??? Did you just not read my post?NuclearKangaroo said:what question? so far youve been only complaining about PC not getting the JRPGs YOU want, you have provided no reasonable argument agaisnt the number of JRPGs released on the platform or its quality
"Except only 1 of those is "new" so try again... though something is worth noting regarding RTSs...they are essentially possible on consoles and have been for some time. At least on the Playstation (and Wii U if they make good use of the pad I suppose), no idea on Xbox however. The reason why I say that is the exception of exceptions Unreal Tournament 3 which on the PS3 allowed keyboard and mouse usage in gameplay, and had mods (K+M isn't a complete oddity as games as far back as Age of empires 2 on PS2 had support, but the mod thing is very much so). I remember hearing somewhere I think related to Final Fantasy XIV that Sony said the devs simply had to support keyboard and mouse for it to be able to be used... so on that bombshell why aren't all the RTS, MMO, and so forth makers all not putting their games on consoles? Answer that one for me, its very comparable".
Your challenge? I actually said that first so surely it'd be mine.NuclearKangaroo said:im just saying, put your money where your mouth is, accept my challenge, if PC keeps getting more JRPGs you will shut up about PC not being a viable platform for JRPGs, and if the opposite happens, i will shut up about PC being a viable platform for JRPGs
When has there ever been any indication I'm not confident?NuclearKangaroo said:if you dont accept, i guess it just shows not even you believe what you are saying
DS2? I suppose we both forgot that until now...though it gets all blurry if we're going to include that. I mean I didn't include the likes of Drakengard 3 or Akiba's trip as they aren't all that "traditional"...and if we include those sorts than oh boy does the list get much bigger... but I'll not go through the list business again as I really don't need to, my point is clear as is.NuclearKangaroo said:FF3
8 titles total, if next year the same amount or more JRPGs are released, then im proven right, if PC cant keep this pace, im proven wrong, are those simple rules fine for you?
So you are going to weasel out of it than. Lighting returns is 2015, and no doubt Square Enix will do something like re-release Final Fantasy 1 & 2 for the millionth time on everything too (they'll re-release something as they can't make an actual good FF anymore). Mind Zero will likely be 2015 too so that is like half your number right there...so no the rules will not work like that, I'm wise to your little trap and it will not work on me.
Now that your pit is dodged I'll present the actual regulations. PC must have a 2015 release of games such as Atelier, Disgaea, Harvest Moon basically releases by the "workhorses" of the JRPG genre who stay true to it. We're talking Idea Factory, Compile Heart, Gust, Nippon Ichi, and the like. You can muster 8 of those titles next year and I'll concede simple as.