Saved game deleted, Rage Insues,


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Did this with a PSOne. I bought a large X-in-one memory card, thinking it was a deal. I had a few games with different saves on it. I probably had about 5 or 6 different games and about 20 different saves.

Well, I had been playing Final Fantasy 7 and gotten to the end. I created the save point right outside of Sephiroth's location, and continued on to beat him and complete the game. Afterward, I turned off the console and did something else for a little while. But I couldn't get the song One Winged Angel out of my head, so I decided to load up that save and do it again.

No data existed. At all. On the entire memory card. All of my games and saves had been deleted. I learned that the memory card was not an official Sony product and couldn't be guaranteed. I threw away my card and bought an official Sony card. And from that day on, I always buy official products of the company. Be it memory cards, controllers or otherwise.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Blade Kitten had a problem where it wouldn't autosave unless you ran it as an administrator.

I didn't know about this until quitting after reaching the last level.

On the other hand, I've played it through since then several times, so can't really complain.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Zelda: Twilight Princess. Just finished the Sky Temple. My little brother, 5 at the time, walks into my room while I'm out, and fucks around on my Wii, deleting both my main save, and my two backups.


To this day, I haven't played that game again.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Cheshire the Cat said:
HDD died. Lost all save games... ;.;
Am currently looking for a Borderlands Roland savefile at the end of Playthrough 1 so I can start playthrough 2 immediately but all the save game editors do not mention anything about that so would probably have to start p1.
Most annoying.

If anyone happened to have one they do not mind donating. >.>
All of my saves are level 69 buffed to fuck characters. Sorry.

Saltyk said:
And from that day on, I always buy official products of the company. Be it memory cards, controllers or otherwise.
Yep, third party gear is generally complete ass.

OT: A couple of time. The most prominent one was when I was playing a dungeon in Dark Chronicle for my dad and went to save once I was done. Since I was so used to saving over my game I did that accidentally. Was rather annoyed.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
24 hours of Deus Ex gone.
Something about a corrupt save file,still have no idea how it happened.

I guess I'll get to playing it again after Human Revolution,since that one is a prequel.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Look at the bright side. You get to play an extra 45 hours of a cool game yeah!!


I still would have thrown the PS2 in the microwave for this.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
F.E.A.R. and System Shock 2 both got corrupted and had to be reinstalled with all saves deleted. FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU...

PS2: My completed Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter and Zone of the Enders 2 games gone after one absent-minded wash cycle. For Playstation, Breath of Fire 3, Both Parasite Eves and Both Megaman Legends saves.

Yep, i've had my run-ins.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Sold my 360 to a friend (had just upgraded to an elite), after telling him that I still had half my saves on the HD and would be getting them off with a flash drive in 2 days. But he still absent mindedly wiped the whole thing. Wasn't major losses, but stuff like my GTA4 saves and stuff that was a lot of time.


New member
Jan 1, 2010
I have played a few games where I have lost my save, it's utterly horrible. Depending on how long I've played it for I might just lose the will for playing it. For example, I was close to the end of Metro 2033 and I lost the save game. This meant that I didn't pick the game up again till months later.

Captain Hat

New member
Aug 1, 2011
Not me, but my friend was playing Tales of Vesperia and had me fight a boss she was stuck on for weeks. I beat through the boss and gave her the controller and after all the cut scenes she ran off to the nearest save point. From there, the game saved. And kept saving....and continued to save... and froze. Since it was in the middle of the save, we hesitantly shut off the xbox and re-booted only to find her data had been corrupted. Yeah, about 50 hours of her time wasted.

Le sigh.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
A while back when I first got my PS3 I had been messing around with the settings and whatnot and somehow managed to delete all my saves. I wasn't too far in any of the games yet so it wasn't that big a deal but it was still annoying as hell.

Catchy Slogan

New member
Jun 17, 2009
Volan said:
My main game on Oblivion, with over 150 hours....dead in an instant all because I wanted to try out a new character and accidentally saved over the old profile.

All I could do was stare in horror at my screen.

I couldn't go near it again out of shame for a full month before I resolved to finally re-make my old character and try to re-create how that game used to be. It's not the same, but at least I got to fix things this time round that I messed up on previously.

I believe the technical term is "Micro-grief" - when you grieve over lost precious data and behave in a way similar but down-played from a moment of real grief.
This is why I liked Mass Effects system, where they keep save files seperate for different characters.

Corporal Yakob

New member
Nov 28, 2009
I had this obscure cyberpunk game for the PS1 called Overblood 2, a strange game where only important character's had faces and you jumped like a man made of helium balloons, anyway there must have been something wrong with my memory card or the disc because every single time I turned off the console it deleted my saved games. I had to restart the game every time I wanted to play it and just see if I could get further then yesterday's progress-a losing battle.


New member
Apr 23, 2011
I once saved my LOTR: Fellowship (PS2) when a Nazgul was right behind me. Every time I loaded my save, I immediately lost the game, and there was no way of continuing the game - I had to reload it every time. I tried everything- throwing rocks as soon I loaded, running in all directions possible, etc. Nothing worked and I had to restart. :(

Arina Love

Apr 8, 2010
my xbox died and took every save file with it. and once i did exactly how you did only with Phantasy Star Universe Ambition of the Illuminus (PC) 60+++ hours gone like poof i raged so hard i threw my pink xbox controller broking it and wasn't able to find replacement because they don't sell them any more, rage is bad T_____T


New member
Apr 19, 2010
My PC is... problematic. It always needs 2 tries to boot up (what happens the first time varies. Somtimes a BSOD, or hanging, or booting windows but crashing every game I try to play), and every few months it cuts out completely and I have to reinstall windows. My games are on the D: disc, so the game files are not deleted, but they no longer count as installed, and some games won't let me copy the save-folder into the new install. Most annoying instance: Mount&Blade Warband (I took care to copy the save file, but he doesn't recognize it post-install). Had my own kingdom with 4 cities, high level and probably a few dozen hours clocked. I haven't bothered starting a new game.

Oh, and a long time ago, when playing Black & White I had just completed the tedious mission where your pet is captured, the new mission begun, my headquarters was being built... and I dropped a rock on it. I didn't have enough resources to build it again, and didn't have enough god power to pick the trees. The game autosaved this situation, so quiting the game and starting again just put me in that state. I had older save games, but because a menu screen killed Peter Molyneux's father or something (see also Fable III), the only way into the load-game screen as opposed to starting the last saved game had to be done by entering the headquarters I didn't have. That did it for me for that game,


New member
Jul 21, 2009
I tend to do stupid things with not saving or overusing the quicksave slot.

Like a common one in fallout would be to walk from map corner to map corner, killing randoms gathering loot exploring then die to something stupid (usually a mine) and realise its not even autosaved the whole time. gack.

Or with deus ex last night, loaded an earlier save to test something then hit quicksave. Sadly the latest save I intended to revert to was in that slot. Ooops.

I've also lost ALL my save games once, but none of them were "valuable".