This game is a mixed bag. When it's in exploration mode it's phenomenal, creating a sense of danger and adventure I haven't felt since Dark Souls 1. Especially once I got out of Ashina castle the environments have been just breathtaking. The village was especially haunting.
But then I get to a boss, and I'm on the verge of quitting. I'll just say it: this game is not fair. In the sense that the bosses simply don't play by the same rules as the player. Sekiro's attacks will be interrupted if someone as much as coughs at him, but that Ashina wanker can just fall back from attacks no sweat. Some of them also have way too much health, taking any and all enjoyment out of the fight and turning it into a prolonged chore. And I especially hate how this game forces you to learn the bosses: die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, until you've learned all responses. There's no careful approach possible; blocking only makes things worse, trying to stay at a distance is impossible, dodging is super risky and unreliable and every attack any boss has slices at least 50% off your health bar when it connects, forcing you to wear down a healing item. And since they're so limited you can only hold out for so long before dying.
I'm at the Guardian Ape boss, and it's among the fucking worst in the series. Difficult for all the wrong reasons: unreliable camera combined with insanely erratic movement patterns, that MOTHERFUCKING SHITSUCKING TRACKING, and grab attacks that give a 0,5 second window to avoid or have 80% of your health taken, and the clusterfuck is complete. I just figured out that the fastest strategy is to just constantly chase his ass, attack whenever possible, cross your fingers and hope for the best. I can't believe we're still dealing with this camera shit after 5 soulsborne games.
And they also pulled the Ancient Dragon shit again. Well motherfucking excuuuuuuse me for ignoring a completely nondescript window out of which I saw only empty sky, that had nothing around it or anything else indicating that the main goal I was working towards was just a few steps away after jumping out of it. I can't remember any indication even saying that the Heir was atop Ashina Castle. And nothing in the areas I found before it (like, I dunno, literally every other place you could go to) had any indications or hints about where I was supposed to go or why. Fuck your gatekeeping bullshit Fromsoft.