Seriously, why do some guys pull this shit?


New member
Oct 25, 2010
MasochisticAvenger said:
Rin Little said:
MasochisticAvenger said:
It amuses me after all the creepy stuff you say he does, the first two reasons you list in your conclusion as to why you won't date him is he doesn't have a real job or a car. I was unaware this was a movie from the 1980s... Sorry, the whole "he doesn't have a car" thing struck me as kind of shallow.

From what you've said, it kind of sounds like you're just hoping he will "get the message" and leave you alone. Have you tried sitting down with him and just talking it out with him. I'm sorry, but from what I've read it sounds like you're been quite immature about this whole situation yourself.
Dude I'm 22, I want to date someone who actually has their life together. And I've been laying it on the line for years that I wouldn't date him.
I can understand that, but "lack of car" is a serious factor as to why you won't date him? I'm just saying that comes across as quite shallow to me. Maybe I'm just annoyed by that comment since I don't have a car myself, and don't like the implication that not having a car means you don't have your life together.
If I might butt in here, I believe I know what the OP was saying. In her eyes, he is the kind of person who is too lazy and irresponsible to even try to get a car. He doesn't want to put the slightest amount of effort into life, but still expects to get something out of it. Sometimes tangible factors are simply indicators of underlying issues.

If anyone here doesn't have a car, but its for other reasons, there is a good chance that girls like the OP will see the situation for what it is and not judge you poorly for it.

Herr Uhl

New member
Sep 25, 2010
.No. said:
Gamblerjoe said:
I hate to be a jerk, but these guys don't deserve a girl. They just need to be ejected from the playing field.
That's going a bit far, and is beyond being a jerk. And what do you mean "ejected from the playing field"?
Getting ostracized from society? Send him to a tiny uninhabited island and drop off provisions every two weeks.


New member
May 8, 2010
I've been on both sides of this (I'm a 28 year old guy).

On the guy's side - I wasn't as extreme, but recently I pretty much lost a friend because I told her how I felt and she clearly couldn't deal. We weren't that close, but we'd spoken fairly regularly, and I started to see a lot in common, and thought she felt the same way (partially because I was told by mutual friends we should get together. Assholes -_-). Anyway, after getting shot down I tried to remain friends, but she kept blowing me off to the point where I got angry. See, it stung a bit being shot down, it always does, but what can hurt the most is losing a friend without understanding why (she never did tell me she felt uncomfortable, I just had to assume, despite her telling me she did want to remain friends). From what I can tell, you clearly don't think of him as much of one, but maybe he thought differently. It happens. If he sits quietly in the corner when you and your friends hang out, maybe that's just how he deals with people, and maybe he assumes that if he's close with them then he must be close with you. I don't know really, but if he knows you have a boyfriend, and knows you're not interested, he should back off, but then if you don't want him as a friend, just tell him. It'll make things easier in the long run for you both. If you don't mind my asking, how exactly do you know this person?

edit: Also, as far as I know she's single, and I never mentioned being horny to her... and I never go for girls in a relationship... OK, I wasn't much like this guy beyond getting shot down, but the advice does still work!

On your side - I am blind to when a girl likes me, let me say that now. One of my favorite things about the present is that it's now acceptable for a woman to ask a man out, because otherwise I think I might have had 2 girlfriends in my entire life. That said, there have been women who liked me and I didn't realize, and there have been some that told me how they felt and I was honest with. At first things were a bit awkward, but it worked out well in the long run, mostly.

I did once have someone who could not accept that I didn't want them. We had dated a bit, fooled around, but I lost interest. Afterwards she would regularly try to seduce me. I told her it would never happen again, but in the end I had to ignore her and remove her from my life. It sucked, but ultimately it was the right thing to do both for myself, and for her, because now she has the chance to find someone new (and if she has to think I'm an asshole to do so, that's fine by me as well I guess).


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Rin Little said:
Seriously, this guy doesn't know shit about me and yet he's making all these comments as if he could convince me to dump my boyfriend and instead date him when he doesn't have a real job and no car and constantly whines about crap...

