On a serious note, I actually see the logic behind this. While aircraft are fast and cover great distances, they are also expensive to maintain and not very friendly to the environment. Considering this, airships could represent a much cheaper alternative for the airlines as well as the passengers themselves, at least for continental flights. Afterall, airships are still used today for advertising purposes.
Having said that, I do not see a future for airships beyond passenger travel. While it is true that they could be used for carrying cargo in less-developed areas where they can't afford to maintain airfields, naval and aircraft travel will remain superior elsewhere in that regard. Ships can carry more cargo than airships, while aircraft usually carry the kind of cargo for which it is essential that it arrives at it's destination as soon as possible.
One more thing. The theory that the Hindernburg caught on fire beacuse of the hydrogen is a popular one, but has been disputed many times over the years. Infact, some think that it was the aluminised fabric cover that caught on fire. So it remains a mystery.