Scariest Moment In A Game


New member
Jan 1, 2008
The zombie level in half life 2. Mostly, the fast zombies. You hear a random scream, the suddenly-


Then you turn around and something jumps out at you.



New member
Oct 31, 2007
Fort Frolic in BioShock was creepy as all get-out, especially the creepy "statues" and Cohen's audiotapes. FEAR had some good n' scary bits in there too, like bodies getting thrown through windows, and the bleedin' hallways.

I remember an ooooold game called Abuse, sort of a side-scrolling shooter. The sound effects were great, so playing that at night when you're 12 years old was pretty darn scary.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
Scariest moment in my gaming history is probably that lovely bit in Resident Evil 4 where you have to walk through an abandoned kitchen that hasn't been cleaned in months. Theres one part where you're walking towards a window and someone walks past on the other side of the filthy glass, thats not so bad but the second bit is slightly worse. You walk into a darkened room and the oven in front of you explodes with flames and releases a unique enemy that stumbles towards whilst slowly burning to death. A pleasing little label on the door of the oven says; "Do not open, we left Bernie in her"


New member
Jan 7, 2008
werepossum said:
Seyon said:
I said this in another threat but... When I was playing F.E.A.R. alone at home by myself with the lights off on a big screen T.V., my friend cut the power and sent in his little sister in a red dress, she looked just like the girl in F.E.A.R., I pissed myself till I cried, cost me $50 to get the photo back.
I don't want to encourage blackmail, but I think that's the funniest thing I've ever read in a forum. Of course, it wouldn't have been so funny if you'd struck his little sister over the head with a chair, an equally possible reaction to being badly frightened.
She was scared too when I started screaming and pissing myself, poor little girl >.>


New member
Jan 12, 2008
I was playing through Resident Evil 4 the second time at my friends house. I was at the cemetery right before the tram event (I think... don't remember it too well any more) and he asked me if the game was scary. "Not really," I said. I start clearing the villagers in the cemetery while talking. "It can kind of creep you out every once in a while but it didn't really freak me out very much." I snipe the last villager and start to head up to the tram at the top of the hill. Just to make sure, I press down-B (do a quick 180 degree turn) to check behind me. The crazed villager behind me starts shrieking and stabs my face with a pitchfork. I jumped 3 feet in the air and we both start yelling swear words. I looked pretty stupid after that...

Also in Bioshock I remember having a hook splicer running after me while I was at Fort Frolic. I just started running away from him (stupidly) and he kept chasing me. I got that panicky feeling you get when you're running away from something and you're not sure exactly where it is. When I got to the frozen room I turned around and he was breathing heavily while running through the hallway after me. That whole sequence freaked me out quick a bit and it took a good 10 seconds of bludgeoning his corpse with the wrench before I calmed down completely.


New member
Oct 10, 2007
IronRanger said:
Call of Duty 4, when your life, as Sergeant Paul Jackson, comes to an abrupt halt at the wrath of direct exposure to a nuclear explosion. It's particularly eerie when as you're staggering husk of a body falls from the back of the Chinook helicopter the last thing you see before your heart stops beating is a children's playground and a building being vaporised in the background. It's also curious to note the amount of pain such an individual would feel before dying which also adds to the shear horror of the sequence. It could probably be summed as the same feeling one would acquire from being put in a microwave and forgotten...
Good Job dickface, you just gave away a major point in CoD4 -_-*


New member
Jan 11, 2008
PurpleRain said:
I just recently bought Condenmed: Criminal Origins and began strolling through it with some easy and bordom. Towards some of the middle and later levels the horror and fun had bosted tenfold! Killing nasties with random objects, snaping necks and carving your way to the well scripted storyline. While at the start this seemed a bit of a job but now it was just getting fun. The game itself has made a great little game engine for the AI where they hid and stalk you providing some big shocks for when out of nowhere someone beats you over the back of the skull with an iron pipe.
you've pretty much sold this game to me.

As for mine...

-Pretty much all of the first Silent Hill. Shame they appear to be getting less with every installment.

-A section of Still Life where you travel alone through the sewers of 1929 Prague (considering the streets weren't exactly a walk in the park). Coincidently, if you've not played Still Life and Post Mortem, do so.

-Resident Evil (PSX)Zombie jumping out of the closet after the 'itchy, tasty' diary entry.


New member
Dec 16, 2007
This is probably gonna sound a bit lame...

I was playing Half-Life 2 and I was mucking about in an air vent. I turned a corner and WHAM, headcrab belly to the face. Creepy because I had no fuckin' clue the crab was there, then there's a toothy maw chomping on my scalp. Blergh.

I don't play any straight-up horror games, but RE4 is something I've always wanted to play.


New member
Dec 11, 2007
Silent Hill (PS) - Those knife wielding babies... they ALWAYS scare me - especially in the school and hospital.