Why do guys pull this shit?!
I sympathise with your situation and all. You seem to be on the receiving end of a right creepy bastard. Just cut the guy out of your life as quickly and as painlessly as you can. Well, it'll be painless for you. He'll be distraught, but fuck him (no, don't do that) he doesn't have a right to feel upset over this.

That being said, I'm kind of concerned with the lines I emboldened up there. I'm pretty sure you're just venting, this guy is pissing you off and you want to fire off a few insultes. I get that and I commend you for it. We all love to vent. But let me play devil's advocate - 'real' jobs are hard to come by at the moment. Job security is virtually non-existant for most people. I hope your low opinion of this guy is based on his creepy and whiney behaviour and not on how much money he makes.

But I'm just a goofball on the internet, my opinions are just that - opinions.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
Gamblerjoe said:
MasochisticAvenger said:
Rin Little said:
MasochisticAvenger said:
It amuses me after all the creepy stuff you say he does, the first two reasons you list in your conclusion as to why you won't date him is he doesn't have a real job or a car. I was unaware this was a movie from the 1980s... Sorry, the whole "he doesn't have a car" thing struck me as kind of shallow.

From what you've said, it kind of sounds like you're just hoping he will "get the message" and leave you alone. Have you tried sitting down with him and just talking it out with him. I'm sorry, but from what I've read it sounds like you're been quite immature about this whole situation yourself.
Dude I'm 22, I want to date someone who actually has their life together. And I've been laying it on the line for years that I wouldn't date him.
I can understand that, but "lack of car" is a serious factor as to why you won't date him? I'm just saying that comes across as quite shallow to me. Maybe I'm just annoyed by that comment since I don't have a car myself, and don't like the implication that not having a car means you don't have your life together.
If I might butt in here, I believe I know what the OP was saying. In her eyes, he is the kind of person who is too lazy and irresponsible to even try to get a car. He doesn't want to put the slightest amount of effort into life, but still expects to get something out of it. Sometimes tangible factors are simply indicators of underlying issues.

If anyone here doesn't have a car, but its for other reasons, there is a good chance that girls like the OP will see the situation for what it is and not judge you poorly for it.
The original poster already said it was because him not having a car would mean she would have to do all the driving due to a lack of public transport in her area.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
.No. said:
Eternal Taros said:
Rin Little said:
Why do guys pull this shit?!
.No. said:
He vaguely reminds me of someone I knew who knew who kept bothering one of my friends, although that guy didn't do anything besides stare(which was really creepy and really pissed her off.)
Wait, what? People pull shit like this?
I've never, ever seen this happen.
The first notable time I've witnessed something like it was this summer. Luckily they're now a couple states away from each other.
Gamblerjoe said:
I hate to be a jerk, but these guys don't deserve a girl. They just need to be ejected from the playing field.
That's going a bit far, and is beyond being a jerk. And what do you mean "ejected from the playing field"?
I'm talking about the proverbial "field" i.e. the dating field. Im not saying they need to be killed if that's what you think. Also, I lied. I don't hate to be a jerk.

I don't see my statement as going too far at all. How does any girl deserve that kind of albatross?

Herr Uhl

New member
Sep 25, 2010
Gamblerjoe said:
I don't see my statement as going too far at all. How does any girl deserve that kind of albatross?
There are girls that are just as bad. Perfect match.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
He's lonely, probably clingy and desperate. He's hoping that getting a girlfried will help his problems, and you're the girl who he knows the best, so he probably think he's skipping a few steps ahead.

It's unsurprising to me.


New member
Nov 3, 2011
gallaetha_matt said:
Rin Little said:
Seriously, this guy doesn't know shit about me and yet he's making all these comments as if he could convince me to dump my boyfriend and instead date him when he doesn't have a real job and no car and constantly whines about crap...

Why do guys pull this shit?!
I sympathise with your situation and all. You seem to be on the receiving end of a right creepy bastard. Just cut the guy out of your life as quickly and as painlessly as you can. Well, it'll be painless for you. He'll be distraught, but fuck him (no, don't do that) he doesn't have a right to feel upset over this.

