Sexy Gaming: A Do's and Do Nots Discussion


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Sevre90210 said:
Alright lets settle down now guys, you cannot change anything with ranting I'm afraid. They sell because they're unrealistic. Gaming is slowly turning into another division of the "Adult" industry. The only way to stop it is to boycott.
Do they sell because they're unrealistic? I disagree, unrealistic just seems to be par for the course. Yes, Sex Sells, but that doesn't mean that Exploitation needs to sell.

In my opinion there's NOTHING wrong with using a Sexy Character, male or female, to draw attention to your game. I'm just discussing how "Sexy" can be scaled back to be less...silly, and still be sexy.

In essence, Sexy = Good, Exploitation = Bad... can we focus on the Sexy without exploitation?


New member
Jan 19, 2009
PedroSteckecilo said:
Sexy is good! But can we maintain it and appease people who, in some cases, have legitimate concerns?
This reminds me of someone who asked whether God of War featured a lot of nudity or not. Because, as a good Christian, he does not wish to see this. When people asked why he has a problem with such a natural thing like sex (sex? Nudity, rather) but not with ripping enemies into half, cutting off heads or brutalize them in any other way he would just answer "don't hate me because of my religion".

After going off-topic, here's my point (don't ban me please T_T):
It's okay to have good-looking people as protagonists - it makes them sympathetic to the audience right from the start, but it might be an interesting concept to do it differently; if done well and connected with the plot, that is.

Edit: Yes, of course it's possible to go "sexy" without exploiting. It's all about how you do it, and, most importantly, whether you even want to. Here's what I'm talking about:


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
PedroSteckecilo said:
I reitterate, I only used Ivy as a recent example of what is considered wrong with the depiction of women in Videogames. Don't get too off topic.
Okeydokeysmokey. You want discussion, I give you TEXT:

There are several male sexual stereotypes in gaming as well as female stereotypes. These mainly revolve around three to four big ones that all others come from:

1)The Hulk: a character meant to give female gamers some beefcake love. Typically a dumb character that is manipulated. Rarely has love intrest.
2)The Bond/Prince: Sleek, suave, and masterful. Lighter than the Hulk, he is still strong, but uses agility and skill. Typically has a love interest. Will never be with the same woman for long though.
3)The Kratos: a mishmash of both the previous types, with a domineering personality. Someone that treats women roughly, with little regard.
4)The Mario: derive it yourself, this is the third time I hit backspace by accident when not typing and lost my paragraphs. (HOPELESS FANBOY OF SOME WOMAN)

When you look at it, men in games do not have a positive portrayal when looked at from a female's perspective. We men are fine with this though: gamer girls see male characters as being little more than fan service. They can deal with games for the most part, because games are not focused towards them as much.

However, I don't think that the way females are portrayed as sexually desirable in games is as much the problem as the way they act. You see, all women in games tend to be aloof, out of reach, romantically unattainable. Even Mario, for all his efforts, all the pain he goes through, never gets even so much as a hug. This creates a extreme conflict in the minds of male gamers: they see women as desirable, yet think that real-world women will treat them like virtual women, and reject them. The exception to this seems to be Bioware games, an halfway decent example of games that have strong yet emotional female protagonists. This, accompanied by the fact that most sexually attractive women tend to have high standards, and that ALL women seem to treat men very strangely unless they are already friends(most likely due to the constant presence of violence against women in today's society), leads to male gamers wanting to avoid real females altogether, and stick with their digital counterparts. The issue therefore is not how women are DRAWN in games as much as they ACT, though as I said before, getting rid of the Zillaboobs will relieve some problems.

Some advice to the gamer girls out there: you need to follow the advice of moviebob. Be assertive, open, and friendly: you're the folks who can help change the status quo the most.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
honestly, i hate it when you get overly sexed up female characters, especially in JRPGS!!!! because they are my favorite type of game, and so i find a female character with massive breasts wobbling all over the screen intensely annoying, as much as i love breasts in the real world, please keep huge ones out of games, PLEASE!!!!!


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I think it has more of an issue to due with lazy design and poorly thought out character structures. Sure designers could look at a few modeling magazines or something along with other documentation in order to form a more appropriate outfit, and by that I mean one that some one would actually want or could wear. However, if they just copy something from a an adult magazine, which I have no doubt liter their "workshops", that will take a fifth the time and still make the same amount of cash why not?

Greed and laziness are the only two things that are truly dragging down the gaming community as a whole. But it isn't just the designers, it is also the scores of morons that dupe themselves into buying those kinds of games. Honestly, most games of this nature, having sex as the real selling point, are at best a combination of a game you can find on the internet with improved graphics and porn you can find on the internet with diminished graphics.

