SCOTUS Overturns Ban on Same-Sex Marriage


New member
Dec 29, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
I still can't quite grasp how this is even an issue, do people really have nothing better to do than concern themselves about which gender other people find attractive?
I've wondered this for years, and come to the conclusion that the answer mostly boils down to 'Ew, bottoms'


New member
Dec 5, 2008
High time. It's still going to take about a thousand steps for homosexual marriage to be recognized on a state-by-state basis, but at least it's possible now.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Well done America, although it is still worrying that it turned out to be that close. But a positive step nonetheless :D


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
DVS BSTrD said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Good job America.

Now you can join the rest of the First World :D

I still can't quite grasp how this is even an issue, do people really have nothing better to do than concern themselves about which gender other people find attractive?
Oh this ain't all the dumb shit we get to deal with over here:
Sen. Wendy Davis managed to keep up the filibuster up until the session expired. Now Pro-lifers know what it feels like to be "late".
Eleven. Freaking. Hours.

I'm a crazy pro-lifer, but that right there is damned impressive. Hats off to you, Ms. Davis... now don't do that ever again. Seriously, wtf...

OT: Yay, I guess!

Conservative Americans should just accept that America is no longer a country under God. Thus, there's no point in trying to enforce religious beliefs in the justice system, particularly on sticky points like this. Focus on churches, not countries. Etc etc.


New member
May 17, 2010
I know I'm probably a bit late to the party on this, but:

"Signed into law in 1996 by President Bill Clinton, DOMA prevented same-sex couples whose marriage was legally recognized in their home states from receiving federal benefits like Social Security."

So legally binding marriages - not "civil unions" but actual marriages - were not allowed to receive benefits on the sole basis that the relationship is homosexual.



Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
Daystar Clarion said:
Good job America.

Now you can join the rest of the First World :D

I still can't quite grasp how this is even an issue, do people really have nothing better to do than concern themselves about which gender other people find attractive?
Meh, the UK isn't that much better.

We still don't have it in law yet either, although it shouldn't be too long now. From what I have read and heard it's not even complete equality. That is to say, it will not identical with the exception of the genders involved, there will still be certain advantages retained by heterosexual marriages. Although the internet is very helpful for finding cat pictures, finding relevant information about this is somewhat trickier.


New member
May 20, 2009
OT; Good job american justice system.

COMPLETELY off topic tangent; It's something i just noticed looking at the news for this. Does anyone else think SCOTUS looks weird? and saying it out loud, it kinda sound like its a dirty word. Maybe its just to close to scrotum? dunno. i think the abbreviation should be USSC. just me i guess.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
With gay marriage now legal, men no longer have an incentive to marry women, as two husbands better fit in a horse costume.


New member
Apr 24, 2013
As already said above, this happened the day after they gutted the Voting Rights Act. I really wish I could be as overjoyed as my friends and family and George Takei, but what happened yesterday is taking all the wind out of this sail.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
Zombie_Moogle said:
Just felt a bit of pride in my country; a rare treat these days
Agreed. On that note,

Take that Clinton! You saxophone-playing bastard! DOMA is no more!


New member
Dec 25, 2008
an annoyed writer said:
Zombie_Moogle said:
Just felt a bit of pride in my country; a rare treat these days
Agreed. On that note,

Take that Clinton! You saxophone-playing bastard! DOMA is no more!

That does seem to be a popular video clip to post on the Escapist

Is it appropriate in this instance?



New member
Oct 11, 2008
an annoyed writer said:
Zombie_Moogle said:
Just felt a bit of pride in my country; a rare treat these days
Agreed. On that note,

Take that Clinton! You saxophone-playing bastard! DOMA is no more!
Clinton actually came out and admitted his extreme regret at signing it in, and has been pushing to have it killed since:

Mind you, it was only a couple months ago, but that's still HUGE for a former president to go "oh shit, I fucked up good, didn't I?"


