Seriously, we're barely a day into the new year and I'm already getting questioned by the police


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Ok. I am sick to my stomach of this shit. Well and truly. I have just finished being questioned by the police over a racial incident. Yep, nice to see they're actually doing some work but for fucks sake this has been going on forever.

Let me fill you in.

I am from Kent in southeast England. I am a southerner and I'm not afraid of where I come from. I've been living on Skye, a god-forsaken hellhole of an island located just off the west coast of Scotland for about 10 years now. The problem with isolated places like this is that the local nazis don't take kindly to so-called 'incomers' like myself and, supposedly, my best friend (who's mother is from Yorkshire, England). Tonight we had some abuse from an ignorant jackass. Fine, new years day, I didn't lash out, I just told him to fuck off, we're meant to be enjoying ourselves in the optimistic spirit of 2010 being a better year than 2009.

Anyway, I shouldn't be, but I am, used to the kind of abuse you get for being English in a place like this. Usually I get decked for standing up for myself. However this time some bright spark decided to get the police involved. So I've just spent the last half hour being questioned on the incident. A total waste of my time. I'm rather angry, already smashed my phone. However, before breaking anything else I'm curious, what do you think Escapists? Have you ever been in a situation like this before? Or are you in situations like this all the time like myself?(only this time someone decides to get the police involved). What are your thoughts? Why are some Scots still so completely anal about something that happened 700 years ago that had fuck all to do with them and still insist on bitching about 'English incomers' even though they're too pissed to know what they're talking about?


New member
Nov 22, 2009
coming from a ginger in america, i know what youre talking about. just let it go, be the bigger person. or hell, just move away.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Have I ever been in a situation where I have been put down for my nationality? Yes. Heaps of times. I was born and raised in Zimbabwe (I now live in the States) and many of the cool girls at school like to remind everyone that I am a "feral, stupid, disgusting African" before people start to like me.

I've never been assaulted for it like you though. My advice would not to get too drawn into it. Be proud of being English, and hold your head up high.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Kortney said:
Have I ever been in a situation where I have been put down for my nationality? Yes. Heaps of times. I was born and raised in Zimbabwe (I now live in the States) and many of the cool girls at school like to remind everyone that I am a "feral, stupid, disgusting African" before people start to like me.

I've never been assaulted for it like you though. My advice would not to get too drawn into it. Be proud of being English, and hold your head up high.
Wait... they use the word feral?

Scots beating up on Brits?

Gingers are oppressed in america?

Where the fuck do you people live? I mean, i've heard that Seattle is one of the most tolerant, P.C. cities in the world but geez. The world can't be that bad of a place can it?


New member
Aug 17, 2009
You're in SCOTLAND... seriously, what do you expect?

Anyway, just move to south east England. We're nice and gentle over here, and... and we baked you a cake.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
If you've ever been to Ireland, you'll notice there's a LOT of other races around.
So no, I don't get this. Ever.

Tranka Verrane

New member
Jul 21, 2008
nebtheslayer95 said:
coming from a ginger in america, i know what youre talking about. just let it go, be the bigger person. or hell, just move away.
Wait, what? I thought the Americans had a thing for redheads?


New member
Nov 2, 2009
grimsprice said:
Wait... they use the word feral?

Oh yes, they say feral all the time. It's always feral, stupid, disgusting, (insert swear words), African. To be fair, it's only a small group of girls who do this. Everyone else has been very kind.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Being as I am a white Englishman in a county full of white Englishmen (and some Welshmen too) I have never been subject to abuse such as you have, but my heart goes out to you, and I applaud you for not letting the bastards walk all over you.

As for why the Scots are angry at you/ England in general, I can only speculate. It's just that in the past we Englishmen made a habit out of treating our Scottish, Welsh, and Irish neighbors like dirt, and today some of them still hate us for it, even though no one alive had anything to do with it. It' like that whole thing a few years ago when Tony Blair had to apologize for Britain's involvement in the slave trade, like we only just freed them or something. Total bollocks.

/end rant


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Just move. Yeah they may think they told you off, but why put up with that shit when you can start new in a friendly town


New member
Sep 26, 2009
It's because the Scots have an inferiority complex which turns them into arses. I suggest moving back to civilisation in England!


New member
Aug 9, 2008
SmartIdiot said:
Ok. I am sick to my stomach of this shit. Well and truly. I have just finished being questioned by the police over a racial incident. Yep, nice to see they're actually doing some work but for fucks sake this has been going on forever.

Let me fill you in.

I am from Kent in southeast England. I am a southerner and I'm not afraid of where I come from. I've been living on Skye, a god-forsaken hellhole of an island located just off the west coast of Scotland for about 10 years now. The problem with isolated places like this is that the local nazis don't take kindly to so-called 'incomers' like myself and, supposedly, my best friend (who's mother is from Yorkshire, England). Tonight we had some abuse from an ignorant jackass. Fine, new years day, I didn't lash out, I just told him to fuck off, we're meant to be enjoying ourselves in the optimistic spirit of 2010 being a better year than 2009.

