ZombieGenesis said:
Scrumpmonkey said:
Perhaps these people don't realise just how silly they look? want to help your city? Volunteer to work with the homless, donate and help staff a soup kitchen or any number of community projects that help tackle the casues of why there is crime. Train as a councilor or become qualified to volenteer your time doing social work. These are not flashy, people do them every day week in and week out, but they do more good than showing off in a silly costume to people.
I don't think their actions deter crime or really inspire people, want to fight crime? Join the police. They are more functional than you think and their processes stop you and others from being put in unncessary danger. I find him little more than adnagerous fantasist.
This is entirely true, and that's pretty undeniable.
However it doesn't stop the fact that people dressing as super heroes and fighting crime is both useful and entertaining. Sure it's pretty mad, and by no means practical, but in the modern age what else can we expect? It was only a matter of time before Watchmen and Kick Ass became a real situation.
The reason why superheroes work in fiction is either because of 1. Actual Super-powers or 2. Fictional tech that does not exist and that the hero only has acess to ala Batman, nightowl etc.
In the real real world a well-equpied police officer can do just as much as these "Superheroes" can. In that situation where is their use? There are reasons superheros are fictional. The most glaring of them being that special powers and gadets don't actually exist in the real world. Where gadets do exist they have usually been developed with police forces and millitary in mind.
There is also the issue of what can these 'superheores' actually do? They don't have power of arrest, they are acting illegaly themselves for one, they don't have the capaicty to build up a knowledge and relationship with their community like more local police-forces can. A lot of times when police are called in a lot of talking and detail collection needs to take plce to get stories straight and 9/10 the subject is resolved through talking it out with officers and maybe issuing a caution. Real police work goes hand in hand with community work and needs to do the most good. A costumed egotist can do none of this.
Best case scenario; he interupts a crime. But he can only do that where he actually is, normal law-enforcement can do this 10x better as can normal citizens. Any one of us could be in the right place at the right time and stop a mugging just as well as he could simply by startling the person. i don't see use in claiming to be a 'superhero'.