TiberiusEsuriens said:
Unfortunately, they also gutted the Voter Rights Act, so states can be racist with far less difficulty.
Captcha: face the music
There will always be bigotry in the US.
Noooo, they said that the basis upon which the Voters Rights Act judged certain states and municipalities was antiquated and wrong.
I mean, what you don't understand is that the way this Act essentially worked was that certain regions of the deep South had to jump through ridiculous beauracratic hoops to pass voting legislation while the rest of the nation was free to pass whatever they damn well please (Such as voter ID laws).
You CANNOT tell me you believe that discrimination should only be discouraged in a few select areas within the US. Wouldn't you prefer if discrimination was discouraged across the US? What the Supreme Court essentially said was, "Start applying anti-discrimination laws in all states on an equal basis or STFU." Which I agree with.
Apparently you'd prefer to be bigoted against mythical, racist white people in the south, rather than believe racist people generally tend to live throughout every country (not just the US and not just because of skin color).
The Voters Rights Act being declared unconstitutional is a good thing because it will force Congress to come up with a more appropriate act which will promote greater equality than the previous, antiquated system allowed, which Justice Roberts explains was his reasoning in declaring it unconstitutional.