Not to mention there is this whole thing about attracting people who up until this point didn't really like video games or wouldn't consider themselves gamers, but now do because they play cooking mana or rock band. I have nothing against them it just bugs me that the companies are trying to sell to other demographics, what's the matter nintendo? My money not good enough for ya?

Anyway getting back to the main question, can we have sexiness in a game that won't offend any one or drag the game down? I think we can it is just a balancing act that need to be attended to very carefully. I actually just had a thought, how many women design games? That could be part of the problem.

Frankly I think everything would be fine if people just used more common sense, like why would a female warrior be wearing nothing but a chain mail bikini? That to me is just some one not being serious enough to actually care about what they're creating. Sure all the characters that designers make for games are fake, but so are comic book super heroes that people look up to and are inspired by. Plus it helps the whole sense of escapism if a player can connection in some way to a character they are playing on some level.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Jarrid said:
Zenn3k said:
Speak for yourself.
Anachronism said:
This... this is not sexy; she's trying too hard. This sort of thing really irritates me in fighting games anyway, because who the hell would dress like that for a normal situation, let alone combat? It makes no sense!
Please, oh please, put the images in spoiler tags...even if you quote. It makes things SO MUCH EASIER on people... and it wastes less space. So take a minute please to edit your posts. I'm not trying to be a forum commando, it's just that when images get spammed in quotes and such it tends to turn people away from the thread, and as such fewer folks show up to the party because they lose interest after seeing the same picture posted six times.

EDIT: Whoops, missed two people.

EDITv2: Alright, some people fixed their posts up.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
scotth266 said:
Jarrid said:
sneak_copter said:
Well, I can see why some people (NOT ME) could be turned on by that...
perryman93 said:
i have to say that really isnt sexy, its an ABOMINATION!!!!!!
Please, oh please, put the images in spoiler tags...even if you quote. It makes things SO MUCH EASIER on people... and it wastes less space. So take a minute please to edit your posts. I'm not trying to be a forum commando, it's just that when images get spammed in quotes and such it tends to turn people away from the thread, and as such fewer folks show up to the party because they lose interest after seeing the same picture posted six times.
You're not my MOTHER.

Anyway, you did have a point. Already done.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Being female, I've never had a problem with "sexy" characters in games. I prefer to look at characters with at least some aesthetic appeal--I want everything in the game to have aesthetic appeal. I can put up with the GIGABOOBAGE in some games because makin' em huge is sometimes the only way you can see them properly from the in-game perspective. Case in point: the Amazon's boobs in Diablo II were RIDICULOUSLY huge, but when you were playing the Amazon they actually looked reasonable because of the perspective. It just made her look Amazonian in comparison to, say, the Sorceress.

I prefer games where you can *play* as the hawt female character, though, or where the exaggerated sexual characteristics have some sort of purpose (as in Fable where the only really hawt female in the game was Lady Grey and she was basically a joke femme fatale). When the PC is some Big Chunk of Manly Manness and EVERY female NPC in the game is a wasp-waisted huge-boobed monstrosity, though, then you're getting ridiculous and need to re-evaluate just what it is that you're saying by your character design. "We're lazy so we assigned the character modeling to a deranged college student who hasn't been laid in 5 years" is not a sensible message to be sending.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I can see why alot of women are not happy with the women that appear in video games. But this also happens with males. Males are also over sexualised. Take Ninja Gaiden for example. The female protaganist, Rachel has stricken up alot of contraversy over her oversized boobs and her scimpy clothes. However, Ryu is the exact same thing but is a male. He has rippling muscles and is wearing a tight leather suit. However I have not heard any complaints about him.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Shallow works fine as long as there is some depth to mix it up with. And that applies for gameplay, story, character and (as is relevant to the discussion) character design.

Playing a game like Soul Calibur I really don't mind if the characters (both sexes) are über sexy, perfect looking bombshells. It's not a very realistic game, I don't play it because of it's depth, I play it because I want to spank some asses. So when everything else is pretty shallow (not saying "bad", I freaking love SC4), then sure, bring on the bewbs.

On the other hand there are games where you really care for the characters, where you identify with them and they feel like believable persons. Unfortunately in games like these (Final Fantasy, Mass Effect etc.) the majority of the women (not only the ones you play) seem to look good or perfect. Really, look at women in video games and women in real life and notice the difference. I'm not saying games need more ugly women, but a bit more realism in character design would not hurt. Huge kudos to DICE for not making Faith look perfect, but rather like an actual human being.

