Shower Thoughts MK2


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
You ever had a S/O with terrible taste in movies?

Did you stop and think "What does that mean for me if they like me so much"?
My wife.

She.....LOVES....terrible movies. She even acknowledges that they are terrible, but she loves watching them. And not in the ironic, so bad it's good, lets make fun of it, Mystery Science Theater 3000 kind of way. No, just straight watch and laugh at it. Now, as someone who grew up on MST 3K as a youth and teenager, you'd think that would go well together right? WRONG!! She doesn't want to adlib in new dialogue, or mock the bad writing or cinematography. So when I reflexively (and yes, it is reflexive, I have to actively restrain myself when watching bad things), start talk shit about it, redubbing lines, whatever, she glares at me, points down the hall and says "get out." And banishes me to the computer room. It's done in jest of course, but also kind of not, because I'm ruining the film for her, but I can't sit there and it.

Sometimes I can get away with it, like when we were at my mom's recently and watching a hallmark channel Xmas romance carbon copy film, and I was literally calling the plot beats 5 minutes ahead of time, and then they would pop up, and they'd both laugh, and look at me like I'm Nostradameus or something.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
My wife.

She.....LOVES....terrible movies. She even acknowledges that they are terrible, but she loves watching them. And not in the ironic, so bad it's good, lets make fun of it, Mystery Science Theater 3000 kind of way. No, just straight watch and laugh at it. Now, as someone who grew up on MST 3K as a youth and teenager, you'd think that would go well together right? WRONG!! She doesn't want to adlib in new dialogue, or mock the bad writing or cinematography. So when I reflexively (and yes, it is reflexive, I have to actively restrain myself when watching bad things), start talk shit about it, redubbing lines, whatever, she glares at me, points down the hall and says "get out." And banishes me to the computer room. It's done in jest of course, but also kind of not, because I'm ruining the film for her, but I can't sit there and it.

Sometimes I can get away with it, like when we were at my mom's recently and watching a hallmark channel Xmas romance carbon copy film, and I was literally calling the plot beats 5 minutes ahead of time, and then they would pop up, and they'd both laugh, and look at me like I'm Nostradameus or something.
You mentioned MST3k.

We are Much Many Friends Now.

You will be Punch Rockgroin. I am Big McLargeHuge.

... Also, I'm sorry for your loss of sanity.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
You ever had a S/O with terrible taste in movies?

Did you stop and think "What does that mean for me if they like me so much"?
Not movies, but music certainly. My girlfriend loves pop music and can listen to the radio (the same 9 songs) for hours on end. I despise pop music, and my ears start bleeding after about 12 seconds of radio. She absolutely cannot understand why I listen to "music without words" (electronic music; ) she says "it's just a beat; what's the point?" a sentiment so ridiculously asinine, I wonder if she only said it to piss me off. It got to the point that we treat music almost like politics or religion; our opinions so vastly different, we just don't talk about it for civility's sake.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
You mentioned MST3k.

We are Much Many Friends Now.

You will be Punch Rockgroin. I am Big McLargeHuge.

... Also, I'm sorry for your loss of sanity.
You can't lose something that you never had in the first place.

Also, watch out for snakes.

On that note, the MST 3K note, not the snakes note, if you haven't ever seen it, I suggest checking out the Outlaw of Gor episode. That one is my personal favorite, as the movie is SO bad, but the riffs are fantastic. Crow is the shining, golden king in that episode, when it comes to riffs that just kill me.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Since we're kind of on the topic of stuff your s/o is into that you're not.

Soap operas

The same hokey and hackneyed drama over and over, where long-running characters have had miraculous recoveries from like five different cancers, survived twice as many life-threatening injuries, died in a plane crash or went missing at sea and then came back,, secretly replaced by their identical twin, got possessed by their clone brothers arm, and what not. Ok, one of those is Metal Gear, but there's some similarities in how overwrought the plots can get.

My gf tho? Loves them. Been watching one since she was 10, she can recite whole years of plotlines from memory and which actor played each of the like 50.000 characters there's been. Sometimes I sit in while she's watching and dare ask "who's that?", so she starts enthusiastically telling me their entire drama magnet life story while my eyes slowly glaze over. And she admits she thinks the storylines are really dumb too, but still keeps watching. She's so invested in it, and I just don't get why.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Since we're kind of on the topic of stuff your s/o is into that you're not.

