Saved game deleted, Rage Insues,


New member
Jul 14, 2010
So I just fired up my PS2 to continue my game of Dragon Quest VIII, while it was loading I got distracted by something. When I got back I must have nudged analog stick up so it highlighted "Delete saved game". I didn't noticed this of course, so I absent mindedly picked my save and with a happy little chime 45 hours of gaming just when down the drain.

A second or two past while what I had just done sank in. Curse words were uttered and now I'm here asking the people of the Escapist.

Has anything like this ever happened to you? Have you lost a game file to data corruption, hardware problems or like me, plain stupidity?


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Yes because of my sister. Never went back to Aveyond after she did this. She did it twice to me by the way though the total hours from both of those still aren't as much as what you lost so you have my sympathy. On the bright side it's at least a good game to play. Could be worse I guess.


Good Coffee, cheaper than prozac
Aug 20, 2010
Worst ever when I had 66% completion on GT4 and my Dad cutout the power while I was saving it, it was on purpose because we had guests etc... this was a while back when the game was new and I'm still pissed off about it.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
My first runthrough of Fallout: New Vegas froze during a loading screen somewhere in the plant vault (too lazy to check up) and subsequently froze everytime, rendering the save useless, since I only use auto save.

Didn't make a new file until 3 weeks later.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Baldur's Gate 2. Twice. Part of why I haven't finished the game yet.
Probably happened in other games as well, but I don't remember any this far.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
80Maxwell08 said:
Yes because of my sister. Never went back to Aveyond after she did this. She did it twice to me by the way though the total hours from both of those still aren't as much as what you lost so you have my sympathy. On the bright side it's at least a good game to play. Could be worse I guess.
True enough, but I was getting near the end of the game and I can't be bothered to go all the way from the start again.

Von Strimmer

New member
Apr 17, 2011
Shockolate said:
My first runthrough of Fallout: New Vegas froze during a loading screen somewhere in the plant vault (too lazy to check up) and subsequently froze everytime, rendering the save useless, since I only use auto save.

Didn't make a new file until 3 weeks later.
Exact same circumstances here. There was much rage to be had which ended up with me building a giant sign in minecraft that said "fuck you new vegas" out of wood. Then I burnt it. All of it.

As soon as I saw this thread I immediately thought New Vegas


Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
Yeah, I was trying to make more room on the Memory card that I share with my bro, and I started deleting the ones I was sure were only mine. Unfortunately I didn't know which ones I was still using or not, and ended up deleting a Final Fantasy save that I'd been working on for a while. xD

I didn't get angry, but I lost the will to play it again for over 2 years, until I finally gave up and tried again from the start. ;-; So much lost time.


New member
Dec 24, 2010
I got the yellow light of death on my PS3 and the HDD wiped itself. Every save gone, and on Oblivion I'd racked up probably more hours than I'd like to admit. I back everything up on a memory stick now.
Feb 9, 2011
A long, long time ago I was working my way through FF9 for the first time. I was on disk three and my friend started his own game and one day he accidentally saved over my file. I never did finish it. Maybe one day I will, but I just don't have the willpower to grind it back out to the end.


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
My PS3 crashed for some arbitrary reason while i was loading my AC: Brotherhood file.

I'd gotten to DNA Sequence 4 which i'd say is kinda far into it so losing all the flags/feathers etc really pissed me off. Today i've got every trophy in the game except the online ones so i guess i'm just kinda crazy.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Von Strimmer said:
Shockolate said:
My first runthrough of Fallout: New Vegas froze during a loading screen somewhere in the plant vault (too lazy to check up) and subsequently froze everytime, rendering the save useless, since I only use auto save.

Didn't make a new file until 3 weeks later.
Exact same circumstances here. There was much rage to be had which ended up with me building a giant sign in minecraft that said "fuck you new vegas" out of wood. Then I burnt it. All of it.

As soon as I saw this thread I immediately thought New Vegas
Yep, me too. I had a feeling New Vegas was gonna get more than one mention.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
First was Phantasy Star Online due to some files corruption so there was nothing I can do about that. I had quite a few rares but I played the game again (I love that game) and got some better ones instead altought it took a while. The second time however was my brother fault.
He was playing Timesplitter Future Perfect and he must of turned the game off during the saving process and then when I got back from school to play it, it wouldn't load the file. Again it took me a while to get all the characters back espically my favourite character to used since it was a hard challange to unlock him.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
My main game on Oblivion, with over 150 hours....dead in an instant all because I wanted to try out a new character and accidentally saved over the old profile.

All I could do was stare in horror at my screen.

I couldn't go near it again out of shame for a full month before I resolved to finally re-make my old character and try to re-create how that game used to be. It's not the same, but at least I got to fix things this time round that I messed up on previously.

I believe the technical term is "Micro-grief" - when you grieve over lost precious data and behave in a way similar but down-played from a moment of real grief.


New member
Nov 19, 2010
My laptop enjoys crashing while I run Minecraft. If it does, it deletes the world I was playing on. I lost hours and hours and hours of pointless mining and tower building to that. After 4-5 losses, I just installed Too Many Items and a bunch of mods.

I also lost an MGS4 save game when I was about halfway in and had to revert to my backup. Which was about 3 hours and 1 boss fight earlier, and I'd forgotten what stuff I'd collected and what I hadn't.

If you count files you've saved over by accident, I lost me (thankfully completed) Infamous Evil playthrough and my almost complete Half Life: Opposing Force playthrough. In fact, I accidentally saved over Opposing Force three times in a row. Methinks Adrian be none to fond of me.


Dec 3, 2010
Lost a GTA: San Andreas save once. Probably due to extreme cheating.
Apart from that I've been lucky. Once had a bit of freak out with the Ghostbusters game though. I could never see any signs of auto-save and there were no save feature, so I Googled it and found out that it did indeed auto-save, but for a few people it hasn't worked and the save disappeared completely.
Panicked a bit since I had played for at least half the game. Decided to quit just in case so I wouldn't have to re-play too much if shit hit the fan... When I started up the game again there was no save. D:

(Restarted the game again and it showed up, thankfully)


New member
Mar 8, 2011
Well I was playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat with a mod that for some reason adds landmines to random places.

So I was walking to my next objective when a landmine explodes, I quick load and evade the landmine, after a while I decided to quick save just in case there were more landmines, when I pressed the quicksave button a landmine exploded and killed me I said to myself "no problem I quicksaved", well the problem was that the game quicksaved when I was dead and the last Save I did was a hour before that, I punched my desk.

Another time I tried to get a really high level in Oblivion before playing the main story, I was able to complete every guild and almost every single quest and when I was doing a quest that involved killing Umbra I was able to kill her take her sword and when I was about to get my reward the game crashed, I loaded the last save but every time I did that the game crashed and since I was an idiot I forgot to make more than one save.

I think I almost broke my TV with my controller but instead I just punched a wall...


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Volan said:
My main game on Oblivion, with over 150 hours....dead in an instant all because I wanted to try out a new character and accidentally saved over the old profile.

All I could do was stare in horror at my screen.

I couldn't go near it again out of shame for a full month before I resolved to finally re-make my old character and try to re-create how that game used to be. It's not the same, but at least I got to fix things this time round that I messed up on previously.

I believe the technical term is "Micro-grief" - when you grieve over lost precious data and behave in a way similar but down-played from a moment of real grief.
This, exactly this. Same hours, same grieving period, same try to make it how it was.