New member
May 10, 2011
Great. Now permit polygamy so I can stop worrying about whether Archie picks Betty or Veronica, incest so I can stop feeling awkward watching Luke and Leia in those earlier Star Wars movies, and bestiality so I can stop trying to justify Roger and Jessica Rabbit's union as okay because they're just "drawn" that way...


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Kalezian said:
DVS BSTrD said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Good job America.

Now you can join the rest of the First World :D

I still can't quite grasp how this is even an issue, do people really have nothing better to do than concern themselves about which gender other people find attractive?
Oh this ain't all the dumb shit we get to deal with over here:
Sen. Wendy Davis managed to keep up the filibuster up until the session expired. Now Pro-lifers know what it feels like to be "late".

I honestly hate the fact that "talking too long about absolutely nothing" is a viable tactic of our government.

I still hate the bill that was trying to be passed, but the only reason it failed wasn't by popular vote, she simply talked until it was too late for a vast majority of politicians to vote.

I would of rather it get voted down due to opinion, not forcing people to be unable to vote.
You're incorrect the state of Texas has exceptionally strong Fillibuster rules that I think should be a model for the rest of the nation.

You have to first stay on topic, of the bill being discussed you can't go off topic.

You have to stand and not lean on anything or anyone the entire time.

You cannot take bathroom breaks.

You get 3 strikes and then you're out. There was 2 that were at least semi legit, the first one entirely so, the second one was pretty iffy, it was another representative helping Wendy adjust her backbrace. The last one was utter BS

They said that discussing current abortion restrictions was not germane (on topic) in regards to the new bill passing more abortion restrictions. It was a clear attempt to end the fillibuster anyway they could and the republicans were super desperate even going so far as to ignore a female senator who motioned to adjourn which isn't correct procedure.

Then they got a vote done but it was after midnight so they went back and changed the date but to many people were watching and so they had to give it up and admit that they didn't get the bill passed before the end of the special session.

Also about the so called 'majority' here in Texas our districts are exceptionally gerrymandered and liberals don't have proper representation in the house or senate. This was about a very small majority forcing their religious beliefs on the minority. The entire bill is couched as being 'for womens health' but at the same time they say it's to stop abortion. The entire bill was written by snakes and was sponsored by a woman who doesn't even understand what a rape kit is and does.

As a Texan I'm very happy that our Filibuster rules are in place like they are. This time it protected us.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I definitely support the decision made by the Supreme Court, but why was this put up on a video game website?

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
I'm disappointed, but unsurprised, that this effectively came down party lines.

DVS BSTrD said:
When it come to marriage, sooner or later it always ends-up being the same sex.
Or no sex.

Daystar Clarion said:
I still can't quite grasp how this is even an issue, do people really have nothing better to do than concern themselves about which gender other people find attractive?
Gives whole new meaning to "you're doing it wrong!"

But yes, religious and political institutions have so thoroughly indoctrinated us with busybody syndrome that it is important for us to police our neighbours for misconduct, be they commies or homersexuals.

TiberiusEsuriens said:
Unfortunately, they also gutted the Voter Rights Act, so states can be racist with far less difficulty.

Captcha: face the music
There will always be bigotry in the US.
Yeah, I find that weird. The VRA "violates the Constitution," but apparently denying people the right to vote based on race does not. Who knew.

WanderingFool said:
I believe its largely a religous issue, seeing as much of the US is large Christian, and despite something along the lines of "Seperation of Church and State" being uttered at some point, the church still has quite a bit of sway with the state.
We're lip service Christians, though. We cheat, we lie, we steal, we kill, we go to war, and we claim Jesus is for all those things. But if you DARE love someone of the same sex, we point to all those places in the Bible where Jesus said "gays are bad."

...Wait, there are none? Crap. Well, it's bad anyway.

Also, Jesus was a white blond American because reasons.

saintdane05 said:
With gay marriage now legal, men no longer have an incentive to marry women, as two husbands better fit in a horse costume. did you know our ultimate goal?