Soap operas

The same hokey and hackneyed drama over and over, where long-running characters have had miraculous recoveries from like five different cancers, survived twice as many life-threatening injuries, died in a plane crash or went missing at sea and then came back,, secretly replaced by their identical twin, got possessed by their clone brothers arm, and what not. Ok, one of those is Metal Gear, but there's some similarities in how overwrought the plots can get.

My gf tho? Loves them. Been watching one since she was 10, she can recite whole years of plotlines from memory and which actor played each of the like 50.000 characters there's been. Sometimes I sit in while she's watching and dare ask "who's that?", so she starts enthusiastically telling me their entire drama magnet life story while my eyes slowly glaze over. And she admits she thinks the storylines are really dumb too, but still keeps watching. She's so invested in it, and I just don't get why.
Well, there was a summer where I got hooked on All My Children, as a young lad. I remember how it started very well. Me and my best friend went over to a friend of ours house. She was a classmate, and she had a sister 1 year older than her. We were going out to do...something, I forget, basically just hang out as teenagers. Well, the older sister wasn't ready to go yet, I think she was still getting a shower and all the various ablutions one does at the start of their day. So I was just waiting in the den with her younger sister, my classmate. She was watching All My Children, and she had that dismissive response behavior you see people use when they REALLY don't want to talk to you right now, and just want to watch the TV. "Huh? Oh uh yeah, sure. " "uhuh...yep..." that kind of thing. So, I just sat there, not wanting to disturb her during her soaps time, so I just watched it with her, hooked. It was about a love triangle (shocker I know!), between a character named Bryan (Ryan?) and a girl named Haley. This would've been early/mid 90s, don't ask me who they were played by. And the 3rd person in the triangle was Bryan/Ryan's prior lover, who was doing the whole "If I lie to him and tell him I'm pregnant I'll win him back, because he's a good guy and will Do The Right Thing by me. My plan is FLAWLESS!" And, the episode ended and we went off to do stuff, but...fuck if I didn't want to find out what happened, because CLEARLY Ryan and Haley were Meant For Each Other! So, I watched, regularly, for a summer, waiting to see the end of that arc. It didn't come, and I learned how they lead you on by overlapping different drama sets to keep you watching as the show focus shifts. But, I lost interest after about a month or 2.

But, yeah I can get the WHY of it, at least initially. For me at least, it was finding myself empathizing with one set of story characters, the rest was just window dressing.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
@Chimpzy, @happyninja42. My family hates soap operas, but they will gladly watch anything from Tyler Perry. Whos works are nothing, but soap operas 99% of the time. Speaking of which, his final stage play aired last night. I did not watch it, but if it makes them happy, so be it.

Anyone have any strange or unique dreams? Some times I dream I am in jazz club lounge on a late Saturday night. Either Sade or Anita Baker is preforming and in audience are some of my favorite anime characters enjoying the show. The cast from Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Outlaw Star, Trigun, Gunsmith Cats, Big O, Afro Samurai, etc. They are dressed fancy in either suits, tuxedos, or dresses. No fights, no nothing, Just them chilling out and enjoying the shows. There are I am at the bar watching from not too afar. Having a mix of Smirnoff Ice Apple Flavor and a combination of Surge.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
@Chimpzy, @happyninja42. My family hates soap operas, but they will gladly watch anything from Tyler Perry. Whos works are nothing, but soap operas 99% of the time. Speaking of which, his final stage play aired last night. I did not watch it, but if it makes them happy, so be it.

Anyone have any strange or unique dreams? Some times I dream I am in jazz club lounge on a late Saturday night. Either Sade or Anita Baker is preforming and in audience are some of my favorite anime characters enjoying the show. The cast from Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Outlaw Star, Trigun, Gunsmith Cats, Big O, Afro Samurai, etc. They are dressed fancy in either suits, tuxedos, or dresses. No fights, no nothing, Just them chilling out and enjoying the shows. There are I am at the bar watching from not too afar. Having a mix of Smirnoff Ice Apple Flavor and a combination of Surge.
I had a weird dream a few nights ago, where a guy I knew from highschool, who was famously skinny, was massively fat. Like morbidly obese, I'm wearing a fat suit in a poorly thought out 2000s romcom fat. And, he HATED me. For, some unspecified reason that I can't recall. Hated me like "I'm going to enact a years long campaign to ruin your life because of how much I hated you in highschool!" kind of thing. Which is odd, because me and that guy were cool. I wouldn't call him a close friend, but we had shared friends, I'd known him for years, and even crashed at his house when my parents had to leave the state for several days to deal with my schizophrenic brother. We smoked weed together regularly back then, and were pretty chill and cool with each other. So, to suddenly find myself in some revenge fantasy story, where he's finally revealing to me his deep seated hatred, and it's almost like the "I don't even know who you are." line from Thanos. Except I knew him, and was just confused as to why he hated me. The line would be more like "Dude, why the harsh vibes? We were cool. You were cool. I had no beef with you. What's the deal?"