Anyway, I shouldn't be, but I am, used to the kind of abuse you get for being English in a place like this. Usually I get decked for standing up for myself. However this time some bright spark decided to get the police involved. So I've just spent the last half hour being questioned on the incident. A total waste of my time. I'm rather angry, already smashed my phone. However, before breaking anything else I'm curious, what do you think Escapists? Have you ever been in a situation like this before? Or are you in situations like this all the time like myself?(only this time someone decides to get the police involved). What are your thoughts? Why are some Scots still so completely anal about something that happened 700 years ago that had fuck all to do with them and still insist on bitching about 'English incomers' even though they're too pissed to know what they're talking about?
Wow, nice rant thread. You speak of racial incidents then go and call us Scottish people a bunch of pissed-up whiners. I'm really trying to suppress the rage right now.

Anyway, deep breaths.

You're generalising a whole people based on the off-coast islands (Which you can relate to in terms of racial awareness as a bit like middle England). I'd just like it if you'd not get so ragey at everyone in Scotland who you consider "too pissed to know what they're talking about". That's exactly why people in Scotland dislike the English, you're always stereotyping us.

Please just cool it off. If you've done nothing there's nothing to worry about.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Worst I've had was during middle school and playing french horn next to an angry black girl. She basically would rip on me non-stop for no particular reason and when I finally decided I wasn't going to take her shit anymore and stood up for myself, she cried racism and I got questioned for it >_<

luckily she didn't last long there and moved away. Any more of her shit and I would've had to chuck her ass into a woodchipper.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Kortney said:
grimsprice said:
Wait... they use the word feral?

Oh yes, they say feral all the time. It's always feral, stupid, disgusting, (insert swear words), African. To be fair, it's only a small group of girls who do this. Everyone else has been very kind.
And so, how does everyone else react? If that happened here, we'd all look at them like they're a mutant. Its just not... even... a possibility.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
grimsprice said:
Kortney said:
grimsprice said:
Wait... they use the word feral?

Oh yes, they say feral all the time. It's always feral, stupid, disgusting, (insert swear words), African. To be fair, it's only a small group of girls who do this. Everyone else has been very kind.

And so, how does everyone else react? If that happened here, we'd all look at them like they're a mutant. Its just not... even... a possibility.
If any boys hear them say it, they tell them to fuck off and to leave me alone. But because the girls who say it are the "cool kids" quite often no other female has the balls to speak up to them.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
MurderousToaster said:
SmartIdiot said:
Ok. I am sick to my stomach of this shit. Well and truly. I have just finished being questioned by the police over a racial incident. Yep, nice to see they're actually doing some work but for fucks sake this has been going on forever.

Let me fill you in.

I am from Kent in southeast England. I am a southerner and I'm not afraid of where I come from. I've been living on Skye, a god-forsaken hellhole of an island located just off the west coast of Scotland for about 10 years now. The problem with isolated places like this is that the local nazis don't take kindly to so-called 'incomers' like myself and, supposedly, my best friend (who's mother is from Yorkshire, England). Tonight we had some abuse from an ignorant jackass. Fine, new years day, I didn't lash out, I just told him to fuck off, we're meant to be enjoying ourselves in the optimistic spirit of 2010 being a better year than 2009.

Anyway, I shouldn't be, but I am, used to the kind of abuse you get for being English in a place like this. Usually I get decked for standing up for myself. However this time some bright spark decided to get the police involved. So I've just spent the last half hour being questioned on the incident. A total waste of my time. I'm rather angry, already smashed my phone. However, before breaking anything else I'm curious, what do you think Escapists? Have you ever been in a situation like this before? Or are you in situations like this all the time like myself?(only this time someone decides to get the police involved). What are your thoughts? Why are some Scots still so completely anal about something that happened 700 years ago that had fuck all to do with them and still insist on bitching about 'English incomers' even though they're too pissed to know what they're talking about?
Wow, nice rant thread. You speak of racial incidents then go and call us Scottish people a bunch of pissed-up whiners. I'm really trying to suppress the rage right now.

Anyway, deep breaths.

You're generalising a whole people based on the off-coast islands (Which you can relate to in terms of racial awareness as a bit like middle England). I'd just like it if you'd not get so ragey at everyone in Scotland who you consider "too pissed to know what they're talking about". That's exactly why people in Scotland dislike the English, you're always stereotyping us.

Please just cool it off. If you've done nothing there's nothing to worry about.
Hence why I said 'some scots', rather than all, I have some rather charming Glaswegian friends amongst others scattered around the country... and where I'm situated right now, everyone is drunk. All the time. I'm not kidding. I thought that the movies were just satirising it but it's actually true...


New member
Jun 23, 2009
corroded said:
But it doesn't happen the other way around, yet by popular international assumption it's the English that are the racists.
We aren't racist, we're just better than you.
Only joking.
OT: I'm confused about who got in trouble for racism, because you hardly did anything, and from the sounds of it, people don't seem to be too happy about you, and wouldn't call the po-po because someone started making trouble.


Not quite Cthulhu
May 25, 2009
I have had quite a bit if abuse from Scottish people too. Never in Scotland though (My experience with the people this side of the boder has put me off going there)
I of course being me, just go and shout equally bad things back at them. THEY always start it though. Of all the Scottish folk i have met, only 3 have been polite.
Of course, Racism is bad. You shouldnt be racist. A lesson too many people still need to lear i fear.