Shower Thoughts MK2


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Having spent loads on treating my kittie cat with various ignored goods and yet, deep down, I know I will still buy more of this useless tat in the letponic chance one may finally click. Maybe the problem lies within.
I know the feel. My dog has a small basket full of toys, but only ever lugs around that dirty old ball he can barely fit in his maw. Got like half a dozen other balls, but nope, goes with the ratty piece of shit.

Maybe he just likes that extra texture and flavour of years of dried up saliva and dirt.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Having spent loads on treating my kittie cat with various ignored goods, the latest happened to be a very comfy cool looking bed made just for felines with a cosy pillow hood over the top. "She'll love this!" was the knowing lie I justified the purchase with, as per usual. Well...upon bringing it back, it currently sits totally blanked, sandbagged in the corner for days now while the cat sleeps nonchalantly every night on a frigging A4 pad of paper on my bed instead!

And yet, deep down, I know I will still buy more of this useless tat in the letponic chance one may finally click. Maybe the problem lies within.
The problem lies with your cat. It's a cat. Their purpose is to deny you of affection, appreciation and the general acknowledgement of your existence save for the few times THEY want something from you they can't attain for themselves for the lack of opposable thumbs.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
I know the feel. My dog has a small basket full of toys, but only ever lugs around that dirty old ball he can barely fit in his maw. Got like half a dozen other balls, but nope, goes with the ratty piece of shit.

Maybe he just likes that extra texture and flavour of years of dried up saliva and dirt.
They doggies do sure love their smelly old comforts, regardless of hygiene concerns...perhaps a freedom few of us will ever be able to appreciate... 🤔
The problem lies with your cat. It's a cat. Their purpose is to deny you of affection, appreciation and the general acknowledgement of your existence save for the few times THEY want something from you they can't attain for themselves for the lack of opposable thumbs.
Oi, hey...oi! Ok, while I can't argue, how could you not want to give belly rubs to this majestic fluff ball??

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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
They doggies do sure love their smelly old comforts, regardless of hygiene concerns...perhaps a freedom few of us will ever be able to appreciate... 🤔

Oi, hey...oi! Ok, while I can't argue, how could you not want to give belly rubs to this majestic fluff ball??

View attachment 406
Oh, your cat is cute enough, indeed, but I see that photo and hear the words "rub me, peasant."
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Oh, your cat is cute enough, indeed, but I see that photo and hear the words "rub me, peasant."
True, it is a give-and-take relationship somewhat. I console myself with the knowledge she can't open doors just yet though, so can be locked in a room if need be 😋


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
I unironically miss being able to say 'Shawty'.

Oh, please understand I never said it in a matter of which it was used. If I did that, I would have turned myself into the authorities a long time ago.

But I used to say it with my most refined accent and at times where it never fit. I remember pissing off friends when I would say "Oh, I unequivocally concur, my Shawty".


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
I haven't slept in 2 days, practically all my thoughts revolve around how nice it feels to sleep.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Isn't it weird that people have just accepted things like PS+ or the Xbox equivalent?

Like shit man, we have to pay a subscription service to fully enjoy the games we already paid for. That's just so, so fucked. I mean, do they even actually do anything to earn that money??? I actually have some free time now for once in my life, and I can't even hop back on to my PS4 and play a few rounds with my friends without forking over cash (which isn't exactly in abundant supply these days). I long for the day when I'm financially stable enough to afford a decent gaming PC. Although with my luck, by then Steam will start charging for online as well.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Been putting on these videos right before sleep lately to inspire dreams to kickstart creativity after a worryingly long period of dead block, often with timing meds to wear off mid sleep, which no doubt wouldn't be recommended by professionals but if I can't create then I am useless, so anything's worth a try at this point

Last one happened to be Hannibal trying to get me helping him capture students at a train station so he can harvest some important parts of their bodies required to make the most effective covid face masks available. Not quite what I anticipated.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Isn't it weird that people have just accepted things like PS+ or the Xbox equivalent?