That was the key element of that dream. Super obese, and out for revenge for unspecified slights from a highschool life that didn't happen. Very weird.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
We give Hollywood shit for all their live action remakes of animated movies (well, really just Disney I suppose), yet Japan makes a shit ton of live action anime adaptations that are just NEVER good. They don't even look slightly good. Makes you wonder if there's any actual demand for the things.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Are we experiencing another British invasion? In the literal and/or figurative sense? My girlfriend made me watch the Golden Globe Awards last night, and EVERYONE was British; even the black people were British! (Yes, I'm aware that black people can be British.) I must have said "he's/she's British?!?"out of disbelief at least a half-dozen times. I always figured I should watch the Atlantic horizon for the Union Jack and canon fire when the Brits come to take this country back; never figured they'd attack from the West as some of the best "American" actors in Hollywood. Is this because of the whole Meghan Markle thing?
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Are we experiencing another British invasion? In the literal and/or figurative sense? My girlfriend made me watch the Golden Globe Awards last night, and EVERYONE was British; even the black people were British! (Yes, I'm aware that black people can be British.) I must have said "he's/she's British?!?"out of disbelief at least a half-dozen times. I always figured I should watch the Atlantic horizon for the Union Jack and canon fire when the Brits come to take this country back; never figured they'd attack from the West as some of the best "American" actors in Hollywood. Is this because of the whole Meghan Markle thing?
Was literally thinking a parallel of your thoughts there, but after finding out how so many popular film stars in Hollywood are just Brits putting on American accents, including the last two Spidermen actors...why are you stealing our talented youth, America? We need them to outnumber the bitter old nationalist fucks and vote the Tories out, damnit! No doubt this is yet another example of US overreach in foreign countries to stamp out any hint of socialism while propping up their financial interests. How very sly. 🤔
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Was literally thinking a parallel of your thoughts there, but after finding out how so many popular film stars in Hollywood are just Brits putting on American accents, including the last two Spidermen actors...why are you stealing our talented youth, America? We need them to outnumber the bitter old nationalist fucks and vote the Tories out, damnit! No doubt this is yet another example of US overreach in foreign countries to stamp out any hint of socialism while propping up their financial interests. How very sly. 🤔
As the descendant of American slaves, I can say earnestly, you might have a point... It's funny how some of the staunchest American patriots complain that immigrants are taking American jobs (y'know, all the glamorous ones like landscaping, maid services, service industry, etc.) and doing them for basically pennies, yet they don't complain when immigrants are pretending to be Americans for millions of dollars in the entertainment industry. I guess it's only the brown ones they're complaining about...
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Was literally thinking a parallel of your thoughts there, but after finding out how so many popular film stars in Hollywood are just Brits putting on American accents, including the last two Spidermen actors...why are you stealing our talented youth, America? We need them to outnumber the bitter old nationalist fucks and vote the Tories out, damnit! No doubt this is yet another example of US overreach in foreign countries to stamp out any hint of socialism while propping up their financial interests. How very sly. 🤔
How is it stealing your youth? Pretty sure none of them have changed citizenship to the US? So they would, in theory, still be voting members of your british population yes?


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
As the descendant of American slaves, I can say earnestly, you might have a point... It's funny how some of the staunchest American patriots complain that immigrants are taking American jobs (y'know, all the glamorous ones like landscaping, maid services, service industry, etc.) and doing them for basically pennies, yet they don't complain when immigrants are pretending to be Americans for millions of dollars in the entertainment industry. I guess it's only the brown ones they're complaining about...
Oh yes, they most definitely are a selective bunch, those anti-immigration types. Though the more consistent ones tend to be no more pleasant neither.
How is it stealing your youth? Pretty sure none of them have changed citizenship to the US? So they would, in theory, still be voting members of your british population yes?
No it's theft, give them back please or I'll call the relevant authorities! Let's cooperate and make this as painless as possible... I'd rather not be made to activate the batshit qanon sleeper cells again. 😔
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
How is it stealing your youth? Pretty sure none of them have changed citizenship to the US? So they would, in theory, still be voting members of your british population yes?
Heeeey, yeah, @XsjadoBlayde; he's making a good point! They're coming over here and siphoning off tens of millions of American dollars into the UK economy!! Is this because of the whole "tea party" thing?? Making us pay that bill with a couple hundreds of years worth of interest tacked on?? How very sly indeed... :unsure:
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I wonder if any actors, when getting ready to do a sex scene with vigorous humping, ever sneaked in a subtle squeak toy into their pants (male or female would work), to surprise the other person once the thrusting began.

