Should the mentally challenged be allowed to procreate?


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Would have to account if their own disability could be transfered to their offspring.
And if yes, then sorry but computer says no.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Swollen Goat said:
I don't care if they do or not, but I sure as hell don't think the government should have to pay for/raise them when the parents are incapable.
I agree with this. If it's something the extended family can and wants to finance then procreate away. But society should not have to pay to create more burdens. Sound like a Nazi now, though..


New member
Jun 2, 2010
that would have to come down to at least two things, hereditry, and severity.
both would need to be high before i would even consider restricting a persons right to breed.

also, what methods would you use to enforce these restrictions.

i realise some people might think me wrong for even considering that as a possibliity, but they have to understand that DNA is an incredebly complex thing, far moreso than our current technology.

Evolution is basically mutations, mutations in the dna of offsrping cause differences, and normally natural selection (aka survival of the fittest) will take those with bad dna and remove them from the gene pool. it will also in some cases take good mutations and proliferate them.

The problem is that when mutations occur, they will generally have a negative effect, rather then a positive one (imagine taking windows and randomly mucking around with the code a bit), so when things such as over-extensive welfare and lack of selective breeding cause natural selection to have a smaller or even non-existant effect, it causes the negative mutations passed on to outweigh the positive mutations.

if you project this over a very long time, the future looks bleak indeed.

Edit: there is however, still the option of insisting the genetically advantaged just breed like effin nuts. I kinda like this option at first, but only because I am kinda cocky, besides with this you can only anticipate more problems with overpopulation.

Flying Dagger

New member
Apr 14, 2009
This thread disgusts me.
I am not even going to bother because if I reply to some of what's being said here, I'm definitely going to get banned.
Let's leave it as saying that the premise of "preventing" people with disabilities from having kids is wrong on every moral level.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Firia said:
Jiraiya72 said:
A friend and I were having a discussion. He mentioned he doesn't think mentally challenged people should procreate. I'm not sure what side of the fence I fall on. I can understand they're human too but also that having more challenged children wouldn't be helping anyone. What do you think?
Here's something to think about; why exactly do you think your friend, or yourself for that matter, feel this way? Is it because from your perspective they are a burdon on society? Or they just don't lead as full or rich lives (from your perspective) as yourself or others?

It's really damn easy to point at Nazi Germany and make comparisons with a discussion like this (and I'm betting after 5 pages, more than one person has made that obvious comparison), but I'm not. It's the sad truth that many people feel this way. They have been burdened or experience a burden on occation in their day to day lives.

There is a guy that rides the bus I used to from time to time. He holds a radio up to his ear, even though it's not on. The guy is cross eyed, his limbs contort in odd ways, and I suspect that radio is a prop issued to him by a social worker to help normalize his odd behavior. This guy (lets call him Gary)- Gary rides the bus all on his own with no help from anyone. I don't know where he goes, what he does, but Gary can at least get around. He is functional, though obviously mentally handicapped. If he had the opportunity to settle down with someone and be happy with another person, why not give him the opportunity to reproduce?

Lets up the scale from Gary. Seymour, our next example, is extremely mentally disabled. So much so, he cannot get through his day to day life without the help of another. It is HIGHLY unlikely procreation is in his favor as Seymour cannot so much as tie his own shoes. He cannot feed himself, preform simple tasks, or (and this is just an educated guess based on the prior) clean himself. I base this example off of a mentally disabled Seymour off of a guy that volunteered at the hospital I worked at. Rather, the service that tended to his care volunteered him, to help him learn conditioning through tasks (mail delivery) wherein he was shadowed by a "normal" person to help.

It is near totally unlikely Seymour will ever meet a woman that will allow him to "mate" his him. Even if She were as disabled as him, there's a strong chance they'd need real help. Nature has sort of stopped Seymour from mating right there. But lets say, for the sake of the topic that Seymour found a woman that is as interested in him as he is her. Who are we to say no? Many would call this progress. Why stop progress? (unless, and I'm not trying to be crude, it were savage sex, wherein a child would likely be unable to be cared for by the two.) In cases of severe mental disability, there's someone to help via some care service. This service already makes sex with disabled persons extremely unlikely.

