Mimsofthedawg said:
Therumancer said:
draythefingerless said:
Are you seriously telling me they didnt compensate for this in the calculations? :/
Things like viable space travel present threats to terrestrial interests
I just stopped right here.
Because even if this was true and it was the first inkling of baby steps towards FTL or any other sort of interstellar travel, we're still SUPER far off, to the point that these vested interests probably wouldn't care.
If this was true and was the first inkling of baby steps towards FTL, it would be like saying primitive, chinese fireworks from 2000 years ago were the foundation of every modern space program.
A stretch? Yes. completely false? no.
so I just think the rest of your point is moot.
Having said that, I too had a feeling they'd come up with SOME reason... not so much for any conspiracy purposes, but more because science WILL NOT accept a radical notion unless it can ABSOLUTELY BE PROVEN TRUE WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT.
This is a shadow. A very big, dark, cold shadow.
If you didn't read the post then you really have no idea what your even responding to.
That said, the gist of what I was saying is that I have my doubts if these recent revelations over the "mistakes" are accurate. Just as I have my doubts that upon bucking the system and releasing a truely viable electric car that a bunch of the key engineers for "Tesla Motors" just happened to die "accidently" in a plane crash.
In this case we're not talking about something that is a vague foundation for future technologies that haven't even been conceived. The discovery of superlimenal particles had a lot of very obvious meanings and we've already thought of the technologies it's going to lead to. The kinds of interests we're dealing with aren't going to wait until the 11th hour to try and stop something at the last possible second before it can cost them their fortunes and powers, these groups stay in power by ruthlessly dealing with anything they perceive as a threat, preferably in it's infancy before it can pick up that kind of momentum. This is exactly the point where they would have to act to quash/control it if they were ever going to.
In short, I believe they did adjust for these calculations and the original reports were correct, simply because such a basic mistake is very unlikely given the people involved, and the number of people that were looking at this when it was annouced. I think such particles were discovered, but it's being surpessed, and the current revelations are being done to quell public interest since most people are just going to buy it like you are.
See, to me the odds of the people involved having made this kind of a basic mistake, especially more than once given the verifications involved, are just as ridiculous if not more so than the suggestion that existing interests that would be threatened by this would take action.
The thing is that Occam's razor can be double edged in cases like this when both ends of something are equally improbable. While the experts involved having made a mistake seems simpler, when you consider who was involved, the issue, and the level this was at before it was even annouced, this kind of mistake becomes incredibly unlikely. Conspiricy theories are not exactly simple, or likely creatures, but in this case there is enough precedent based on the past, outed, behavior of cartels and big business interests to make it likely that youd see action of that sort here given what is at stake.
In the end we'll doubtlessly have to agree to disagree, but I for one think this is being sat on, will be surpressed, and then whenever the powers that be feel that absolutly need to do so or have wringed out their current options, this will be re-discovered. Much like how some drug companies have been caught sitting on medicines they didn't want to release because there was more money in treating symptoms than causes, just on a bigger scale than those scandals.