"ok aaaaad....ACTION!" *actor starts humping, this sound starts*
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I wonder if any actors, when getting ready to do a sex scene with vigorous humping, ever sneaked in a subtle squeak toy into their pants (male or female would work), to surprise the other person once the thrusting began.

"ok aaaaad....ACTION!" *actor starts humping, this sound starts*
Don’t know about that, but I DO recall a story about a movie that involved a sex scene wherein the actress, upon feeling the male actor's *erm* “soldier standing at attention” right before shooting started, reached down and actually put him inside of her. I don’t recall the film or actors involved, but I don’t think they were anybody prominent.

I’ve always wondered how male actors hide their shame when the inexorable stiffy pops up. Are both parties prepped for it in advance, like, “ok, ma’am, this is what the scene entails, and your co-star will probably have an erection.” How can you look her in the face after that? They call a lunch break, and in the breakroom, she’s like “remember when we fake fucked a couple minutes ago, and your dick thought we were actually doing it, you pervy unprofessional?” I mean, yeah, they’re acting, but they’re “doing it” in every way but the act of penetration itself; normal, biological response is for the little guy to become the big(ger) guy.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Don’t know about that, but I DO recall a story about a movie that involved a sex scene wherein the actress, upon feeling the male actor's *erm* “soldier standing at attention” right before shooting started, reached down and actually put him inside of her. I don’t recall the film or actors involved, but I don’t think they were anybody prominent.

I’ve always wondered how male actors hide their shame when the inexorable stiffy pops up. Are both parties prepped for it in advance, like, “ok, ma’am, this is what the scene entails, and your co-star will probably have an erection.” How can you look her in the face after that? They call a lunch break, and in the breakroom, she’s like “remember when we fake fucked a couple minutes ago, and your dick thought we were actually doing it, you pervy unprofessional?” I mean, yeah, they’re acting, but they’re “doing it” in every way but the act of penetration itself; normal, biological response is for the little guy to become the big(ger) guy.
Well it varies depending on the project and actors. A lot of them say that it's no different than any other scene, as it's so technical with the lighting and cameras, and people all around, that the men often don't get aroused, so there is no awkward boner to worry about. Others have made a point to make light of the moment, to bring some levity to it, and others have, as you mentioned, actually just done it. I recall back in season 1 of the reboot of Battlestar Galactica, the actress Grace Park (Boomer), in a scene where she's riding the guy she ends up being lovers with (in the show), she was apparently really new to acting, and had never done such a scene, so she was basically just humping him, without any of the modesty stuff they often put between the actors. She said as much in an article I recall reading. And it was only after that people were like "so um, you don't HAVE to like really hump his junk like that, we have things to work around that for you." "....oh...oops." was basically her reaction.

These 2 clips are hilarious examples of something like what I wondered about.



Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It's funny how me and Noodle are nearly the same age, though I think I'm just a year older than her. The first time I've ever heard or saw the Gorillaz, I was 11 years old. I watch them grow and they continue to be one of my favorite bands.

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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Have you ever been watching a movie/tv show, where there is a couple having a conversation in public, usually a restaurant. And you find yourself more curious about the conversations that the extras are having in the background? Like, do they just mouth gibberish at each other, and nod and gesture?

Do they come up with their own little micro-script for the scene? Like, do they suddenly play out a tense little drama of a couple, tired from years together, just going through the ropes, discussing why they fell apart, and if they can fix it. And how they knew they loved each other, but maybe it's time to move on....and we NEVER HEAR IT!!

All of you reading this, from now on, when you see a scene like that in a movie, you will now find yourself watching the extras in the background, and see them going through motions, and you will think...."what are they talking about? I must know!!"

.....or is it just me?