Say something nice about a game you hate


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Whether it's a fun mechanic, a great story, or just a pretty good soundtrack, it's time to say something nice about a game you hate.

Tekken 7 is not a great game. Sure, it's got mechanical depth for serious players, but for everyone else, it's actively hostile towards new and casual players, due to basically not explaining anything at all except in random tooltips, and in the story mode encouraging button shortcuts that don't work in any other mode. The story itself is boring, the characters aren't interesting either in their motivations or in their visual designs, and being able to customize them just confuses the game's visual communication even more, making it even harder for new and experienced players to tell what's going on. But the music's hype as hell, and I don't even have to boot up the game to listen to it.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
When you're not climbing another gods forsaken lighthouse or viewing platform, the Assassins' Creed games (before they went Ancient Egypt/Greece) had amazing combat flow, animations and responsiveness.

Fortnite and Battle Royale games in general do a good job serving as a magnet to players I would otherwise not want in the online games I play.

World of Warcraft has one of the best MMO netcodes I have ever experienced, great music as well.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
There's very few games that I truly hate, but if we shift "hate" to "significant/intense dislike," then I guess I can nominate:

-Command and Conquer: Tiberian Twilight (a game sabotaged by a rushed development cycle that actually has some neat ideas in it, both gameplay and storywise)

-Half-Life 2: Episode 1 (made Episode 2 all the better by comparison)

-Halo 3: ODST (the nightscape is pretty)

-Halo 4 (while it does absolutely everything else wrong, the relationship between John and Cortana is done absolutely right)

-Metal Gear (while this game has aged terribly, it went on to spawn an incredible franchise)

-Metroid Prime (...the visor's kind of nice?)

-Metroid Prime: Hunters (um...Sylux became a thing?)

-Path of Exile (the lore seems kind of neat, least going by the wiki)

-Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps (um...the idea itself isn't bad?)

-Resident Evil Gaiden (...sorry, got nothing)

-Section 8 (in the "so bad it's good" camp, because if nothing else, 26th century American imperialism being played without any self-awareness is kind of gratifying)

-Sonic Labyrinth (proof that making Sonic go slow is a terrible idea)

-Shadow the Hedgehog (proof that bringing back Shadow was a terrible idea)

-Sonic the Hedgehog: The Dark Brotherhood (Shade's a neat character, and the battle mechanics aren't too bad)

-Soul Calibur IV (...the graphics aren't too bad?)

-StarCraft: Stellar Forces (nup, nothing)

-Star Fox Command (the idea isn't too bad I guess?)


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
The Rogue Wolf said:
Silentpony said:
Dark Souls sure does have bosses in it.
Nice visuals, too. Lots of tall, far-away buildings. And quite often you can go to them! (If you can make it through the murder-marathon gauntlet.)
I guess when it first released sure. I was like 5 years late to the DS party and by then the hype build up plus the aging really made me sour to the game.
Sep 24, 2008
Xcom 2 brings Salt like I've never seen. And it gives me life.

It's made me stop liking turn based game play, so I've become more dexterous in my movements.

But seriously, a game that has impossibility as a Game Mechanic can go to hell.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
DMC2 - Lucia has the best story as far as secondary playable characters go.

DmC - I actually like this now as long it's the definitive edition, but the story and most the characters still suck. I like Kat, Phineas, and Bob Barbas. Gods Must Die mode and Must Style mode were the best difficulty modifiers in an action games, and I am upset they weren't featured in DMC5.

Onechanbara Bikini Zombie Slayers - I used to hate this too, but it is actually a decent game. That said I would have not played this at $30 launch. My favorite is Saki, because she can suplex zombies. The sequels on 360/ps3/ps4 are a huge improvement over these games. I am looking forward to the remake of the first two games, Origins.

MK11 - They got the actor who played Shan Tsung in the MK (1995) film!

Final Fight 2 - Capcom gave us Maki.

GTA San Andreas - The nods to hood films from the 90s.

Overwatch - Indifference. The fan art and comic dubs on YouTube. I find them better than the actual game.

COD (after 4 & WatW) - I have the option to not play these boring shooters.

Advanced Guardian Heroes - You get to fight the previous protagonists from the last game.

