Say something NICE about ME3 (Spoilers ahead)


New member
Jan 10, 2012
Pretty much everything mentioned above: Mass Effect 3 was outstanding (you know, up until the last 15 minutes). It had ascended memes (I'm X and this is my favorite... [] etc.), even more jokes and references (memorably the Red October one and Liara's mention of the Lowas Relay), the payoff for events from the previous games (looking at you, Conrad), and great emotional moments. The game as a whole is brilliantly executed; I just see the ending as an opportunity to load my Shepard up and play it again. Oh, and the multiplayer is fun.

Rest in peace, Marauder Shields.


New member
Jan 21, 2010
Seeing old faces in ME3. Although some complain about no new characters, I like seeing people again... Makes it feel like they aren't throwing people away at the drop of a hat.

Doing that side quest where I gave the recording from Charr to his wife. I didn't realise it until I heard "Oh blue rose".
I was all like: "Oh no... Shit..."
Charr is the second best badass krogan I know.

Hearing Garrus and Joker tell each other jokes.

Seeing David...
"I've been counting."
"Anything in particular?"
"The number of days you lengthen my life."
That... okay, that nearly made me mancry.

Thane and Mordin's death made me mancry.

Watching Javik trying to drive a car. (when Cerberus attacks the Citidal, have Javik in your party.) I don't know... just something about forcing him to drive. Cracks me up.


New member
May 9, 2011
I will say something nice about ME3, I'm glad I did not buy ME3 or even rent it in that matter. other words glad I did not play it.

Ross Fixxed

New member
Sep 10, 2010
"The brightest orange spot is where my home was"

Tali suicide / killing legion both were horrible and heart breaking (that's a great compliment btw).

Bromancing with Garrus was awesome. This man date just got bromantic, guy five!

More than anything was the sense of sadness and hopelessness combined with moments of feeling like I was going to absolutely murder the reapers and back to despair again.

The fall of Thesia was just tragic and a real shock in how it happened. Damn you Kai Ling. I hate you. I HATE YOU!

It evoked a lot of emotions throughout and not many games do that.

Capcha: out of sorts... I am you know!

Marcus Kehoe

New member
Mar 18, 2011
rhizhim said:
i...i just can't right now.

they made kelly chambers a psychological wreckage.

and then gave me the option to either encourage her to stay on the citadel or change her name and leave. and i thought staying was the right choice (paragon).
i was wrong and she is dead now.

- the geth level where you learn about the conflict with the quarians.

- tali getting drunk.

- little horrifying details:
for example when you are on sanctuary, the room before you meet miranda you can press on a console a button and a husk strapped on a bed comes forward. and the husk start to talk with a female voice! asking where she is and what happened to her.

- seeing old characters like Conrad Verner again and making him somewhat usefull.
he might be dumb as a brick but he has a heart of gold.

- jarvik being mostly a dick.
i wish we could convince him to not take his life when the war is over.
clone yourself a girl or whatever you like, man.
but it still bothers me that the highly advanced protheans:
a) had the time to repair the capsules on illios but didn't do it. and they were mostly scientists and engineers.
instead they just worked on the crucible without some kind of preservation instinkt or thought.
b) they chose on mars that a soldier was more worth than a scientist. WTF?
There was hundreds' of pods left but it was the power that was the issue. The enery ran out and it was impossible to keep the pod's supported.


New member
Apr 14, 2011
I loved the final scene with Shepard and the Catalyst, and Shepard just seems so downtrodden and weary. For a character who always seemed lacking when compared to the depth of his crewmates, this scene really elevated him. Brilliant.

Oh and Mordin, that character was so well crafted I was blown away. And his death, literally upset me. Big girly tears.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
Mordin - "I made a mistake". That single line has being going round my head ever since I heard it. The whole section with Mordin is worth the price of the game alone, I had to switch the game off and rest after the Tuchanka missions as I was so emotionally drained. The paragon option is one thing but the renegade option is chilling. Mordin could well be my favourite character not just in ME but across all forms of media.

Beyond that siding with the Geth over the Quarians when Tali is your LI is heartbreaking. The Geth/Quarian decision was the hardest decision I've had to make in any game (since my Tali was exiled in ME2 so saving both was not possible). Both Legion and Tali dying within seconds of each other was painful to experience.

