Skyrim Child Killing Mod


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Dammit, and I have the 360 version too. Ah well. No squishy kids for me. I really loathe children.


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
distortedreality said:
Why are people even arguing about this?
Because a fair few people here honestly believe installing this mod means:

a) you only intend to use the mod to act out your child killing fantasies (a fair few including me have pointed out we don't give a damn about that, is more about children being vulnerable to hostile enemies like dragons same as any other npc but no1 on the "other side" seems to want to adress this for some reason)

b)That this is proof that you hate kids and should never ever have kids and will be a terrible parent (see the guy a bit above actually calling for chemical castration, which is actually kinda sexist now i think about... so all this only applies to males and women are incapable of such deviancy? fuck me...)

LastGreatBlasphemer said:
Allegory isn't equation, nice try though.
It indeed isn't, but think s/he meant it in the sense of equetable/equatability

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
It's like Jack Thompson registered a bunch of accounts on this forum, so many killjoys. Kids are not immortal, when a dragon lands and starts murdering everyone kids should not be exempt. As for why we'd want to kill kids, look at the following:
You see that thing on his back? It's an assault rifle. He is armed and a potential threat. Look at his notable quotes
"Stay the fuck away, fucking mungo, I sure as fuck don't fucking want to catch old from you. Just fucking go, okay?"
He is armed and irritated meaning he is even more of a potential threat. Killing him is a preempitive strike. Tell me why an armed kid should be invincible.

Nalgas D. Lemur

New member
Nov 20, 2009
urprobablyright said:
If you're on the 'I just want a realistic representation' bandwagon then I still think you should not want the chance to kill kids. If you want realism you shouldn't be walking around with fire balls, killing giant spiders, or instantly healing a percentage of your hitpoints by consuming a plant or combination of plants you picked up off the ground, or imbibing a red fluid. Maybe you should just imagine that in this world, kids reign supreme as a silent mass of influential, omnicient beings.
I don't want realism. It's a deliberately unrealistic fantasy world. What I do want is logic and internal consistency in my game worlds. Why are children immortal, invincible, and indestructible, while adults are not? When the entire town gets razed to the ground, why does nothing survive but a few kids? Why do they suddenly become mortal when they hit puberty? How does this make any sense? What motivation do I have for doing anything to help them or even just put up with their crap if they're a bunch omnipotent jerks?

When they can be put in danger (not just from the player character, but from other enemies/NPC/the environment), there is both something to risk and a reward/motivation for the player to help/protect them and fight cautiously around them instead of flinging AOE spells around willy-nilly. Conversely, if they're playing as an "evil" character of some sort (roleplaying: look it up, because not everyone has to act how they would/should in real life when they're playing a game, just like when they're acting in a movie/play/etc.), it gives something truly horrible to do which can be reflected by the reactions of the other NPCs.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
There seems to be enough high horses in this thread to form a decent cavalry charge.

I'd be interested in knowing if there would be something similar to the 'Child Killer' perk from Fallout (2) as part of this mod.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
I think it comes down to role-playing. No, not sex. Games. What if you wanted to be a sick murderer in Skyrim? See, a lot of people think your character in an RPG is a direct reflection of the gamer's personality. This is utter bullshit. I'm currently playing my second run through right now. Am I, in real life, a selfish, sneaky, dark, female, high elf who betrays literally everyone she meets? No. I'm not a chick, not an elf and I'm actually pretty loyal.

So wanting to kill a child in Skyrim is not so much "your" desire, it's a characteristic your character is fulfilling. You may not be a thief or a fighter (or a fucking fire mage for that matter) but you can still rp as one. You may not even want to be a fighter in real life. Or an assassin (but to be honest, after playing AC 2 I kinda wanted to go parkour a building or two).

Oh, this shows how little some people know about role-playing games. How I would hate to play D&D with some of you. Some of you understand but most, well its all cut and dry.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
"Because we don't let you kill children. Got it."

Why not? You do realize they are not real right?

Yes, if they were real, it would be morally reprehensible to kill them. But they aren't. Penalize players for killing kids if you really must, but to simply make it impossible is just ridiculous.

I'm reminded of Half-Life 2 and subsequent episodes and mods. You can't kill any friendly NPCs. Which tends to take me out of the game somewhat. As my "squad" is surrounding me like a bunch of angry wasps, and getting in my way, and reminding me to reload (bit condescending). I'd love to drop a Combine grenade in the middle of their huddle and see what happens. But I can't.

