Shooter Guy and Life In Bullet Time
This week, Gavin talks Max Payne 3 and first-person shooters.
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This week, Gavin talks Max Payne 3 and first-person shooters.
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Mainly seen in CoD, this is where a player, normally aged under 13 or "big" on YT, has a sniper rifle.Wieke said:And could anyone explain what "360 no-scope" is?
Ah thanks for explaining. Good thing you provided that clip otherwise I would have had trouble believing itSassafrass said:Mainly seen in CoD, this is where a player, normally aged under 13 or "big" on YT, has a sniper rifle.Wieke said:And could anyone explain what "360 no-scope" is?
They then jump off of something, spin in a full circle before firing without using the scope to aim the shot. This normally ends in two ways, a lucky shot which leads to much rejoicing and claims of "I pull off this shot everyday, it's piss easy." despite it relying a lot on luck, or this hilarious clip. []
It normally ends like the clip.
I feel like this is a Nobel Prize waiting to happen. If they had one in sociology or whatever.Is "middle class white kids rapping is so ghetto" a jab at gaming raps?
Maybe. Or perhaps I genuinely enjoy middle class white kids rapping about their no-scope headshot ladder stall skills and feel that they are in fact, acutely representative of the multi-cultured working class neighborhoods that first spawned the gangsta-rap genre and its associated ebonics.
I'm not sure, I imagine someone will film it anyway! Will look into it and see if we can get something organized.Wieke said:Hey Gavin, will a video of your performance at the expo be put online? So people who can't get to the expo will be able to see you perform as well?
I believe 'Military Jargon' is the term you're looking for. (I'll save you the lectures on it) ;]MiracleOfSound endless stream of OscarMike-ology...
*channels inner redneck* Woo! 'merica! *scarfs apple pies and cheeseburgers with many American flags and explosions in the background*...I love America...
Sweet L.A. is a very simple song. Perhaps if you could give me some examples of music you yourself find progressive, it would be easier to interpret what you mean by being 'safe'?Sober Thal said:-'For most Miracle of Sound songs I tend to lean towards the more sober, earnest side.'-
Not really. You tend to go for the more 'safe, simple' side of things.
You should only evoke my name (partially) when being super serial like. Ya know?
I have yet to hear a 'Sweet L.A.' caliber song....
Just requesting, eh?
*grumbles about verse chorus verse/computer effects mumbojumbo...
(still a fan tho)
It seems pretty exotic to me, but then I am not from 'merica and have comparatively little knowledge of the war in question. I am also quite interested in native Americans and their chirps said:I dont mean to make this sounds like a "yay Gavin and i have a similar view on -subjectA-"
But i'm just glad to hear someone other than me say what he said about Assassin's Creed 3. The time period is ok, but the setting just takes away part of what makes the series great. No exotic local and new culture. Just a re-imagining of my history class...."fun."
Not to mention it's extra dissapointing because the series has been such a non-stop positive to me, it's hard to deal with glaring negitives.
Something I hope you can talk a little about at some point is software to use for making music. I have been trying to find open source software for some time and haven't found anything particularly good.MiracleOfSound said:This week, Gavin talks Max Payne 3 and first-person shooters.
I wouldn't really know of any good open source software. Music recording software is extremely complex and varies hugely in quality. I bought all the software I use legit as they tend to be very buggy without updates. Anyway here's the list of what I useFlames66 said:Something I hope you can talk a little about at some point is software to use for making music. I have been trying to find open source software for some time and haven't found anything particularly good.