That being said, I'm kind of concerned with the lines I emboldened up there. I'm pretty sure you're just venting, this guy is pissing you off and you want to fire off a few insultes. I get that and I commend you for it. We all love to vent. But let me play devil's advocate - 'real' jobs are hard to come by at the moment. Job security is virtually non-existant for most people. I hope your low opinion of this guy is based on his creepy and whiney behaviour and not on how much money he makes.

But I'm just a goofball on the internet, my opinions are just that - opinions.
Yeah but if she cuts him out of her life, she will have nothing to complain about. I completely sympathise in this situation, and it best to keep him around and invent excuses as to why she keeps talking to him, even though she finds a lot of behaviour and mannerisms distasteful. And clearly does not wish to talk to him anymore


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Herr Uhl said:
.No. said:
Gamblerjoe said:
I hate to be a jerk, but these guys don't deserve a girl. They just need to be ejected from the playing field.
That's going a bit far, and is beyond being a jerk. And what do you mean "ejected from the playing field"?
Getting ostracized from society? Send him to a tiny uninhabited island and drop off provisions every two weeks.
Actually that's even better than what I was thinking. He wouldn't need a car or job. He can just sit there and have everything he needs delivered to him. It seems to be what he wants. win/win!


New member
Oct 2, 2011
Try not to generalize a gender based on this one guys actions. Which has always confused me. Personally I don't flirt, in fact I barley interact with other people but I have overheard a lot of conversations in my college classes and watched human interaction from the back of the room, so I may know a little about it. Firstly any attention giving to this guy can be misleading, as he may see any interaction as a sign that you are into him. So if you truly can't stand people pining over you, if the very thought that others may find you attractive makes you sick, if you find the desires of those who you find undesirable as gross, then simply stop talking to him.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Yup, trying to guilt you into doing something with him. Dude cares more about himself than you, so I'd say don't even be friends with him anymore.


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
People like talking about people. Makes us feel superior. Makes us feel in control. And sometimes, for some people, knowing some things makes them care.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
I say record examples of things he says does and when. If he gets weird and stalkerish, you'll have plenty of evidence to get that restraining order.

You'd think you wouldn't need one; just tell the guy you're not interested in dating and all this touchy-feely closeness is really awkward and uncomfortable for you. If he has any ounce of respect for you at all he'll accept he's done wrong and leave you alone even if it upsets him. If he does anything else, well he's only in it for himself and your refusal to shape yourself according to his desire could make him even more pushy. If that does occur make sure you keep your friends and family informed of his actions - the more people who know to watch out for him, the better a heads up you'll get if he won't move on.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Sounds like he has some issues, no need to generalise here.

Your probably going to want to be forceful in your approach to telling him to stay away from you, but not too rude either.

If you give him even a hint of hope, he will cling to that forever.

If you completely humiliate him then he may get a bit forceful himself, please be careful.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Rin Little said:
Why do guys pull this shit?!
Whoa there cupcake....

Lets not lump all us blokes in the same pan as the depressingly desperate ones shall we.

Some of us are quite capable of finding our own women without resorting to shit like that.

And that is also why I never, eeeever, tried anything with women i'm friends with .. or worked with (that can get awkward).

If me and my wife ever split up and it got to the stage where i'm telling women I know that i'm horny or try and guilt trip them into a date then I know it's time to tie a knot in my penis and resign myself to singledom ... and internet porn.

Luckily my wife doesn;t want to string me up with my own intestines yet but give her a few more years, she's very tolerant I just haven't annoyed her enough yet.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
why do you even hang out with someone like that? he seems rather annoying.
and guys do this because they are really weird. I remember during my teenage years lot's of my friends were like this because they had trouble talking to girls and whenever they did manage to talk to one on a regular basis they got very clingy. Depending on how old the guy is he may just never have left that phase.

Oh and girls pull this kinda shit too.

Rin Little

New member
Jul 24, 2011
Rawne1980 said:
Luckily my wife doesn;t want to string me up with my own intestines yet but give her a few more years, she's very tolerant I just haven't annoyed her enough yet.
String you up by your intestines? Youch, that sounds harsh and very Hannibal Lector-esque


New member
Aug 29, 2009
tell him no means no and if that doesn't make him stop tell him to go fuck himself and stay out of your life if he wants to keep acting like this