Of course in that case, Valve's argument is, letting the player kill friendly NPCs would break some of the game's triggers (which could be avoided if you just game over when certain NPCs are killed, like in HL1). But in this case, they really don't have a reason.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Dr.Helios said:
Wow, I am all of a sudden really disappointed in this community as well as the modding community, why on earth would you want to kill kids.

People say they are annoying and antagonistic, of course they are they're kids and kids are annoying, does that justify their death? I bet everyone who has commented so far bemoaning the lack of infanticide in this game was immensely more annoying than any kid in Skyrim.

If its an issue of immersion just remove them from the world with a console. To be honest I think there needs to be some kind of database list with the names of anyone who downloads this mod because to be quite frank it's sickening.

And before anyone says "oh it's just a game" you know some idiot is going to take it too far and take an axe to a real kid and Gaming will get blamed, because of this mod and its ilk.
The same reason I want to kill adults in the game. THAT'S HOW I'M PLAYING MY CHARACTER. It's still a "human life." Kids aren't special. The kids are just as innocent as the 400 other people I've mowed down with my magical hand flamethrowers.

TestECull said:
Bethesda doesn't allow it simply because they'd be sued to oblivion over it. I'm sure, if that wasn't an issue, they would.

It's a non issue. Don't like it? don't install the mod.
Killing pixels isn't illegal. Nothing to get sued over.

apsham said:
I worry when/if people on this forum become parents. Chemical castration should be an option for.. most all of you.
Just quoting you so you can see this. It applies quite nicely to you.

mirasiel said:
There seems to be enough high horses in this thread to form a decent cavalry charge.

I'd be interested in knowing if there would be something similar to the 'Child Killer' perk from Fallout (2) as part of this mod.
Quoting you for the above and because that was a very witty sentence.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
jawakiller said:
Oh, this shows how little some people know about role-playing games. How I would hate to play D&D with some of you. Some of you understand but most, well its all cut and dry.
off topic but your comment reminded me: A couple weeks ago in my campaign one of the players (wizard) dropped a burst power on a group of goblin kids (8 years to 15), wiped 'em out...

It was really bizarre watching the party reactions after that, half of them didn't care (only goblins after all), one of them straight up attacked the wizard for child killing and the rest were horrified and were completely off-kilter all night.

The night ended with the party facing down the enraged/distraught goblin clan (who had never offered the party any violence, indeed the party didnt even know goblins lived at this location) and by the end of it, the wizard was dead with the healer refusing to heal him, two party members left and one stood aside through the whole fight feeling that justice had been served.

And if I had taken the tack Bethesda (and some people in this thread) took and made the kids unkillable...none of it would have happened.

for the record, the ones who killed the kids/didn't care all have kids and those who were horrified/angered don't (and never intend on having them).
60/40 m/f split too.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
"I work with my mother-"

Seriously though, "Broken?" I find it hilariously pathetic that some (note: SOME) PC gamers seem to feel they were entitled to be able to commit attrocities such as slaughtering children.

Oh, internet.


New member
Aug 7, 2011
Frankster said:
distortedreality said:
Why are people even arguing about this?
Because a fair few people here honestly believe installing this mod means:

a) you only intend to use the mod to act out your child killing fantasies (a fair few including me have pointed out we don't give a damn about that, is more about children being vulnerable to hostile enemies like dragons same as any other npc but no1 on the "other side" seems to want to adress this for some reason)

b)That this is proof that you hate kids and should never ever have kids and will be a terrible parent (see the guy a bit above actually calling for chemical castration, which is actually kinda sexist now i think about... so all this only applies to males and women are incapable of such deviancy? fuck me...)

LastGreatBlasphemer said:
Allegory isn't equation, nice try though.