That said, I don't think this is a huge problems with games nowadays. I prefer solid gameplay over believable character design anyday (again, ME is a good example), these are just my feeling on the topic ^^


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Well, it's more of an economic problem than anything else. The studios designing these games have realized that ridiculous proportions, be it male or female, will generate them more income, regardless of the quality of the game.
Ivy is a good example for this. As the series proceeds, her outfit shrinks and her boobs miraculously grow. People who want to buy the game because it's Soul Calibur will buy it as long as the characters and gameplay are roughly the same. But if they can sell 5000 copies more by making some characters ridiculously overdone sex-objects? Why would they not? They may alienate a few hundred fans, but will get a few thousand horny boys. What do they care who buys their games for what reasons? Being a company, and thus wanting to make money, they really don't care about the overall quality of the video-game industry. Which, mind you, is not a bad thing per se. If companies don't make money with their games, they can't make more, or at least not with the same quality in production.

I guess RPGs are not that heavily afflicted by Huge Boobs Syndrome since RPGs are story-driven, whereas Shooters or Beat-em-ups for example rely heavily on visuals, but that is just how I see it.

So, yeah, as long as games are mostly bought by teenage boys, this will remain unchanged or worsen. And I doubt that it will ever change.


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
PedroSteckecilo said:
Sevre90210 said:
Alright lets settle down now guys, you cannot change anything with ranting I'm afraid. They sell because they're unrealistic. Gaming is slowly turning into another division of the "Adult" industry. The only way to stop it is to boycott.
Do they sell because they're unrealistic? I disagree, unrealistic just seems to be par for the course. Yes, Sex Sells, but that doesn't mean that Exploitation needs to sell.

In my opinion there's NOTHING wrong with using a Sexy Character, male or female, to draw attention to your game. I'm just discussing how "Sexy" can be scaled back to be less...silly, and still be sexy.

In essence, Sexy = Good, Exploitation = Bad... can we focus on the Sexy without exploitation?
Unfortunately very few people try to scale it back, Mirrors Edge did a good job. You don't need to be naked with double Ds to get a gamers attention, it does help but usually it makes me think the game overall is just silly.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Littaly said:
Playing a game like Soul Calibur I really don't mind if the characters (both sexes) are über sexy, perfect looking bombshells. It's not a very realistic game, I don't play it because of it's depth, I play it because I want to spank some asses. So when everything else is pretty shallow (not saying "bad", I freaking love SC4), then sure, bring on the bewbs.

On the other hand there are games where you really care for the characters, where you identify with them and they feel like believable persons. Unfortunately in games like these (Final Fantasy, Mass Effect etc.) the majority of the women (not only the ones you play) seem to look good or perfect. Really, look at women in video games and women in real life and notice the difference. I'm not saying games need more ugly women, but a bit more realism in character design would not hurt. Huge kudos to DICE for not making Faith look perfect, but rather like an actual human being.
The first paragraph, I agree with completely. It brings up the interesting point that for certain types of games this behavior is somewhat kosher.

But Mass Effect? That game does not have perfect female characters. At least, I don't think so. While their bodies are attractive, they have personality flaws: Ashley has anger issues, for instance.

Hmmm... Perhaps some perspective would be nice to give? I think that this [] looks like the heroine could be interesting, yet sexy, though I fear that she'll have all the personality of a Lara Croft rip-off...

Yeah, I'm a manga fan. Sue me. It allows me lots of room to find good/bad examples of characters.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Personnally, I would be hypocrite if I said I am offended by oversexed characters (Dead or Alive 4 is my favorite fighting game, and I always pick the most sexy outfits when I play females). However, I think the problem is not that it is wrong, as much as it is too omnipresent. As a whole, video games are hurting themselves by NOT having games with ugly or normal people.

Does it fit a serious and realist game to have only super models and beefed up machos populating its universe? Of course not. Also, while I agree that sexy is enjoyable, not sexy would be in itself a good enough novelty for me to buy the game.

As a narrative tool, the medium would gain much credibility if it wasn't targetting at drooling adolescent. A good way to do so is to NOT consider them as the main audience, and concentrating on everybody else. However, this is what publishers would call a huge risk, unaware that thousands upon thousands of gamers are *gasp* intelligent beings!

And on a closing notes, for all female readers: I am pretty sure that you can be more sexy, more real, more desirable than any video game characters. I adore you all! Don't let these stupid male fantasies affect your self esteem.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Just like on Tv and in Films, Games are going to have perfect male/female characters it's not a gaming matter it's a media one and the majority wouldnt play a game if every character was ugly etc.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Timmareus said:
I guess RPGs are not that heavily afflicted by Huge Boobs Syndrome since RPGs are story-driven, whereas Shooters or Beat-em-ups for example rely heavily on visuals, but that is just how I see it.
For RPG's you can get across the board,

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Little of column B...