Like shit man, we have to pay a subscription service to fully enjoy the games we already paid for. That's just so, so fucked. I mean, do they even actually do anything to earn that money??? I actually have some free time now for once in my life, and I can't even hop back on to my PS4 and play a few rounds with my friends without forking over cash (which isn't exactly in abundant supply these days). I long for the day when I'm financially stable enough to afford a decent gaming PC. Although with my luck, by then Steam will start charging for online as well.
I hate the fact they both charge the equivalent of a $60 game. It's to the point that we got Nintendo fanboys/girls making excuses saying see "Nintendo only charges $20 for its shitty online!". Even though Nintendo's online was still shitty, but at least free. Sony's was free too, and then they lied started charging $50, and then $60. I still have yet to waste $20 for a crappy online as most of the games on my Switch are single player. But before you know it, one day Nintendo will start charging $40, and then eventually $60, making them no different from Sony or Microsoft. The hypocritical fans will run out of excuses. I do not know if you have a PS4, but to mitigate this problem, if you have an EB Games/GameStop around you. Every year around Black Friday/Christmas time, they will have PS+ on sale for $40. Unfortunately, they've been steadily increasing the price. It went from $40 to $45 now. Who know, next time the sale might be $50. What PS+ used to be when they started charging heavy. These companies are not hurting for cash that much and are just making up excuses.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I do not know if you have a PS4, but you mitigate this problem if you have an EB Games/GameStop around you. Every year around Black Friday/Christmas time, they will have PS+ on sale for $40. Unfortunately, they've been steadily increasing the price. It went from $40 to $45 now. Who know, next time the sale might be $50. What PS+ used to be when they started charging heavy. These companies are not hurting for cash that much and are just making up excuses.
It's actually even worse for me, because I don't live in the US. My PSN account is US because that was the only option a decade ago, and now I'm stuck with it. I can't pay for things with a credit card, so I'm forced to buy the PSN cards from resellers.

So not only do I have to pay more than the actual 60 bucks since there's a mark up, I will always have to buy an extra few dollars because I have to buy multiple cards. Such a fucked up system honestly. If I can buy games on Steam in my own currency with my credit card, why the hell can't I do the same in PSN??? If I were more knowledgeable 6 years ago, I probably wouldn't have bought a PS4.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It's actually even worse for me, because I don't live in the US. My PSN account is US because that was the only option a decade ago, and now I'm stuck with it. I can't pay for things with a credit card, so I'm forced to buy the PSN cards from resellers.

So not only do I have to pay more than the actual 60 bucks since there's a mark up, I will always have to buy an extra few dollars because I have to buy multiple cards. Such a fucked up system honestly. If I can buy games on Steam in my own currency with my credit card, why the hell can't I do the same in PSN??? If I were more knowledgeable 6 years ago, I probably wouldn't have bought a PS4.
😟 Sorry about that. So there is no other way to change regions or make another account for a different region. I know it is a possible action for the latter. If you wish to switch to Microsoft, Nintendo, or stick to PC, I will never blame you.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
😟 Sorry about that. So there is no other way to change regions or make another account for a different region. I know it is a possible action for the latter. If you wish to switch to Microsoft, Nintendo, or stick to PC, I will never blame you.
The funny thing is, even the nearest region (Singapore or Hong Kong I think) doesn't accept my credit card. So I might as well stick with US. I do plan to move to PC for the majority of my games, once I have enough loose change.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Isn't it weird that people have just accepted things like PS+ or the Xbox equivalent?
I don't think it's weird. I think all the big players have invested a lot of resources into researching new methods of monetization as well as strategies to get consumers to accept them. What they call "conversion" in marketing speak. And for the most part, they've been quite successful at this. Not all the time, of course. Sometimes they've failed, like on-disc DLC, always online and off course spectacularly with lootboxes. But then they quickly pivot to something more toned down or a bit different, something that strikes enough of a balance between carrot and stick to be palatable to most consumer. Currently that seems to be battle passes and GaaS. And as time passes and more people grow up with these conversion/monetization strategies, they'll eventually become normalized. There'll still be people who criticize these strategies, but they'll be too few to have any real (financial) impact. Sometimes others will actually come to the defense of these strategies against their critics.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
Yeah, that's one of my major problems with Naruto. The characters we are supposed to like, find endearing, or sympathetic, usually have almost none of the features or barely anything at all.

As for your friends, it's a clear case of them not wanting to criticize things they like. Which is a lot of problem for Western otaku or anime fans. They feel Japan to get a free pass because if it's somebody that's not Japanese criticizing, they try to play it off as if the person is racist or doesn't "understand" the culture. When it's usually not the case. your friends clearly have a case of double standards and hypocrisy. if you give me the chance to talk to them, I'll set them straight.
Everyone knows here in the West we are puritanic and sex negative. In Japan they understand that a creepy old man can be a fun character in silly animes while here it's problematic because "what if that was real life or someone you know?"

