humanity, and wreck everybody's good time because he holds man and God in contempt. Satan didn't like that God lavished so much attention on humans, and set out to become king of the castle. Unfortunately, he forgot (or didn't care) who he was messing with, and that God, being God, is gonna win that fight, and did.

Second, God zapped people in the OT because they were doing bad stuff and acting crazy. Those stories are an object lesson to teach people "live according to God's Law and be nice to each other, otherwise it's Pillars of Salt time". That said, the Bible isn't meant to be taken as hard fact (sorry you silly creationists, you), and certain books that comprise it were written at different times (pre- and during-Roman empire) and for different purposes (setting out Jewish law, chronicling Jesus, etc). Yes, the Bible's an omnibus collection of books, for those of you who didn't know.

With all that in mind, I have yet to play a game where acting like a murderous psycho and being a dick in general _didn't_ turn out badly in the end. Dragon Age, clusterfuck that it is, actually does a good job of pointing out bad outcomes when you do bad things (killing the possessed kid, seducing the elf babe in the camp that the wimp is pining for, etc). A lot of such games, in fact, have the Devil (or some equivalent) as the root of all evil, if not your direct archenemy. In that regard, video games are doing what the Bible did: saying "Be good and act nice or bad shit will happen."

Take more electives in college, people. You find out some pretty interesting shit.

Also, South Park's Satan is pretty hilarious.
Electives=/=Religious studies.
Also causality, God is responsible for creating everything, including Satan. He is omniscient, so he knew when he created Satan that he would be kind of a dick. He did it anyways, therefore....
Not to mention God was killing babies for being Egyptian, and killing Egyptians because he made the Pharaoh stubborn. Your reference to "Pillar of Salt" is when God decided to destroy a woman because she looked back at the cities God was destroying.

Things Satan did:
He told Eve she wouldn't die from eating an apple, after God told her she would. So she ate the apple, and didn't die. Satan was just telling the truth. God was lying.

He made a bet with God, and God agreed to let turrible things happen to Job, his entire family, his servants, and his animals, just to prove a point to Satan. "See, toldja he was faithful." (God did give him all those things back and more, and after all, who isn't okay with losing their entire family so long as they get more wives later?)

Other things Satan did: he tempted Jesus to not die. Jesus was like "no thx, dying is cool because God can't possibly forgive people unless I die. It's what he sent me here for!"

I'd say God is at least as big of a dick as Satan is.

Now the Bible does figuratively set up Satan as everything that is evil and wrong with the world, but the stories don't really make him out to be all that evil. Yes the OT was mostly about obeying the laws, but they were pretty crappy laws tbh, and the punishments were pretty dire. (Deaths of hundreds? For praying to a golden cow? Talk about an overreaction.) It basically set up the source of these harsh, dictatorial laws as being divine, thus associating those old cruel laws forever with the nature of God.

Satan has been, and continues to be a figurative device used to indicate that a person does not follow traditional God-based rules. After all, if you don't follow the straight and moral path laid out by these divine rules, you clearly must be being deceived by evil.
Dragon Age I thought had a very interesting take on religion. There was absolutely no proof for the existence of any God or Gods, apart from legend. Yet there clearly existed great evil. Human religion was set up a hierarchical system made to keep dangerous Mages (intelligent, powerful, potential heretics) in check, and keep other people both hopeful and reliant upon the Church. The religion set up darkspawn (suffering) as the punishment for mankind's hubris (sounds familiar).
What there WAS evidence for was the existence of spirits, both good and evil. But people wanted, maybe needed, more than that. They posited the existence of a Maker, explained suffering as the result of just not following His plan, for which all of mankind must repent. The most central devil-figure is the Archdemon, an Old God (analogous to an angel?) who was corrupted, and now leads the armies of evil.