Ending aside ME3 really did offer some difficult decisions, I loved how much it made me really think about what to do.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
The character interactions in general were the best the series had to offer, there are so many little moments in the game that are complete payoff to things you did in previous titles that it makes immersion so great.

The combat being pushed forward and not being a "GUN IS BEST SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING", was really good too, now you really have to think how to build your character around the way you play, otherwise you will get your shit wrecked.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Gordon_4 said:
My Fem!Shep romanced Liara, the pay off to staying true to her was amazing.

Garrus and Tali hooking up was a nice touch, but ultimately I best connected with Tali on Rannoch when she sat on the ground and breathed the air of her homeworld for the first time.

"There is no Shepard without Vakkarian" that combined with the ultimate bro moment (even as a Fem!Shep) with the rifle and the bottles, cemented without a doubt who Commander Shepard's best friend was, and his name was Garrus.

"Shepard, you've been a sister to me" Oh Wrex, you big softie :D

"Someone else would have gotten it wrong......" I miss you Mordin :(

"Does this unit have a soul?" Yes you do Legion, yes you do.

Grissom Academy was also a welcome moment, saving David and Jack, who has gone from damaged phsychotic to a teacher: there is no greater victory for her over Cerberus than to move past what they did to her, and make sure it never happens again.

The game is filled to the brim with awesome, heartwarming and tearjerking scenes. I never wanted the ending to be farting rainbow bunnies, and as I hobbled towards the transit beam I thought "This is it, like many before you, it is time to lay down your life so that others may live". The ending wasn't just bad, it was hollow and frankly unworthy of a game that until that final twenty minutes, had been as close to perfect for me as any before or since.

CAPTCHA: the bee's really was.
All this and more of the small little details. (Getting Liara to talk to her "father," delivering the message of the dead Krogan, Charr, to the asari on the Citadel, etc.) You managed to get all my favorite parts though :)

Legion's line has been the most haunting out of all of them. Especially hearing it in Shepard's nightmare (which were also well done. I get chills thinking of them). I'll miss you Legion, you died to give the geth sentience. I'll miss you Mordin, you sacrificed yourself to cure the genophage and went out singing. I'll miss you Thane, you helped saved the council and you went out praying to Kalahira to forgive me...

When [Fem]Shep shot Kai Leng and said "This is for Thane, you son of a *****!" I was clapping. One of my favorite moments as well.


New member
May 6, 2011
I?m another saying that the vast majority of the game was fantastic. Despite its weaknesses (smaller roster, poor side-quests etc) it wasn?t just set to be the best in the trilogy it was eyeing a spot in my personal top 10. Then I got ?green? and sat through the credits thinking... huh?

I?ll talk about some moments that I feel have been overlooked amongst all the excellence.

*Spoilers include the fate of Tali, Kai Leng, the Illusive Man, and Miranda.*

I?d been romancing Tali since ME2, but when Legion?s mission was nearlycomplete after I defeated the Reaper, I lacked the paragon points to talk to the Migrant Fleet directly and consequently the Quarians refused to back down from their assault on the Geth. By my own morale reasoning I favoured the Geth. They?d been betrayed and unfairly hunted by their creators and I had to make the right choice despite the consequences.

Tali?s suicide as the Quarians reaped what they had sown will go down as a powerful moment in my decades of gaming. But it was marred somewhat by Shepard not really showing that he cared too much. All I really needed was a moment in his room and him looking sad before he reluctantly moved on.

I really loved the final fight versus Kai Leng. Originally pegged for a slot as one of the most frustrating moments in gaming, the bugginess of the AI actually compensated for the insta-kill cheapness and created a bizarre contradiction and a fight that was genuinely very intense. Taking place in a very special, almost unreal place, we fought a dragon archetype who?s more interesting than he?s given credit for.

Outside his orders to kill the commander he has his own reasons. Besides failing twice, he?s subtly jealous of Shepard for being the former favourite pet of the illusive man and wants his rival destroyed. I?m sure I?ve seen the space-age samurai before but it?s still a beautiful aesthetic as well as threatening: the ancient brutality of an infamous and elite discipline combined with futuristic tech is formidable. Also, the music during this fight was fantastic.

