Don't compare how much milk each cow has dispensed, think of what milk's taste you don't want to be overdone. Easy question, the FFVII milk. Or maybe all milking should stop and we should start breeding more cows. Or to quote Yahtzee: "Maybe I should stop laboring this analogy before it's t*** fall off."daribian said:to be fair if series like sonic and mario are still being milked to death over and over again is it to much to ask for a decent game to be milked and redone. Or god forbid companies come up with another decent game.crazyhaircut94 said:Hasn't the FF7 cow been milked enough? Not to say that the games are bad, they are terrific, especially the original, but a franchise has to die sooner or later. There has technically already been a sequel, Dirge of Cerberus, and Advent Children if movies counts, cause they continue the story.daribian said:that or ff7