Anyway, what if we exist as livestreams to beings of higher planes of existence? If their chat spams FeelsBadMan we get depressed. If they spam 5Head we get bigger brains. Cheer points get us motivated and viewer raids make us seek out company.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Everyone knows here in the West we are puritanic and sex negative. In Japan they understand that a creepy old man can be a fun character in silly animes while here it's problematic because "what if that was real life or someone you know?"

Anyway, what if we exist as livestreams to beings of higher planes of existence? If their chat spams FeelsBadMan we get depressed. If they spam 5Head we get bigger brains. Cheer points get us motivated and viewer raids make us seek out company.
I know you enough to know that you're adding sarcasm in to your post, it would not matter what side of world I was born on, I have my own set of standards. The pervy old man joke can be done right, but it has been done way too much in anime. Hell, just the perverted character in general. At it's best you can sometimes get a laugh or two when it is done sparingly or not a gag. At it's worst, you get shit like Junk Boy or Mineta (needs to die or go away) from My Hero Academia. Or Quagmire (needs to burn in hell), if you live in the West. You definitely don't want Junk Boy or Quagmire.

As for Naruto, I was not sad when Jiraya died, but was not exactly jumping for joy when it happened. The only characters I genuinely enjoyed from Naruto were the title character himself, to an extent, Hinata, Shikamaru, Temari, Ten Ten, Neji, Rock Lee, and Killer Bee. I fucking despise Sakura and Sasuke, and most of the villains we're supposed to find sympathetic, but fail so hard. There is a trope called Unintentionally Unsympathetic for a reason! Most of the cast of characters roll a round from somewhat interesting to just plain boring.
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Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
I know you enough to know that you're adding sarcasm in to your post, it would not matter what side of world I was born on, I have my own set of standards. The pervy old man joke can be done right, but it has been done way too much in anime. Hell, just the perverted character in general. At it's best you can sometimes get a laugh or two when it is done sparingly or not a gag. At it's worst, you get shit like Junk Boy or Mineta (needs to die or go away) from My Hero Academia. Or Quagmire (needs to burn in hell) if you live in the West You definitely don't want Junk Boy or Quagmire.
I'm more of an anime hater myself and I only know the character from Death Battle. I meant more conceptually than anything specific (because I don't know as many examples as you do). Speaking of Quagmire we can contrast the idea with another MacFarlane character: Ted. Does Ted get a pass for being a pervy, drug abusing and so on and so on main character and protagonist of two movies because he's a completely fantastical character? A potty-mouth Winnie the Pooh. These are truly uncomfortable jokes for a lot of people, and the sensibilities are certainly different over in Japan.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'm more of an anime hater myself and I only know the character from Death Battle. I meant more conceptually than anything specific (because I don't know as many examples as you do). Speaking of Quagmire we can contrast the idea with another MacFarlane character: Ted. Does Ted get a pass for being a pervy, drug abusing and so on and so on main character and protagonist of two movies because he's a completely fantastical character? A potty-mouth Winnie the Pooh. These are truly uncomfortable jokes for a lot of people, and the sensibilities are certainly different over in Japan.
It's been a while since I've seen Ted 1, and I never felt the need to see the sequel. It just felt like Wahlberg & McFarlane needed another paycheck. Compared to Jiraya or Quagmire, he's better than either of the two. More so the latter if we're talking morality. When I last checked, Ted did not go after or solicit sex to teenage girls or the creepy jail bait wait. Quagmire is in his fucking 60s for God's sake! Another reason why I dropped Family Guy was because of Herbert the Pedo. That joke went on for way too long, was not that funny to begin with. Out of all the characters they killed off, I already know he still not dead yet. Family Guy also suffered the same problem, but even worst with characters you are supposed to like or sympathize, but they are such assholes, people like Paxton Fettel, Lucy (Elfen Lied), Alma Wade, or Johan Fucking Liebert look more sympathetic or reasonable by comparison. Some of the fucking vampire Nazis from Hellsing are more sympathetic than the entire cast. Vampire! Fucking! Nazis!
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