Well the thing that disturbs me is the mentality where they mentioned their kid was "afraid of hardship". I find something inherantly wrong with that statement, your supposed to LIKE hardship. The bit about willpower and self confidence seems fairly normal though, and something for a school counsler.
That said, nothing is likely to happen over this other than freaking a bunch of people out. The UN which is supposed to police stuff like this has allowed China as a member, which is sort of like getting a fox to police the henhouse.
I don't think this is as freaky as their version of the party van:
Tons of stuff on it, do a search for "chinese execution van" this isn't the best article.
All of their claims aside, the basic idea is that instead of having to worry too much about things like a lengthy trial, or putting in people in prisons or on death row, they Chinese goverment can now send a death van right to the scene. Depending on the article your reading, the claims about these vary, some articles talk about how they pick people up from prison and surveillance systems keep an eye on the person to make sure things are done humanely. In other cases, the claims are that the "Chinese Party Van" shows up, the police strap the guy in, and then those systems are used to conduct the trial by remote (with a judge presumably on the other side) as they prep the guy for execution... I mean after all they can always unstrap him if he happens to be found innocent.
I chose that paticular link because it most clearly mentions the link with suspected organ harvesting as a big part of the motivation.
Overall, I kind of think the Internet rehabilitation camps are like Disney World despite the occasional deaths compared to this horror.
I mean cripes, this is like something from a dark future novel, except in those books the ruthless cops aren't quite that malevolent. Even Judge Dredd doesn't push it quite that far.