Shamus Plays: LOTRO, Part 1


New member
Feb 3, 2009
This was really entertaining, cant wait for the follow-ups.
In the meantime, I think I'll check your website.


New member
Jan 21, 2010
Simply Simon said:
One of the few things I remember from this game is that I laughed the first time I saw the hobbit walking animation. Also, bards can apparently play/sing so badly that the enemies that hear them take damage.
They don't "take damage" they're just "demoralized" by the witty banter, jibs and character flaws brought out in the minstrel's sarcastic stanzas. ;) I found the use of morale instead of hp to be an interesting concept twist to a MMORPG even if it still needs refining.

Simply Simon

New member
Aug 17, 2009
Adventurer2626 said:
Simply Simon said:
One of the few things I remember from this game is that I laughed the first time I saw the hobbit walking animation. Also, bards can apparently play/sing so badly that the enemies that hear them take damage.
They don't "take damage" they're just "demoralized" by the witty banter, jibs and character flaws brought out in the minstrel's sarcastic stanzas. ;) I found the use of morale instead of hp to be an interesting concept twist to a MMORPG even if it still needs refining.
They use morale instead of hp? Haven't played it very much so I don't remember. Still, it's a bad sign if people get demoralized by hearing you play a lute or something. And if they simply used the word moral instead of hp it would imply other strangeness as well.
The orc swings his greataxe at you.
It hits!
Your morale is bruised.


New member
Jan 21, 2010
As I said it's quirky at best. It really plays no differently (aside from banjo playing being a valid damage type), it's an attempt to honour the lore. Only Eru (god) has the power to resurrect and he's not going to throw his gifts around willy nilly to joe adventurer. Only a couple examples (Beren + Luthien, Gandalf, Glorfindel?) have been confirmed. Also permadeath has a track record of being unpopular in mmorpgs. Something about losing 100s of hours of work to carelessness and going /emo. Therefore Turbine tried to find a middle ground: the morale system. Morale is how long you can fight before you collapse and get pummeled/incapacitated but never finished off. When defeated, you can be re-inspired/reinvigorated by the encouraging ballads of minstrels or by the motivating words of a captain (you get rezzed by other players) or retreat and meekly by yourself or by wandering rescuers of some sort to a safe area (really you just get teleported to a resurrection circle but this is the lore/realism explanation). Also when defeated you suffer gear damage from receiving the beating of your life and you're demoralized (reduced max hp and outgoing dps) for 10 minutes. If you want a more coherent explanation I'd suggest asking around on the forums as I'm by no means an expert loremonkey.

I initially thought was that this meant we would constantly be blocking/parrying/evading but we still take "damage" sometimes. My only guess is this is being absorbed by your gear without physically causing you harm. *shrug*


New member
Aug 26, 2008
The morale replacement for HP works pretty well, although there are some exceptions. For example, you can jump off the top of Weathertop and fall hundreds of meters to the ground and be defeated because you were "demoralized".

If any of you all play 4E D&D, it's a similar concept.

Side note, it is also a bit weird in LOTRO when they talk about "Healing", b/c they're referring to IC healing, not morale regeneration. As such, the Loremaster is the best "Healer" as far as the lore is concerned, although they're only modest at best at doing the "healing" as defined by game conventions.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Yea im a lvl 62 Hunter on Eldar. Message me in game, my name is eloros and im always happy to help, unless its like 2am then im not, but who is? XD


New member
Nov 29, 2008
This is the best way to review a game I'll probably never play, if not solely because of forced grouping quests (& it is). It it had no forced grouping & was free, this would deffinately get me in the mood.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
lol man I love this series :D

kinda wish he'd done more. maybe for TOR or something


New member
Apr 19, 2013
I confess my experience with LOTRO has never gone past the first 10-15 levels so far but I'll end up picking it up again in the future, I hope. Meanwhile, I'll follow this brave, no-nonsense hobbit's adventures, being as it's practical and hilarious. :)