That bit just before the elevator of rubbish beams you up was great. You?re dazed and exhausted and the Illusive Man seems totally unfazed despite his mutation. You finally meet him face-to-face in a slow and grinding cut-scene. It was ugly and uncomfortable; a great, almost surreal, moment. And then before the elevator of rubbish; ?You did good son. I?m proud of you.? Magnificent!

Miranda was my favourite reprisal. The others, although good, felt like cameos but Miranda had this secret mission and kept checking in from time to time. Her payoff was the best and I'm glad I saw her through.


New member
Oct 30, 2010
I can't decide if the scene if you DON'T tell Mordin about the sabotage is just manipulative, or the most heartbreaking thing ever.

A couple of the overheard conversations on the Citadel (PTSD Asari, sold my car) were really great.

The fake-out with Grunt.

Jack doing something positive.

Mylinkay Asdara

Waiting watcher
Nov 28, 2010
I loved so many things about the game SO many moments I could not recount them. Every single one of my team members past and present - even the meat-headed new guy, sure. Every goodbye - so moving, so appropriate. Thane saying a prayer for me before he died. Kaiden kissing my wrist at dinner. Tali panic about the fleet and Shep stepping up to support a ceasefire with Keelah se'lai. A thousand more moments.

I'd be playing it RIGHT NOW - it's my Spring Break, this is what I wanted to devote it to - but... I'm still getting over that last 10 minutes and that's going to take me awhile before I can go back and live through all that emotional rollercoaster again knowing now that it comes to a grinding halt at a drop off in the finale.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
I loved that the squad members were much more alive this game, they moved about the ship and interacted with people instead of the prison ship i was apparently running in ME2. Other than it was a little light on combat, it really was one of the best games I've played in a long time.

The moment bioware pulls out the trollface.jpg and says they are already working on ME4 and Shepard's story continues and the ending from ME3 has a major role (aside from making your Shepard super awesome looking if you picked green) and each of the endings from 3 splits 4 into a completely different game, each with 50 hours of unique story or something, not only will people swarm ME3, but people should beg bioware's forgiveness.

I loved ME3, even if I didn't like how it ended.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
AbstractStream said:
Getting Liara to talk to her "father"...
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

When the hell did that happen?


Also, did it turn out to be Matriarch Aitheta? (Or however you spell it.)


New member
Dec 24, 2007
Conversations were better, more lively.

Same goes for the people-like automatons that one has conversations with. They were even more like people than earlier.

There were singular conversational tidbits which would have driven me off my chair hysterical fits, had it not been a such a deep chair.

Gameplay was better in every conceivable way.

I liked the probing minigame significantly more this time around, but I may have an undue fascination with lore-tidbits.

The camerawork, for lack of a better word, for Shepard's speech near the end was fantastic, and made the multiple-choice speech flow very well.

I even liked that the ending shook up the universe(exploding relays).


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Zhukov said:
AbstractStream said:
Getting Liara to talk to her "father"...
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

When the hell did that happen?


Also, did it turn out to be Matriarch Aitheta? (Or however you spell it.)
Matriarch Aethyta did turn out to be Liara's father. She was working as a bartender on the Citadel in 3. I just went up to talk to her, had a conversation, she admitted it, and then I went to talk to Liara about it who apparently already knew.

I think you had to see the video of her looking at a picture of Liara in ME2. Just a guess.

Edit: Found a video for you if you want to see it.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
My favourite things would have to be:

Drunk Tali, shooting bottles with Garrus and missing on purpose, Legion's final question, Thane's prayer, Wrex, Grunt, Mordin.....just Mordin. Really all my favourite things about ME3 revolve around the dialogue. It seems so much more natural this time around and it really made the squad feel like your friends. I had a big grin on my face that whole time with Garrus in the Citadel.

One thing that pissed me off? Kaiden. Seriously, if I'd known he was gonna be such a depressing whiny ***** I would've left him on Virmire all those years ago. You heard me folks, Kaiden is such a downer that I would've let the space racist live.

CAPTCHA: "first world"
....If the Escapist itself actually comes around to saying "first world problems" to me I may have to hit someone.