Lets go a step further from Seymour and Gary. Someone with simply LOW IQ. We're talking short bus, but functional in society. Low grades even when applying themselves. This person sadly will never amount to anything. This could be for any number of reasons, but for sake of topic length, the result is that "Timmy" is a mentally challenged doof. He gets confused very easily, anything beyond simple math is impossible, his memory is laughable. He is the weakest link in functional society. He is dumb. It is possible that Timmy is so dumb, he's mentally challenged. A night shift janitorial job is the best he'll ever amount to. Should he be denied? He might just be dumb. But he's so dumb, he's a burden.

Now something more extreme. The Human intellectual average isn't very high. There are extremely smart people, semi-smart, average, sub average, and gibbering buffoons. From the Extremely smart peoples perspective, of which there are very very few of these people in the world, you the average person are on the same level of mental incapacity as you are looking at the mentally disabled. In theory, of course. Your actions to these smart people are face palmingly stupid. Why do it this way when, if you actually put some thought into it, THAT way would be so much better?! Well it's because you're not that smart. You are many, and a burden to these extremely smart small percentage of people. Maybe if only THEY were allowed to breed, there'd be more smart people. You are a burden to the potential of humanity.

I've sort of carried on a little. But in short, these people are only mentally disabled from where you stand. From where smarter more educated and world traveled people stand, you are probably just as dumb, just as burdening to humanity, and just as unworthy as breeding as you feel the mentally challenged.
Well, at least timmy doesn't need someone to follow him around while he does his day-job, on our tax dollar no less.

and about the mega intellectuals you mentioned, I certainly hope not.
because if anyone can build an army of killer robots, it's them.

perhaps though, you might like to give some insight on simple learning disabilities, or cases where mental prowess is highly unbalanced, rather than lacking altogether.
for instance, I myself apparenly have adhd, and according to an iq test done by my school, my IQ is incalculable due to inconsistancies beetween results.

you could even decide not to limit the breeeding based only on brain power, but on medical tendancies as well. tendancies to hereditary diseases or even at the extreme allergies.

Should people be allowed to make children if they can't eat chocolate?
I think the real question is: would you want to be born into a world without chocolate?

x EvilErmine x

Cake or death?!
Apr 5, 2010
No they should not be allowed, unless they can actually look after the resultant offspring them selves. This goes for non mentally challenged people too. No one should be allowed to have kids if they cant look after them properly, it's not fair on the child and it's not fair on society that has to then look after said child.

/of argument


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Estarc said:
I cannot commit one way or the other. I understand your friends point of view, certainly we don't want to add more disabilities into the gene pool, but where do you draw the line. What constitutes acceptable genes? I am short-sighted for example. That is not a desirable trait, is it? And what about people with other inherited medical conditions?

Ultimately, I don't think that gene-selection will lead anywhere good. So I guess I actually am against it.
Fingers crossed for gene therapy, that is my final thought on this.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Firia said:
I've sort of carried on a little. But in short, these people are only mentally disabled from where you stand. From where smarter more educated and world traveled people stand, you are probably just as dumb, just as burdening to humanity, and just as unworthy as breeding as you feel the mentally challenged.
Nope. A truly smart person recognizes he needs people around him to do the farming, plumbing and policing for him. Those people only need to be as smart as their job requires. Muscle may be more important than brains.

Following this logic further, anyone who can hold a full job, may breed.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Flying Dagger said:
This thread disgusts me.
I am not even going to bother because if I reply to some of what's being said here, I'm definitely going to get banned.
Let's leave it as saying that the premise of "preventing" people with disabilities from having kids is wrong on every moral level.
Don't leave a reply to say you can't be bothered and then leave a premise without evidence.
Your Post DISGUSTS me, because it is comprable to a "type and run".


New member
Dec 1, 2009
There is too much shit in this thread to make it worth reading the entire thing. I just want to say something.