It indeed isn't, but think s/he meant it in the sense of equetable/equatability
Actually, I have a request. Would somebody from the viewpoint against this child-killing mod respond to point A of the above post? I've mentioned earlier my opinions, and upon reflection, have never seen this particular point answered. If I've missed you, I apologize, but I still feel obligated to call it to attention. I'm not trolling, to make myself clear. I'm looking for a clear and concise opinion from someone regarding this.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I just hope some of the game-bashing idiots in the media don't mistake this mod for an actual feature in the game.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
mirasiel said:
It was really bizarre watching the party reactions after that, half of them didn't care (only goblins after all), one of them straight up attacked the wizard for child killing and the rest were horrified and were completely off-kilter all night.
That sounds exactly like it should be for such an action in any given D&D game. I commend your players for acting as they did. Probably screwed up the campaign something fierce, but I approve of their handling of the Wizard's actions.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
mirasiel said:
That sounds exactly like it should be for such an action in any given D&D game. I commend your players for acting as they did. Probably screwed up the campaign something fierce, but I approve of their handling of the Wizard's actions.
I wouldn't say "exactly" how it should be handled every game. It really depends on his party's alignments.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
itchcrotch said:
i'm so sick of protecting the children! they're not that special ok?
children are not the future. children are the present. adults are the future. children are only valuable to society because they are potential adults.
and yes, it may shock you to know, children are not immortal. mkay pumpkin?
So...basically what you just stated is exactly what the phrase "children are the future" means...

They BECOME adults. They BECOME the future of the world. You just basically reinforced what you were trying to argue against.


New member
May 12, 2011
Loop Stricken said:
Ilja Lyubimov said:
WHy you need that? Oo Seriously, why would you want a mod to kill children?
Because the kids in this game are abusive little shits, basically. And despite having Canadian-Scandinavian accented parents, they're ALL American.
I agree with how annoying the little shits are, but I will make the point that there needs to be a mod so you can kill the children in Fable 2. They are much more fucking annoying especially your own child who kept running away and your wife begged you to rescue the little retard (at least you could abandon that child though).


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Oskamunda said:

However, this is a COMPLETELY different thing than feeling justified in killing children. The kids are little shits who obviously can only be corrected with the cold kiss of hard steel to their faces. What you are talking about is ENTITLEMENT to kill adolescents, whether virtual or not. As soon as you talk about your right to take your anger towards obsequious behavior out in the form of murdering younglings, all reason and logic has left your argument. Instead of realism in a game, you instead insist on the ability to create a simulacrum of hate, an effigy you can burn, and a figure upon which you can transpose a real-world frustration on a virtual haven't even remembered that the scene you so long to "re-enact" is one of the events that pushed a hero toward the darkside. Let us also not forget that you may take those frustrations and angers out on EVERY...OTHER...form of life in Skyrim, regardless of whether Polar Bears are endangered or not...the position you take is diminished considerably when you take into account that you are raging against something that you are not allowed to do, rather than focusing on the myriad of disturbing things you are allowed to do. It smacks of only being interested in the cookie jar when it is placed atop the refrigerator.

In that regard, I applaud Bethesda for keeping out of the controversy in keeping their children immortal due to player action (but come on, they can die for the sake of plot, can't they?), and further respect them for sticking to their guns when confronted about it. Pete Hines should get a raise.
This, so much this. Particular the highlighted sentence. Having people on here complaining about NOT being allowed to murder children and calling it "immersion breaking" while at the same time they don't care that being able to singlehandedly and without any real consequences to kill EVERY NPC in the game. How can it be that those people don't recognize that as MUCH more immersion breaking?

"Lopsided Weener" is crying about NOT being able to kill a child in the middle of the city, because it is "immersion breaking". How much would you cry if can kill that child but the second you do, you are immediately arrested and executed?

Then we have "Azure-Supernova" whose problem it is that he can kill everyone in the world but children and he doesn't realize that being able to "kill everyone and getting away with it" is the problem not the immortality of children.

"ZenoX969" wants to play "A murdering thieving asshole who's only looking out for his best interests. Now why can't this guy, who would murder any random person if it meant a few coins, also be a psychopathic child killer?"

Are you wondering as I do, why he wants to "roleplay" a guy that will get "caught very soon and executed"? Sorrym I forgot that last part is not included in this "RPG".

You know what is immersion breaking? Murdering people in plain sight and getting away with it. Bethesda claims to have changed the AI to send murderers after you if you kill a citizen, but for the player that is not a consequence only more XP. Everyone on here that thinks not being able to kill children is an immersion breaker you are fucking lying to yourself. You don't care about immersion at all.

Thank you Bethesda for making children immortal. For showing the hypocrisy of those "roleplayers".