Say hello to the new Iron Woman


New member
Jul 17, 2012
So I don't exactly have a vast amount of knowledge regarding the Marvel comic universe, but why is Tony being replaced? Did he die (for real) or something?


New member
Apr 29, 2012
Vykrel said:
Overhead said:
Name one successful original male Marvel superhero that was created in the last 10 years. No-one.

Name one successful original male Marvel superhero that was created in the last 20 years. No-one.
im clearly not even being listened to, so i have no reason to continue this discussion. i love how i can start a discussion online that somehow causes people to think i am talking about something else entirely.
You are objectively wrong about many of your claims, and in response you respond to a fraction of the criticism without offering any kind of rebuttal except vague insinuation. Not good enough.


New member
Apr 29, 2012
So I don't exactly have a vast amount of knowledge regarding the Marvel comic universe, but why is Tony being replaced? Did he die (for real) or something?
Nah, he's fine. Superheroes sometimes get replaced with a new legacy character. Sometimes this is permanent or semi-permanent (The changes in Robin or Flash), sometimes it lasts for a few months and then the normal dude is back (most replacements). Mostly it's a way to introduce a new character and have people care. People who wouldn't bother to pick up Random Mecha Woman #12 Comics will pick up exactly the same comic with exactly the same writer and story if it's connected to a property they have come to love like Iron Man.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
WolfThomas said:
He quite rightly pointed out that Wasps were both genders.
while i did not know this happened, it is definitely worth noting that Hank Pym was originally Ant-Man, meaning he had his own character before he took up another one. it wasnt like he was some nobody. he wasnt the original Wasps assistant; he was her husband and already superhero in his own right.

im talking about if characters like Black Widow or Wonder Woman were to either be replaced by a man out of the blue, or be joined by a male version, which would be the reverse of what often happens with male characters. like i said, ive never heard of a Black Widowmaker or Wonder Man, but i have heard of Batgirl, Supergirl, female Thor, Iron Woman, etc.

thats the problem i have with the whole thing. women have always deserved their own unique heroes, but they are so often just written into existing male roles. it shouldnt be so hard to introduce female superheroes in these storylines and allow them to have their own identity.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
So I don't exactly have a vast amount of knowledge regarding the Marvel comic universe, but why is Tony being replaced? Did he die (for real) or something?
Hasn't been revealed yet.


New member
Apr 29, 2012
Vykrel said:
while i did not know this happened, it is definitely worth noting that Hank Pym was originally Ant-Man, meaning he had his own character before he took up another one. it wasnt like he was some nobody. he wasnt the original Wasps assistant; he was her husband and already superhero in his own right.

im talking about if characters like Black Widow or Wonder Woman were to either be replaced by a man out of the blue, or be joined by a male version, which would be the reverse of what often happens with male characters. like i said, ive never heard of a Black Widowmaker or Wonder Man, but i have heard of Batgirl, Supergirl, female Thor, Iron Woman, etc.

thats the problem i have with the whole thing. women have always deserved their own unique heroes, but they are so often just written into existing male roles. it shouldnt be so hard to introduce female superheroes in these storylines and allow them to have their own identity.
You already gave examples earlier, got called out on how female or gay versions had been introduced of the very examples you were giving and are now making the same point while using different examples. Now of your amazing list of a whole two examples, Black Widow and Wonder Woman, only half of them are eligible. In Wonder Woman's comic her long-lost brother Jason is about to be introduced.

Besides, these are characters that are pretty much defined by being female in a way random male superheroes aren't. Wonder Woman is THE female hero. In the old days of the JSA she was the only female superhero on the team. When the JLA formed, she was the only female superhero too. Beyond that, she's a princess from an ancient and secret Amazonian society that consists entirely of women.

Similarly Black Widow was trained in a Soviet facility called the Red Room which exclusively trains female operatives. The entire reason she's called Black Widow is to play up the fact she's a deadly woman, as a black widow is a phrase used to describe femme fatales.

Their characters are connected to being female in a way that other character's aren't. There's nothing to say that the next person who gets a GL ring or inherits Speed Force powers or has their parents killed and decides to dress as a flying mammal needs to be a white male. There is good reason that someone connected to an all-female island of Amazons or an all-female spy training school would not male (and still that doesn't always stop them).

A bigger concern is you don't seem to realise why women are introduced as legacy characters, why that's important or why it's a good thing despite it being explicitly explained to you already and you having utterly no form of comeback to it.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
altnameJag said:
So I don't exactly have a vast amount of knowledge regarding the Marvel comic universe, but why is Tony being replaced? Did he die (for real) or something?
Hasn't been revealed yet.
Well Bendis did say in an interview that Tony is stepping down from the position as Iron Man. Citing personal issues (I'm assuming romance ones), his company beginning to fail financially, and other factors. The impression I got from his mention of it, was that it's basically a case of major fatigue, mentally and physically. Probably also fallout from Civil War 2 and the results? He might end up being sick of the whole thing, and just decides to toss up his fingers and peace out, sort of like Spiderman in the Spiderman 2 movie.