Dynasty Warriors 9 - Juggling enemies looks fun.

Lollipop Chainsaw - I don't like it as much as I did in 2012, but Tara Strong always puts a smile on my face.

Nier Automata - The game play was meh and functional for a Platinum title, but I loved the story, characters, and soundtrack. THE OST IS GODLIKE!

F.E.A.R 3 - Alma finally dies. Too bad it ended the series on a wet fart and turend the series in to a COD/Gears clone.

Muramasa The Demon Blade - Beautiful artwork as always Vanillaware.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Borderlands definitely had a mechanical vision that they prioritized.

GTA 5 finally did add content to their sandbox after 3 or 4 years (albeit only in online).


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
The Last of Us: Sarah's death right at the beginning is genuinely touching. I liked how in about 10 minutes they made me care more about her death than they did for the Joel/Ellie relationship which they spent the whole game building. The giraffe scene towards the end is nice. The soundtrack is also nice.

The rest of the game can fuck off.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
CoD, as repetitive and shallow and quite frankly shit it has become, will always be fun to pick up for maybe an hour or two in splitscreen with my siblings. The controls are easy and smooth, so its one of the few games I can play with my sisters, who essentially never express interest in video games.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
I'll copy paste what I said the last time we did this thread:

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

Much as I hated it, I must admit that the final level (Skyhook Battle) had a better location (Space) for X-wing combat than ANYWHERE you could go in the first Rogue Squadron
I mean, I could be a real Edgelord here and use the thread to take a dump on a game by just saying there was nothing redeeming about it, but seriously- nobody wants to see that.

I'll add a few others-
Mercenaries 2: At least the soundtrack was good. Outstanding, in fact.
Counter Strike: Its one of the few games that hold back those awful ironsights from completely taking over.
Battlefield 1: Same as Mercs 2.
GTA IV: Had a fairly robust replay feature. I can respect it for that if nothing else.
Bad Company 2: OK give me a minute here... The WW2 opening level, while utter garbage, did let us believe BF 1943 would come to PC? No, that's just praising another game. This one's hard, because everything it did Bad Company 1 did better. Except FOV I guess? I suppose the singleplayer campaign in general, while utter garbage, is better than the ones from BF 3, 4, and Hardline? No, there's gotta be something....

Ahh fuck it. Bad Company 2 had a good FOV. It's FOV was perfectly adequate. A big step up from the Battlefield that came before it.
Jan 27, 2011
Sonic Chronicles the Dark Brotherhood had some really fun dialogue...In the first half of the game. That's the only positive thing I can say about the game.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Fire Emblem Shadow dragon had pretty excellent map narration. Its just a shame almost all actual characters were mute.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
I despise all games. Buuuut...they make me feel slightly less crap about everything when playing them, a socially acceptable drug, they have an effect I spose. Then again, have said the same about friends. And food. And holidays. It probably doesn't mean anything. Nothing means anything. To be more specific; at least perfect dark zero had an alright soundtrack and a jetpack kind of. At least final fantasy games inspire some interesting, fabulous cosplay. I do really believe there's a repressed fashion designer barely held beneath whoever's behind those light-shows. At least borderlands has...umm, uh oh, just a sec, there's got to be something...OOH GOT ONE! At least they encourage teamwork? For the...workplace? And provide some positive representation for numbers? Numbers get easily demonized, but if you paint them funky colours and shoot them endlessly from ugly weapons toward ugly models, they look comparatively inviting to the lay-player. There is comfort in the warm embrace of emotionless, yet vibrant integers placing their calm, caring hand on your shoulder to reassure you that, yes, those gun bullets are doing some big, way bigger than last time. You don't get that assurance in real life; you shoot someone in meatspace, there's no telling what numbers be happening there! There isn't a number for spinal cord injury-induced paraplegia. Well, there's always the health insurance bill. But those aren't fun times. Nor are they colourful.

Those aren't good examples. They aren't hated. Hate takes too much effort. They're not that bad either. And am already bored of hating all the other suspects. Just wanted to chat bollocks for a bit really.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Demise (the real Demise, not the Imprisoned) looks awesome in LoZ: Skyward Sword. Ghirahim is kind of amusing in his cutscenes.