We are all here because after our grisly murders, we refuse to move on and are stuck in an in-between, a place we call "Jesus Infinite Buffet". There is no actual "heaven", it's just a concept we've dreamed up, a shared hallucination of sorts to keep from going mad. Just when we think we are about to find out who our killer is and gain the closure needed to cross over, POOF! We find ourselves alive again, with the killer that took everything away from us now lording over our lives. We live with suspicion and jealousy, continuing to attempt to kill all others in the asylum in order to bring some sort of consolation, our real target out of our reach.
Today was my day. Just like the other residents I had used the week planning the demise of another player, excited and thrilled to murder in the name of "justice". Maybe I should have enjoyed the peace, perhaps I should have rejoiced because the cycle might have been broken. Maybe we would be able to leave. Maybe we would be able to live, and not have to die violently in the alleys of the town.
I had it all planned out, and I was looking forward to the look on their faces. But alas, it was my turn. I screamed and insisted that they had the wrong person, that I was no more a killer then they were, but they, like me, wanted blood, and I was to provide it. Strung up in the air, all I felt was anger. My killer was still out there. The one who killed me and my friends. And he would continue to kill them and there was nothing I could do about it.
Slowly my life ebbed from my wounded body, my lynchers sating their bloodthirst with my still-warm organs. There was no light for me to walk to, no heaven... just the darkness. The cold merciless darkness. My killer taunts me. I cannot even remember his face anymore, he's just a shadow in front of me. All that's left is the emotion. He is no longer the reason why I don't cross over. He's the reason I am driven to live again. And I can't even remember his face.