Resident Evil (GCN) - This game had an atmosphere that always had me on the edge of my seat. Never knowing what is around each corner and if those windows will hold, that game really was frightening... the series unfortunately left that aspect behind after 4 =(

Clock Tower 3 (PS2) - This game had so many surprises! It was technically only one enemy during each scenario... but the ****ers would come out of no where! You think he is gone, you think he is far to the east... but no! He is in the curtain behind you! haha.

There are more, but those are the only ones I can think of at the moment.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
I was somewhat let down by Clocktower 3. The endless running in a loop and not getting anywhere because the villain would cut me off, and the dumb music playing.

It wasn't all bad as the story was occasionally interesting and mature (seeing the man and mother shoved in the vate of acid...) but the AI on the enemies somehow reminded me of Odie from the garfield comic strips, chasing left and right like a victim of piggie in the middle.

If you liked it though, checkout Haunting Ground/ Demento (its spiritual sequel).


New member
Dec 2, 2007

Just playing episode 2 of HL2. When Alyx got stabbed by the Hunter. Wasn't actually scary, just a different kind of fright. Bastards at valve making us play through the entire episode 1 with her just to build the relationship and then bamn! They take it all away.

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
The Thief series has always been once of my favorite creepy games, especially because it's not actually a horror series at all so when you do come across the frightening missions scattered throughout the series, they have all the more impact! Two moments in particular stand out, the much mentioned Shalebridge Cradle from Thief 3, or the Asylum as some people call it, and the Trickster cutscene from Thief: The Dark Project. There's just this feeling of 'Oh Shit, what have I done!' that came over me the first time I saw that which no other game has quite duplicated.

The cutscene in question:


New member
Nov 4, 2007
Fatal Frame, pretty much all of the time. In the first one, I was near a reflecting pool when a ghost came down from a tree and killed me. I stopped playing immediately afterward. Although I've played the sequels which unnerved me as well, I'm not sure if I've ever turned on the first one again.

L4Y Duke

New member
Nov 24, 2007
Resident Evil 4, with the Regenerators.

You're all like 'Hmmm, so before I fight these things, I'll get an infra-red scope to kill 'em with'. Then, the b******s start getting up and you're all RvB-esuqe like 'Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, running, running, running!'

I don't play a lot of scary games. I also don't find some 'scary' parts that frightening either.


Where B = Bravery
EoCWASO = Effectiveness of Current Weapon Against Scare Offender
AICW = Ammo In Current Weapon

For example, in the Ravenholm situation, you are given saw blades at the start of the level. Play it correctly, and you can make one of them last for a significant portion of the level. When using this saw blade, AICW is infinite, given how you can use one blade over and over and over again. The blades also instantly kill most enemies, with the Poison Zombies taking two hits to kill, so EoCWASO is very high as well. So long as I have one of those blades on hand, nothing scares me in Ravenholm. I lose it however, and I'm out of there.

Having the Gravity Gun also means headcrabs aren't scary anymore, seeing as the primary fire is capable of killing one of 'em in 3 shots.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
When I first played Doom 3, I was so scared that I couldn't play more than 1 minute consecutively before having to return to the menu and take a breather. Seriously, the whole not being able to have a torch and gun at the same time made for some scary moments, and wastage of ammo.

Damn Dirty Ape

New member
Oct 10, 2007
I'm a little disappointed with so many peopling saying Ravenholm was scary, it wasn't. Although I admit the first time I went there I was expecting them to be everywhere, but once you figure out the triggers it's pretty meh. They could have done alot more with the zombie horror in that level if they made a couple of extra zombie models instead of the regular white shirt one. Where were the females, children even? No baby carriage smeared in blood because a headcrab had a nice meal, with a dead body locked in a closet nearby only to realize it's the mother that starved to death?

Maybe I'm a little weird, yeh.. I just expected more, alot of times these days it's all about the teen rating having to be slapped onto everything. For instance, if you take the prison level in hl2 where were all the prisoners? I expected it to be pretty brutal, with mangled beaten corpses all over the place and some clues here or there in the computers/hidden parts in the walls to explain what happenend to make you actually hate the combine. I remember one dead body though, but it was the default "burned" body and had absolutely no effect at all.

Anybody ever play avp2, marine campaign, in the middle of the night in a pitchblack room, sound through a headset and the difficulty on hardest? Seriously, that was fun. I couldn't go on for long though, they just keep coming at hardest!!!! "madly first his pulserifle"

Dry Ice

New member
Oct 15, 2007
My most sceared moment in game has to be S.T.A.L.K.E.R In the underground and i first met the blood sucker, that compleatly scared me shitless! look it up on youtube.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
I can't really define this as a scary scene, but the first time I got to the Skein level of NWN II - Mask of the Betrayer, it had a certain eerie feeling to it...especially when you'd hear the hag in the distance ranting and knowing you'd have to fight her at some point. Just as an example : "When they come, kill each one, when they die, stack'em high, when I'm through, EAT THEM TOO!"