Sega Confirms Sonic Adventure 2 HD

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Sega Confirms Sonic Adventure 2 HD

The Dreamcast's last Sonic game is coming to XBLA and PSN.

There's nothing Sega can do to fill the Dreamcast-shaped hole in our collective heart, but ports of the console's biggest hits do help numb the pain. Today, Sega has confirmed rumors that Sonic Adventure 2 will be the next title to get the HD treatment. A graphically updated version of the title will be arriving on XBLA and PSN later this year, complete with leaderboards and trophy/achievement support.

It's unclear if the game will be a port of the Dreamcast original or the updated Gamecube version released in 2002.

Sonic Adventure 2 is one of Sega's most highly regarded attempts to push the oddly-colored rodent into the third dimension, mostly thanks to its addictive multiplayer mode and hilariously overblown soundtrack. [] For those of you who know your hedgehog lore, it also marked the first appearance of grumpy anti-Sonic, Shadow, and the disturbingly well-stacked Rouge the Bat. []

Hopefully, this port fare somewhat better with critics than the recent re-release of Sonic Adventure [].

Source: IGN []



New member
Feb 21, 2011
I've heard less than graceful things about the Adventure games, but they're probably my favorite Sonic games of all time.

And I can't tell if Grey is dissing Crush 40 or not. D:


New member
Mar 26, 2008
"Addictive multiplayer"?
...are you kidding?! It's mediocre at best.
Anyway, I've all A Ranked this game on the Gamecube, I don't want to have to do it again, especially Mad Space and Knuckles' ARK level. I forget the name.

Unless they've made some programming improvements instead of just slapping on a new coat of paint, I'll probably have to skip this one.

Knuckles and Rouge can find any emerald they are close to instead of specific ones.
Clipping issues when running up smooth slopes as Sonic or Shadow (Sonic's Pyramid level is an example)

A requested improvement would be to make raising the Chao in this game not so much a pain in the ass, especially when you have no fondness for them and all you want are the Emblems from the races and karate. Doing a Sonic or whoever level over and over and over for animals and/or chaos drives to get a minuscule stat increase on your Chao all day is freaking annoying.

We don't have Sonic Advance or the Dreamcast UMD to transfer our Chao over to this time to raise them quicker than what is possible in the main game.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Mahorfeus said:
I've heard less than graceful things about the Adventure games, but they're probably my favorite Sonic games of all time.

And I can't tell if Grey is dissing Crush 40 or not. D:
Open Your Heart and Live and Learn are terrible songs.

But I love them.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
No PC port? :(


Kinda did wanna level a chao again for giggles.

My Gamecube Chao was an overpowered fucker. His name was Jerry. He will be missed ._.
(Memory card blew up)


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Just bought it on the cube for £3. Why would I want to pay £15-£20 for it? Trophies? Nah

Sega. Just re-release Skies of Arcadia already. That one I'll jump up and down for.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
SA2 is probably my favorite Sonic game in the entire series. While I do wax nostalgic for the old Genesis games, I dropped 100 hours or more in SA2 getting all the emblems, raising my chao, and finding secrets. God I loved that game.

And luckily, I'm at my mom's house for the rest of the summer so I can dig out my Gamecube and play it :D

Also: You forgot City Escape, my favorite song in the game.

(Yes, it's terrible).


New member
Apr 30, 2011
I actually really love the soundtrack to this game. All of the later Sonic games with rock soundtracks were all trying to re-create this one, but they all miserably failed. This is also the only game in which Shadow was a respectable character. He had a good story line, which should have ended in this game. If you've played the game you'll know why it's stupid they brought him back afterwards, and such a retarded way too.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
*Throws money at the laptop* The last good Sonic game! I miss the Sonic Adventure series so much~! It holds an importance place in my childhood, that's for sure.

Grey Carter said:
Mahorfeus said:
I've heard less than graceful things about the Adventure games, but they're probably my favorite Sonic games of all time.

And I can't tell if Grey is dissing Crush 40 or not. D:
Open Your Heart and Live and Learn are terrible songs.

But I love them.
*High fives*

It may just be inescapable nostalgia, but I never get tired of those songs~!


New member
Nov 15, 2011
Missed the "Adventure" part. Mentally cried "Aha!"

Saw the "Adventure" part later. Mentally mumbled "Meh."

Don't get me wrong, they're both contemptible, but the one with "Adventure" in its name is moreso, but only because of the horrendous music. And the birth of Shadow. And for making Tails in a giant robot one of the worst things ever. And for introducing that stupid rail grinding thing.

Okay, so there are a lot of reasons. The point, somehow, is do a Sonic 3 & Knuckles re-release thing. But for fuck's sake, don't make it with 3D graphics, or I'll kill you all, Sega.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
I liked the first adventure game better... oh well. Maybe Sega will figure out how to make a 3D sonic game that people don't hate when they reexamine this... and maybe flying pigs will spontaneously shoot out of my ass and thaw out hell.


Slightly Sarcastic At All Times
Aug 12, 2010
Goddamn it!

I'm going to buy this. I know its not a very good game, I know the storyline's stupid, I know that every level that doesn't involve Sonic or Shadow is obnoxious and stupid and has nothing to do with running or even platforming really, AND I'M STILL GOING TO BUY THIS.

Because nostalgia. And raising chao. Lots of raising chao.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Dude, Crush 40 rule, I won't have a word said against them *crazy eyes*.
But a bit more on topic, slightly, I don't fully understand why they'd port this, I thought the point of porting was supposed to get people into franchises that aren't actively available anymore due to expense/rarity (Skies of Arcadia, lookin' at you), so that people can experience games they might enjoy but otherwise wouldn't know.
Oh, wait... I've just been made aware, that's how it's SUPPOSED to work, instead they're just used as a cash-cow to fund inter-company coke parties. Righto, gotcha.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Scrustle said:
I actually really love the soundtrack to this game. All of the later Sonic games with rock soundtracks were all trying to re-create this one, but they all miserably failed. This is also the only game in which Shadow was a respectable character. He had a good story line, which should have ended in this game. If you've played the game you'll know why it's stupid they brought him back afterwards, and such a retarded way too.
The sad part is Shadows still the most well developed Sonic character in terms of character development and backstory (In that he actually HAS character development and backstory). Although, i do agree bringing him back was retarded in retrospect. Sonic Team literally had no idea what the hell to do with the guy after Adventure 2 and ended up squandering him because...well, it's Sonic Team. I have no issue with Shadow being allowed to come back into the games, but..i just wish they did it in a better way. But again, this is Sonic Team we're dealing with so in retrospect the poor guy was doomed from the get-go.

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
Since I moved in to my own flat I've been trying to slim down my game collection to save room. I can't wait for this because it will bring me one step closer to not needing my GameCube anymore)