Scariest Moment in Gaming?


New member
Oct 23, 2010
This is gonna sound dated, but for me it was the opening play through of the first Silent Hill. Keep in mind that I was 11 when I first played it (borrowed it from a friend), and it was maybe a year after it was originally released (so the graphics were just kinda shitty instead of mostly shitty).

Anyway: Opening cutscene, daughter is missing, snowing, surrounded by fog, yadda yadda given control. After I get used to the controls, I begin the process of exploring the town. My only gaming experience up to this point was classic Nintendo, arcade games, and point and click adventure games, so this exploration thing is new to me. I hear a dog barking in the background and a nearby gate swing shut, so naturally I open it and follow it into an alleyway right? Camera perspectives get a little wonky from here on out and shift drastically when I round corners, but the alleyway is surprisingly well lit (despite the fog) so I move on forward through a chain link gate. I hear the faint call of an air raid siren in the distance as night starts to fall on me. Luckily, my character seems to have a lighter on him so the screen isn't completely dark. As I move through the alleyway, the camera draws nearer and... is it my imagination or does the alleyway seem narrower than before? Only sound aside from the siren seems to be my footsteps. A few rounded corners later I pick up the squeak of a wheel turning, and sure enough I pass by a rusty wheelchair turned on its side. Odd. Pass by it as the squeak follows me around the next corner before fading away, what used to be falling snow has suddenly turned into a light drizzle. A few steps later and I'm face to face with a bloodstained hospital gurney over a pool of blood. This shouldn't be out here... flies are swarming the gurney, so I step around it and pass along a high chain linked fence topped with barbwire. Area seems to get darker now and the siren is getting louder, must be nearing its source. Traded the alleyway for a passage made entirely of the chain linked fence, the blood pools from before are growing more frequent. Blood also appears to be splattered on the fence walls too. The fence passage twists and turns in on itself, it appears as if I'm heading towards the center of a maze of fences. Even as the siren grows louder, I can still hear the resounding sound of my footsteps. Every corner of the fence maze I round, the camera turns violently and drunkenly so that it always faces me and not my destination. Passages become shorter and bloodier as I near the center, I hurry forward despite myself. Round the final corner, heart is racing to match the tempo of my clattering footsteps. Camera arrests my attention for a moment as it centers on the scene before me. A bloodied figure lies strung up a fence and suspended off the ground in a tangle of barbed wire. There's something definitely wrong with this town and I'm not sticking around to find out, daughter or no daughter. I turn to leave and...

Well, if you've played the game you know what happens next. Doesn't even seize control from you like modern games tend to do. "We know you're too stupid to point your camera at this specific spot at this specific moment for a jump scare, so we'll do it for you while the camera zooms in on this brightly lit hellspawn! Are you scared yet?!"

Edit: Oh, and I suppose Amnesia the Dark Descent. Great atmospheric pacing up to the point you first meet your stalker. Made me afraid to round corners or go through open passageways even when it hadn't shown itself yet.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
The Wykydtron said:
The damn Giant Ants in Fallout 3... That scuttling sound that they make really scares me. Yes they're low level but they are fucking scary when you don't know where they are.

That one dungeon near Megaton, the school that has a nest of them underneath it. I fucking had to leg it out of there in a blind panic just because I couldn't find the last few ants that were making that infernal noise.

Probably because they just made the noise continue anyway after all the ants are dead just to freak you out. It was an entire nest of them after all.

Also Mirelurks, fucking scary bastards. Yet I oddly enjoyed the mission where you have to sneak into a lair to plant a beacon amongst their eggs without killing any of them. Y'know a Mirelurk hater's worst nightmare. Funny that.

I think good scary sections in non-horror games are worse than the scares in actual horror games. Like you don't expect it to just go bam! Scary section activate! At least in horror games you know what you're getting yourself into.
Don't know if you've seen the Dunwich building but...yeah....Fuck that place.


New member
Jan 20, 2012
erttheking said:
I gotta say Mordin's death in Mass Effect 3, the only moment in gaming that I remember crying at...stupid hyperactive son of a *****...why?
Wow, thanks. Havnt played the game yet.

OT: Well since i have recently played through silent hill 2 again on the HD collection its freshn in my mind :D

Rapetime with pyramid head.

Or the ghost in the prison, he made weird noises.

Or at the bottom of a stairway in the hospital. A terrible squeaking noise for NO DAMN REASON.


New member
Oct 3, 2011
Fr said:
anc[is]The haunted hotel in VtM:B. Whoever did the sound design for that section is a master
This. Had to turn off the game a couple times there, freaked the hell outta me.
Also, call me a wuss, but that haunted house in Painkiller with all the zombies and electric chair guys. Ghuh.
I'm sensing a recurring theme here.


New member
Jul 2, 2011
I know someone already said this. Dunwich Building in Fallout 3. Also, the very first subway that you have to go through.

Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games though<3


New member
Dec 5, 2010
IamLEAM1983 said:
Scariest moment ever? So this is bound to be pretty personal, but two titles scared the shit out of me when I was younger. The first Quake, and System Shock 2.

Oh, man, those possessed guys with the tweaked voices who moaned nonsense at you while hitting you with a steam pipe... I was fucking traumatized, I swear.
I'm playing through System Shock 2 right now and earlier I had a moment where I opened a door and there was a Hybrid standing right on the other side. Never jumped so goddamn much in my entire life.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
The one time I was battling the Champion in Pokemon Pearl, I was down to my last Pokemon who happened to be weak against like two or three of the moves her last Pokemon could use, and didn't know which was faster, mine or hers, while challenging myself with a limit of 3 L50 Pokemon.

I was so tempted to use a Max Revive. So. Tempted.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
deserteagleeye said:
The Wykydtron said:
The damn Giant Ants in Fallout 3... That scuttling sound that they make really scares me. Yes they're low level but they are fucking scary when you don't know where they are.
Don't know if you've seen the Dunwich building but...yeah....Fuck that place.
You know, i've never actually found that place before. I've seen loads of people going on about how it's the scariest thing in the game but to be honest I couldn't tell you where to find it. XD

Oh and the Librarians in Metro. I must have lucked through most of that particular mission the first time since I never noticed the whole "maintain eye contact, back the fuck away" mechanic and just shotgunned my way through all of them. It's a nice little enemy nuance for a horror game.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
Towards the start of Bioshock where you pick up the shotgun. As soon as you grab it, the lights flash off except for the cone of light around you. Then you get attacked and man...screw that game. So many parts made me jump.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
And then...the unsuspecting teenagers logged onto their favorite gaming news site...and they saw...

that Too Human was getting a sequel!!!

Thankfully that hasn't happened yet, but it's important to stay aware >_>

Fr said:
anc[is]The haunted hotel in VtM:B. Whoever did the sound design for that section is a master
Oh yeah, and this. SO MUCH THIS.

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
erttheking said:
I gotta say Mordin's death in Mass Effect 3, the only moment in gaming that I remember crying at...stupid hyperactive son of a *****...why?
This was less scary and more extremely sad. At least to me.
Zhukov said:
Incidentally, have you seen what happens if you betray him and the Krogan and fail to talk him down? It's brutal. Oh yeah, and then Wrex finds out...
Yup, very brutal. *EDIT-Also, I agreed with the "Mordin singing" thing. Every time he did such it felt like the writers were going "hey, people loved that! Let's flanderize it!"-EDIT* Though it's pretty halarious what you can do if you killed Wrex in the first game and destroyed the Genophage cure - you can let the Genophage cure fail and keep Mordin on your side. What's more, Wreav inadvertantly agrees to take the fall for you.

Shep outmaneuvers EVERYBODY.
[small]It's also possible that it's the way to get the most War Assets out of the whole situation, but I'm not sure.[sup][Citation Needed][/sup]


New member
Sep 3, 2011
Fr said:
anc[is]The haunted hotel in VtM:B. Whoever did the sound design for that section is a master
This or watching the snuff movie always creeps me out.

Also the one special meet up with scarecrow in Batman: AA made me jump up the first time.


New member
May 18, 2011

First time I encountered a Barnacle.

And that tentacle thing that destroys you if you make a sound.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Elmoth said:
The first xlab in Shadow of Chernobyl.
I was going to say the whole freaking game.
It's terrifying to know that, even though you're armed with enough guns and ammo to take out an army, you could still die if you make one small mistake.

And bloodsuckers are the personification of CREEEEEPY!!!


New member
Jun 17, 2008
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines does have some fantastic scares, the hotel, some of the sidequests.

Dragon age: origins and awakening would have had some of the worst ones out there, but unfortunately, the perspective and the power level of your characters just didn't translate well to it. Divinity 2's expansion pack had the same problem, the whole atmosphere was changed into really creepyness, but your character is too powerful for it to be scary, and third person doesn't lend itself to horror very well.

Penumbra was scary as all hell, until that place with two many dogs, you just died over and over and it got frustrating instead, you realised you just respawned a short bit away.

I think I'd have to give it to F.E.A.R. since it's got a LOT of sickeningly scary parts, at least the first and second game, and the expansion packs for the first, but it got less scary when you could just kill the spirit thingies by shooting them, and the second, while it had some parts (that bloody school) that were bad as hell, you get a bit too much of a separation between the combat and the scary. I mean, I wouldn't be able to survive a single fight if the scary things were there at the same time, but still, it feels a bit too disconnected.

Thief 2 probably takes the prize. Zombies. Fucking zombies getting back from the dead, very limited ways of killing them, and I was probably too young when I played it.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
The first hour of The Suffering, it built up fear and tension very well, it's just a shame that when the enemies started appearing more commonly the fear and tension was gone. Saying that, there were still patches of scares throughout the game.