Second Chinese Teen Killed in Internet Rehab


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Aren't China supposed to be the next big superpower real soon? And this kind of crap is going on?

As for the Sunstroke part...smooth. In what world did a band of people running an organisation actually come together and agree that was a legitimate sounding excuse for a child who had been beaten to death?


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
Tom Goldman said:
in her words, he was "afraid of hardship, had weak willpower and not enough self-confidence."
Witnesses say a Beiteng instructor and two others beat Chen with a wooden baton, handcuffs, and a plastic pipe when he refused to run during a training session.
Yeah good one mum. Cuz you know a kid is weak willed when grown men have to beat him to death to make him do what they want.

I wish China would just completely sever ties to the outside world. I'm usually the one to argue with people yelling "censorship! George Orwell saw it coming! Don't sacrifice freedom for safety!" like paranoid fools. But even I find the Chinese government's lust for control disgusting.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
JordanMillward_1 said:
That mother deserves to have no son, the way she lied and manipulated him. It's just a shame he had to die to teach her that lesson.

I hope the people who killed him rot in jail, and I hope his mother wakes up sweating at night, crying about what she did.
I agree with you. This sort of camp does not deserve to exist. That mum better be pretty sorry about what she did.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
oh china your so silly.

a joke must be made (its not really a internet one but close enough)

internet junky 1: Good he's finaly dead...he had alot of hp didnt he?

internet junky 2: i just got 150xp for that kill

internet junky 1: quick check if he has any good loot.

internet junky 2: nothing, thats what we get for killing a low level monster.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
fletch_talon said:
Yeah good one mum. Cuz you know a kid is weak willed when grown men have to beat him to death to make him do what they want.

I wish China would just completely sever ties to the outside world. I'm usually the one to argue with people yelling "censorship! George Orwell saw it coming! Don't sacrifice freedom for safety!" like paranoid fools. But even I find the Chinese government's lust for control disgusting.
You know, I didn't think about that at the time... thanks for pointing that out.
I've gotta get more sleep before I browse news items.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
seems like thats a common solution to when kids dont listen "little jonny isnt doing his lessons" "well martha, lets just beat him till he learns"


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Ah, China, the no.1 source of lulz.
Seriously, when was there EVER any news from China that didn't cause instant "WTF?" from everyone else?


New member
Feb 18, 2010
voetballeeuw said:
That's messed up. What do they actually do at those camps anyways?
The decent ones or the fuckups like this one?


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
It's China. Isn't a Communist country supposed to have gulags as just a general rule?


New member
Oct 22, 2008
"So you really think this'll work? Lying to him?"

"Oh yeah."

"But, couldn't that cause some kind of psychological trauma? If he can't trust his own mother?"

"Naw he'll be fine!"


"Yeah no, it's cool. He'll love it. It'll be like a birthday surprise! Except, you know... the opposite."

"... OK SIGN ME UP!"

...Hope the dumb ***** AND the assholes that beat the poor kid rot in hell.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
Instead of lying about sending him to study IT, why didn't she, you know...



Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Well the thing that disturbs me is the mentality where they mentioned their kid was "afraid of hardship". I find something inherantly wrong with that statement, your supposed to LIKE hardship. The bit about willpower and self confidence seems fairly normal though, and something for a school counsler.

That said, nothing is likely to happen over this other than freaking a bunch of people out. The UN which is supposed to police stuff like this has allowed China as a member, which is sort of like getting a fox to police the henhouse.

I don't think this is as freaky as their version of the party van:

Tons of stuff on it, do a search for "chinese execution van" this isn't the best article.

All of their claims aside, the basic idea is that instead of having to worry too much about things like a lengthy trial, or putting in people in prisons or on death row, they Chinese goverment can now send a death van right to the scene. Depending on the article your reading, the claims about these vary, some articles talk about how they pick people up from prison and surveillance systems keep an eye on the person to make sure things are done humanely. In other cases, the claims are that the "Chinese Party Van" shows up, the police strap the guy in, and then those systems are used to conduct the trial by remote (with a judge presumably on the other side) as they prep the guy for execution... I mean after all they can always unstrap him if he happens to be found innocent.

I chose that paticular link because it most clearly mentions the link with suspected organ harvesting as a big part of the motivation.

Overall, I kind of think the Internet rehabilitation camps are like Disney World despite the occasional deaths compared to this horror.

I mean cripes, this is like something from a dark future novel, except in those books the ruthless cops aren't quite that malevolent. Even Judge Dredd doesn't push it quite that far.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
FargoDog said:
In all seriousness, this is genuinely disturbing. And my dad wants me to do some work in China next year. Christ.
Studying IT?


New member
Feb 18, 2009
I'm sure Rowan Atkinson agrees that a Fatal Beating is a good punishment for miscreants.

(Youtube "Fatal Beating" Its great :D )

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Therumancer said:
Well the thing that disturbs me is the mentality where they mentioned their kid was "afraid of hardship". I find something inherantly wrong with that statement, your supposed to LIKE hardship. The bit about willpower and self confidence seems fairly normal though, and something for a school counsler.

That said, nothing is likely to happen over this other than freaking a bunch of people out. The UN which is supposed to police stuff like this has allowed China as a member, which is sort of like getting a fox to police the henhouse.

I don't think this is as freaky as their version of the party van:

Tons of stuff on it, do a search for "chinese execution van" this isn't the best article.

All of their claims aside, the basic idea is that instead of having to worry too much about things like a lengthy trial, or putting in people in prisons or on death row, they Chinese goverment can now send a death van right to the scene. Depending on the article your reading, the claims about these vary, some articles talk about how they pick people up from prison and surveillance systems keep an eye on the person to make sure things are done humanely. In other cases, the claims are that the "Chinese Party Van" shows up, the police strap the guy in, and then those systems are used to conduct the trial by remote (with a judge presumably on the other side) as they prep the guy for execution... I mean after all they can always unstrap him if he happens to be found innocent.

I chose that paticular link because it most clearly mentions the link with suspected organ harvesting as a big part of the motivation.

Overall, I kind of think the Internet rehabilitation camps are like Disney World despite the occasional deaths compared to this horror.

I mean cripes, this is like something from a dark future novel, except in those books the ruthless cops aren't quite that malevolent. Even Judge Dredd doesn't push it quite that far.
This kinda reminds me of "V for Vendetta".

OT: Wow... that's too cruel to even make a joke on this... I'm glad I don't live in China.