Skyrim Child Killing Mod


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Micalas said:
Real life isn't a video game that revolves around killing shit.


Jesus fucking Christ, people.
I don't get it, either. What I think would've been nice is if in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, they let you kill kids, but it makes your karma take a bigger dive than if you killed adults since people tend to react more negatively to those that murder defenseless children than those that murder adults. It definitely would've made more sense than making kids fucking indestructible (especially when the kids run away anyway as if they were in any actual danger >_>). Plus, it adds to the roleplaying experience.


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Jan 13, 2009
Just ignore them. I'm level 10 in the game and have been so busy butterfly catching and ingredient fetching that I haven't interacting with many of the kids or even seen any dragons past the tutorial. Though I'm not against this mod because it breaks the game when you can't fling an axe through a kids face and watch them bleed.


New member
Aug 7, 2011
I think what most people are missing is that the majority of us do not want to kill kids just for the sake of it. The reasons most of us, myself included, think that this mod is not a bad thing is because of the aforementioned dragon problems, and the way that it rips you from the experience.


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Nov 15, 2009
I think to be honest, if Bethesda DIDN'T want someone to mod it in for them (since putting it in themselves would probably give them a bad reputation), the kids are purposefully annoying and just begging for a ball of fire or axe to the face.

I'd say they probably had it as a feature originally (not that they'd ever openly admit it publicly), but took it out when people started to whine that killing pixels on a screen makes you a terrible person and will set off psychopaths everywhere on a killing spree on kids everywhere.

The fact of the matter is - people who install this mod JUST to kill kids in brutal nasty ways, yes OK, maybe a few problems, Bethesda shouldn't really be blamed for that. But more importantly - it's the minority, the vast majority just want to kill them because they're BLOODY BRATS just another interactive NPC and they want further immersion.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Here's the thing some people obviously have to realise - to a vast majority of gamers real life and behavior in games have nothing to do with each other.

I personally use games as a break from RL, a place to unwind and do whatever jumps to my mind. One of the things I love most is to take the game concept and push it as far as it goes. In a game like Skyrim, an open-ended RPG that gives you lots of freedom, it would be to exercise the freedom to do whatever I can think of. My choices in the game are of an exploratory nature and have nothing in common with the choices I would make in RL.

So, in Skyrim I run into some child NPCs. They also happen to be huge dicks. This char I'm playing has so far shown little affection for people who cross him so guess what I try to do. The game says I can't do it. A game that, by its concept, should allow that. The way I saw it was like if I was playing a driving game and it didn't allow me to turn the wheel fully to one side or if in a shooter I wasn't allowed to aim in a certain direction. It made no sense. So, yes, I installed the mod and "killed" a bunch of ones and zeros. I also have 2 other characters where the kids are all alive and happily running around insulting people.

I should also mention that I'm a person who has never in his life even managed to gather enough malicious intent or anger to properly punch even people who deserved it and that I like kids and am very cautious as to what I do and say around them and dislike people who don't.

Now shut up and let me play the game however the fuck I want.

Jabberwock xeno

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Oct 30, 2009
demoman_chaos said:
I always found it odd in Fallout 3 that you would wipe out a town, but those little pricks still hung around. I remember clearing Dave's town out but the 2 kids there still lived. I REALLY wanted to blast the face off that little ***** in Little Lamplight.

Bethesda should at least make them vanish when all adult NPCs die off. You kill them town, leave and come back a few hours later and they are gone.
I feel this is the main issue with it.

If I want to make a town empty, then then kids need to go too.

DPeteD said:
Its against the law in the uk and the usa too, to allow the player to personaly kill a child themselves, sure with fallout 1 they patched it to remove children to abide by the law, and any game that does allow you to kill children is probabley too obscure for your average joe to ever hear about.
it aint bethesda its the law
There is no such law, to my knowladge.

The Lugz

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Apr 23, 2011
when will developers learn.. either:
1, don't have children in a game or
2, make killing them the worst thing you could possibly do
( - 100000 rep to everyone in the game, jail-time, massive fines, people spit on you, random parents attack you when your weak ect. )

then the likely hood of someone making a mod like this is allot smaller.

i prefer option 1. it's easier all told.


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
The next two mods to draw controversy is the nude mod and the rape/sex mod.



New member
Oct 30, 2011
I think this is pointless. many people in this thread are saying they will install the mod but won't kill children anyway. well how did you find out th children can;t be killed? di you read it somewhere? and if so, it's your fault for breaking your own immersion by looking up things about the game :/

and the same mods have been made for all kinds of other games, bethesda games in particular, why is this one getting so much heat?


New member
May 2, 2011
Darkmantle said:
well how did you find out th children can;t be killed? di you read it somewhere? and if so, it's your fault for breaking your own immersion by looking up things about the game :/
They probably saw a dragon roast a child in fire, while the child was playing tag with a wolf.

Protip - the child won.

Anyone with a brain noticed that children were invulnerable pretty bloody quickly. Not everyone who noticed is a child killing maniac you know.


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Oct 30, 2011
distortedreality said:
Darkmantle said:
well how did you find out th children can;t be killed? di you read it somewhere? and if so, it's your fault for breaking your own immersion by looking up things about the game :/
They probably saw a dragon roast a child in fire, while the child was playing tag with a wolf.

