oh look !*cracks knuckles* here we go...
NotSoNimble said:
Since Diablo 3 was such a giant commercial success, and has had such a positive impact versus PC internet piracy, it's no surprise that EA has adopted the always online DRM.
Diablo 3 was a comercial sucess because it was Diablo 3 , made by a company known for quality...it was going to sell regardless that is why they were able to get away with it....because when faced with the choice many people accepted the always online, that and blizard being the owner of the biggest online game ever were shifting their focus in that direction
you seem to assume that priacy is the biggest problem/reason for this kind of thing...aside from how much damage piracy ACTUALLY does no..itd about money, blizzard "MMO"-ifed diablo 3 for the aution house...and that sweet sweet money
[quote/]EA Maxis is working/updating/changing things, in such an aggressive way, that PC gamers should be thankful.[/quote]
because a company goes and does what they are suposed to do (tries too unfuck the big mess that didnt need to happnen int he first place) we should be grateful?
no....we have a right to be pissed off
the thing about PC gamers is we are not so starved for developers to "give us games" because 90% of us are aparently pirates that we are willing to bend over for who ever throws us a bone
generally speaking EA has dont from "anti consumer" to "disney villan levels of retarded"
[quote/]The numbers have spoken, and this much care (after launch problems) is truly a step towards the right and only direction.[/quote]
.......for what? we don't need always online
[quote/]EDIT: Before you troll me:[/quote]
oh how cute....differing opinions is trolling now..or *LA LA LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU*
[quote/]Look at the companies that are currently being pirated the most... Square Enix, Bethesda, Mojang, Ubisoft, hell, even Valve games are more pirated than Blizzards Diablo 3...[/quote]
yah...always online is so great..look at how well it went for Ubisoft oh wait
again your assuming that piracy is the biggest factor when it comes to making/breaking games sales. They might get priated more but what about the actual sale numbers? and unlike EA those companies (generally) build a fan base buy making quality games.....I mean just look at EA's treatment of Dead Space 3
what the fuck are you laughing at?