Most of the greatest technological advances or artistic creations were discovered/created by people who were technically retarded/mentally challenged. Including many who suffered from types of autism. Being Retarded in the mental sense only relates to the inability to function on normal levels in some areas. Most of which tend to be social.

Flying Dagger

New member
Apr 14, 2009
RadiusXd said:
Flying Dagger said:
This thread disgusts me.
I am not even going to bother because if I reply to some of what's being said here, I'm definitely going to get banned.
Let's leave it as saying that the premise of "preventing" people with disabilities from having kids is wrong on every moral level.
Don't leave a reply to say you can't be bothered and then leave a premise without evidence.
Your Post DISGUSTS me, because it is comprable to a "type and run".
Alright, first off, Fuck survival of the fittest, I'm not nazi-ish enough to think that we should all live in an aryan utopia, and that line of thought spreads down far enough that I can fully believe that it doesn't fucking matter how people are, what they have wrong with them, they are still people, and to deny them anything you would allow a normal person to do is discrimination, hiding behind a selfish attitude of greed.

Replace "mentally handicapped" with "coloured people"
Now are you going to continue arguing your cause? statistically, coloured people are more likely to go to prison and be a burden on your tax money, does that give you the right to say they cannot have children?

Just because racism is a buzzword and discriminating against the mentally handicapped is not doesn't mean it's less of an issue.
It isn't even a question of rights, it's a question of equality, leaving two avenues of thought.
1. people arguing for this believe disabled people are less worthy then healthy people and therefore do not deserve equality.
2. people arguing for this believe eugenics should be carried out on a larger scale to solve all social problems.

both are wrong.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
I'm in favor of limited eugenics and even genetic engineering. I think it's extremely selfish force your disabilities on someone else just so you can spread your flawed DNA.

Make them adopt if they want the experience of parenthood. Lots of children need to be adopted. If I had a serious genetic disorder I'd choose adoption too.


New member
Aug 14, 2010
The title of this thread made me giggle. Let it not be said that we don't discuss relevant and meaningful topics here on the Escapist. I think we probably should let them. They're already mentally challenged, if they manage to get a booty call I'd high five them.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
i happen to know a large family of which both parents were mentally disabled and alcoholics, the kids arent too functional, but i still cant say they shouldnt be allowed.


New member
May 17, 2009
If we were back in ye olde times, when Natural Selection still held grounds then no they should not be allowed to procreate because unless the mutation is good, and benefits the species as a whole they'd die off anyways. But now a days, when Natural Selection in humans is a thing of the past, I say let them do what ever the heck they want.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
Restricting a person's rights is just wrong, so yes, they should be allowed to procreate.

The problems with that are obvious though, and that is why I think that people who are known to have any genetic disorder should be aware that they have a responsibility to society to not propagate their genetic defects. It's nothing against the individuals, but it's unfair to their children, their children's children, and the spouses of those children. Also, if you are unfit to raise your children, then for their sake, you shouldn't have them either.

The rights of these individuals shouldn't be infringed, but society needs to put some real pressure on these parents who pop out kids without any consideration on what they are doing to them. As things are now, new babies are celebrated for being a new life in the world and you will get all the women cooing over the newborn. There is nothing wrong with this, but it is too indiscriminate. No one can say that the new mother is capable of raising that kid to be a contributing member of society, or that that kid won't grow up to be a gang-banger. People are just too shortsighted in regards to human life, and mentally challenged or not, long-term considerations need to be made if we want to progress.

I just want to see conversations to go from "Oh! look at your new baby, isn't it cuuuuute" to "congratulations, on your newborn! Wait a second, doesn't diabetes run in your family? You really shouldn't do that to your kids." It doesn't have to be harsh, nor does the parent need to be shunned for their choices, but an awareness should at least be present. I see my idea similar to the green movement where people are just aware now to watch their littering and carbon emissions if they can help it.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
In the minority here by the looks, but I don't think they should. Yeah, it's discriminatory, but i was never a fan of that political correctness anyway.