Science Says Gamers are Fat, Depressed Losers


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I stop gaming for 1 year lost 20kg then put on 20kg of muscle or there about. started to play games again lost 20kg of muscle and gained 20kg of fat might be that games take time to complete so you dont have time for other things like a life.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
I dont think that study is correct, especially because the information is self assessed...there are alot of problems with that. Also, doesnt that defeat the point of a study? I am gamer myself and while not perfect, I am in the healthy ranges of BMI and body fat percentage and I most definitely not depressed. Most of my friends that i game with are the same way. I think they should redo this and actually study instead of having people tell them how they feel.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
just for that ima go slit my wrists while eating a family chicken bucket on my own. just kidding but seriously how can they talk they are nerds of their time they are probably fat with a internet bought russian SCREW YOU DAMN NERDY SCIENTISTS!!!!!!!!!


New member
Jul 4, 2009
Man, science to the rescue. Look, if people want to risk their health and sanity, let them, and by them, I mean us. I'm sick of all this well meaning but ultimately brainless "do-gooding" that's going on these days. People only deserve help if they ask for it, and work for it. You can't cattleprod someone into salvation.

Sir Neox

New member
May 5, 2009
Im a gamer who is a bit overweight but other wise i am in perfect physical condition, i play rugby twice a week and karate twice a week and i get enough exercise a day to keep me fit. I live in the middle of nowhere so what the hell else am i supposed to do go outside when it is raining nearly all the bloody time. Anyway Xbox live lets me talk to my mates more than if i didn't have it. To me this this survey seem to be a waste of time in which the government seem to be trying hard to waste there money on. Why cant the government actually fund something useful for a change.


New member
May 16, 2009
Hang on just a sec...

Okay, just got through checking. I'm not fat, nor depressed. My friends aren't fat nor depressed (except 1 but he's just fat. He fits the fat and happy thing perfectly) and we're all gamers.

This is the dumbest fucking study I've ever seen.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm reading through comments and just not seeing a major issue with this report. 500 people. Aged 19-90. What. The. F**K!!! Honestly, how can you come to a conclusion that involves probably around i dont know lets set it at 6 BILLION people. I know its around 5.7 or 5.9 billion but whatever. Now how does a survey of this EXTREME minority even hint at what reality of the world details. They should have checked with maybe 5000 or 50000 before they judged the whole world using videogames to show whether you are *unhealthy* or not. It's not specifically saying fat, but unhealthy. And other commenters here, SKINNY does not specifically mean HEALTHY. I'm an average build (if i say so myself, compared to everyone i see at my age) And apart from a bad back (im 14 but sound there like im 60 *oooh! stereotype alert, rinse mouth with soap deep breaths before the media get here* I SOUND LIKE A 14 YEAR OLD CUS I AM!) *they're gone* Could everyone please take a quick look at the chefs who are givng us tips for a healthy diet in there lives as they throw there (immense) weight around. Yes, they are probably healthier then you or me, they just cant run as far. Because they cook, they dont excercise. People are getting into the mindset that you can either eat healthy and not excercise (diet) or excersise without eating (celeb diet) and thats how you get healthy. Hmmm, im thinking combine the two and stop worrying. Its not the end of the world if you die (ouch, that was cold)
Take it or leave it, please dont make a stupid comment about it. It's my opinion and i respect it as i respect yours.


New member
Apr 29, 2008
Play like activities? so what gaming isnt even considered a form of play anymore? so what mr scientist, should I go scavenge some crazy firepower, gather up some friends, and shoot at each other until everyone is dead? should I suddenly gain the powers to rip the heads off of gods? master years of detective work, and pray for a cool case? Seriously its not play like, you cant do all that stuff in real life, without years of time, insane luck, and without going to jail half the time.

I understand we arent physically doing too much while gaming, but seriously does anyone think gaming will make them fit? I could classify movie going, television watching, book reading, experiment conducting, researching, sleeping, board games, tinkering and a whole other group of activities under that, the idea is that most gamers are going to get up and do something else sooner or later.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
ok, i think its safe to say that the people that r completely possessed by video games were screwed up before they started to game, and the fact that i hav a girlfriend, im very happy with my life, im in great shape, and i hav 2 lvl 80s, means that this study is bs lol

Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008
GirlGamer77 said:
Catkid906 said:
In related news, Weight concious women who play games no longer feel pretty.

Isn't science great?
As a female gamers, I think I'd be more depressed if I DIDN'T have games to play. And I always feel pretty!

Well, almost always...
Don't worry, science is always wrong. At first they thought the world was flat. Now they think it's round.

Soon they shall realise that gamers are Slim, happy Winners!

So yes, don't worry you are pretty.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Oh yeah? Gamers say that scientists are fat, depressed losers. eat that
I'm 180cm tall , 76 kg, go to the gym regularily, have a job , girlfriend and am a gamer.
What do you scientists have to show off with? A vial of green concuction? awesome


New member
Nov 25, 2008
This story should be titled "The Nintendo Wii: Bringing Gaming to the Masses."

And please people, stop saying "Well I'm not fat and depressed, so your study sucks!" It's an AVERAGE of these people that were actually TESTED. Of course not everyone will fit into their results, so keep your pants on. Jeez. If their study is crap (which it probably is) it's because they didn't get an adequate sample, not because you have a girlfriend. Sorry, but that's not how science works.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
I think sunlight and exercise helps me game better. How about a study that shows performance in Martial Arts classes and a mentality of power required to play fighting games without being chumpatized?


New member
Jun 3, 2009
Could be like the scientists are saying, but I'm clearly not one of them. Totaly not fat (excercise often and I'm genetically slim) and not really depressed. Well actualy I used to be quite depressed, but thats probably more because I was a teenager back then.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
tbh, a 500 person sample is no-where near enough people to come to any conclusion regarding anything as big as gaming, millions of people play games all over the world, you can't base findings on a group of millions from a sample of only 500


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Sn0W said:
tbh, a 500 person sample is no-where near enough people to come to any conclusion regarding anything as big as gaming, millions of people play games all over the world, you can't base findings on a group of millions from a sample of only 500
Especially if all the people surveyed were from the Seattle-Tacoma area. Maybe everybody in the Seattle-Tacoma area is fat and depressed...

Space Cowgirl

New member
Oct 21, 2009
See, this junk is what makes me bang my head against the wall. Yes I am fat and I've been diagnosed with depression but I'm working on thise and I'm far from the lonely loser that gamers are made out to be. I have loads of friends that I enjoy gaming with and I actually do get out into society once in a while and not just to get games. In any case, games actually make me happier and ger my mind off of life in general.