The guy in the article was doing a pretty terrible job of linking the Satan of religion to videogames. There are some serious religious analogies to be found in Dragon Age. Although blood magic does come from demon-pacts, and tends to lead to bad things, there is far more than just that. Claiming that it's Satanist is a stretch. It is very Christian in source material, but complaining that it includes the "evil" of Christian mythos is just plain silly. You can't make analogies like that and ignore all the OTHER parts it matches. Otherwise you might as well call Christianity itself Satanist. So long as you ignore the God and Jesus bits.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
The only hell related bit of Guitar Hero 3 is at the end the manager is really the Devil and you beat him in a rock off.
And who cares about GH's story it is just a bunch of cartoons after a gig.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
That description of Dragon Age Origins is quite priceless. Way for them to spoil a failry major plot point of the latter stage of the game, though....

As for Guitar Hero, one can only assume they are referring to GH3, where you go to hell to take on the devil to a round of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia". Which is really dangerous stuff, really.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
That is not really satanic, it's more on the line of dark not being not so evil and light is not so good and the real line between both is severely blurred to the point that no one can actually tell the difference.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
The_Oracle said:
Treblaine said:
samsonguy920 said:
Catkid906 said:
Okay. But would the Christian church complain if we made more games involving Pro-Islam messages instead of Pro-Satan?
Depends on the denomination of the church. But your comment has me a little confused. Do you equate Satan with Islam? I would hope not since most of Islam's tenets are parallel with Christianity and Judaism. So much so it just increases the irony that there is friction amongst extremists in the three.
He said INSTEAD of Satanic. Why would you read that and somehow think he meant satan and islam where the same?!?! Why, what was your thought process there? Explain yourself!!
And Islam doesn't even mention Satan nearly as often as Christianity does, most likely because they don't have a fixation with recruiting people through fear, and IIRC he's not even called 'Satan,' and he apparently works for God in unconventional ways by showing people the difference between good and evil. I could be wrong about a few details, though; my knowledge of religion isn't perfect.
Yes thank you for those inane theological facts but YOU HAVE NOT ANSWERED MY QUESTION.

Who cares which religion refers to Satan more or how, that is IRRELEVANT. I want you to explain why you slandered Catkid906 by implying he saw ANY correlation between Satanism and Islam. If you don't want to answer the question, that's just fine, but don't bullshit us with a carefully worded and side stepping response.


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Oct 29, 2009
jobu59749 said:
One simple thing for reply to this: HAIL SATAN!!
Too right.

antidonkey said:
Ever notice how you never see satanist complaining about too many pro-christian games?
Thats because satanists/atheists really don't care. They aren't trying to shove a couple thousand page agenda down peoples throats.

OT: Why do Christians take everything so personally? I'm glad I got out of that bullshit before my brain was scarred any more.


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Oct 29, 2009
Sir John The Net Knight said:
Lance Christian, if we flip his surname and give name about we get the term Christian Lance, which could be a description of the "Spear of Destiny", the biblical weapon used to end Christ's suffering during his crucifixion.

Since this is supposedly an "avid gamer" making these remarks and not some fundamentalist christian wacko watchdog group. I'm lead to believe that this could very well be a joke on the newspaper that printed this story. I can't really back up that suggestion, though.

I'm also the Princess of Canada. But I can't back that up, either.

An "avid" gamer generally does not consider games that came out in and before 2003 to be recent. So I'm guessing he's freaking out about the Dante's Inferno stuff.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
I'm sorry the fiction of others doesn't agree with your fiction.

Wait, no I'm not, you could say those emotions, right there?
They were fiction.

It's fiction!


New member
Oct 29, 2009
tomtom94 said:
Some of these (DA:O) are the usual people-pulling-bullshit-out-of-their-sunbrighted-arses, but I suppose with Dante's Inferno he has rather hit the nail on the head.

I propose a simple solution: If you don't like 'em, don't buy 'em.
C'mon, that'd be too easy. Like changing the channel on the TV when you see something you don't like; same with the radio. I'm sure there will be some detachment of the Christian fundamentalists to go after video game(er)s and all their devil worship and God-hate, even more then before. They'll try to get games with "satanic themes" M/18+/R18+/uncategorized. Even though some countries like the US have Freedom of Religion*. This will be fun to watch unfold though.

* Must be form of Christianity. Void where prohibited. Must be 18 years or older. Must stay the course. If you are different from someone else, war may be declared on you.