Protip - the child won.

Anyone with a brain noticed that children were invulnerable pretty bloody quickly. Not everyone who noticed is a child killing maniac you know.
I never said they were, rather defensive are we?

I said complaining about this mod was a waste of time. I think making this mod is a waste of time, but to each their own.


New member
May 2, 2011
Darkmantle said:
I said complaining about this mod was a waste of time. I think making this mod is a waste of time, but to each their own.
I agree with that.

But the way you went about it wasn't exactly clear.

Next time, maybe just state your position instead of blaming the players for the problem.

edit - actually, I agree with the complaining being a waste of time, not the making of the mod.

Atmos Duality

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Mar 3, 2010
LastGreatBlasphemer said:
Do some reading on subconscious desires, Freud may have been a quack but he was onto quite a few things. It's basically the same reason people want animated child pornography banned as much as the real stuff. It's what it says about the user.
Now, granted that doesn't fit for everyone, but it's the general gist.
By that logic, every gamer is a closet murderer waiting to strike.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
Wow why does this thread have like 400 posts
Every 3d game that has children has always made them un-killable. And then the modding community makes them killable. Imagine the complete shit storm it was cause the rating boards if you could kill children? I put it beside going out and being able to rape women in games. And we all know what kinda shit those games causes over here in the West.


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May 13, 2011
Satsuki666 said:
LordRoyal said:
I recall a news story a while back about this man who murdered someone, and they blamed Manhunt since it came out recently. When they searched his house they actually found out the man didn't play video games and never even heard of Manhunt. But surprisingly the victim owned a copy of the game.
So what your saying is if I run around killing children in a video game some nutjob is going to break into my house and axe me?
I'm not stating that video games = murder. I just found it a funny ironic coincidence


New member
Oct 5, 2008
All the kids in the game are wankers, I'd gladly kill ever last one of them. Seriously, why are they all such snotty little shites?


New member
Nov 24, 2011
I have to say one thing to all the child fetishist in this thread. You, people make me sick.

Right to live isn't something that is reserved to children and adolescents. All innocents have a right to live. If you think that killing kids is worse than killing adults, think about your parents, your adult relatives. What would you feel if someone would murder them?

Would you think that it's ok if someone would murder your mother and put her head on on cupboard, like in that example of dark humour that Todd Howard presented? Killing an old lady and putting her head on a cupboard. That's the example he used. But he was the same person who said "do you really want to kill kids in game?".

I haven't seen any of you saying that innocent adults - parents, workers, brothers, sisters, husbands, wifes, (and yes, they are also someone's children) etc. in Skyrim deserve to be protected from murder or accidental death.
What kind of sick people you are? Your parents have fed you and clothed you and put up with your crap, but you don't have anything against them being murdered. A bunch of disgusting ingrates and sociopaths.

That's what happens when game try to introduce "morality" based censorship. People stop thinking about ethics and start to think that the game says what is good and wrong. You have really twisted morality.
I don't know how old are you. I assume that you're kids - you have to quit gaming before it's too late. Start reading books. Good books, not the fantasy trash. And stop watching James Bond movies - they are trash and make killing people look like fun. In James Bond novels which were written by a real spy, James Bond doesn't feel good with killing people. Even with killing bandits and murderers.
I talked to soldiers and even for them shooting at enemies that shoot at them is difficult.

If you kill an adult in real life, you're a murderer and you're going to prison for a long time. You usually can't even kill evil adults, because it would be considered murder too. Killing is acceptable only during war and in self-defence and it's psychologically damaging even then.

Even Fallout 1 with its childkiller reputation penalty was morally sick. It's a game where you can murder sympathetic characters like Katrina and Tandi and Seth and Razlo and still not be pursued for murder and still be a "champion of humanity". It's like they are trying to teach kids that violence against innocent adults is acceptable.

Then they grow up and become policemen (like in individuals who do such things, I'm not suggesting that most of policemen behave like that or that police encourages such things) who beat up peaceful protesters just for fun or kick a pregnant woman until she miscarries just for the hell of it.

You need to stop playing games like Skyrim, kids, before it's too late. I've seen threats of violence in this thread - threads directed to people who haven't done anything to anyone. Such thing is be unacceptable. You really need to stop playing such violent games and experience life outside your computer room.


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Jan 23, 2008
Programmed_For_Damage said:
A-D. said:

Oh and before the flaming commences again. Killing a Child is horrible? So is Murder. So is Genocide. Yet we practice that, in one form or another, in quite a few Games, or at least the Option is there. Dont see moral Crusaders jumping on Modern Warfare cause we can shoot other Soldiers in the Face. Or how about that last town you walked into and killed everyone in the last Game you played? Wasnt evil obviously, you didnt kill any kids, so it cant be "evil".

Double Standards are fun, arent they? Hypocrites. Either no killing at all, or give the Option to kill everything. Or at least dont irritate the Player to a Point that they will actually want to do so.
*sigh* I really wanted to leave this alone.

You are missing the lynchpin here and that is context A child gets hit and killed by a car while running across the road; that's a tragedy. It is discovered that the same child was running away from the playground where he stabbed and killed another kid for his lunch money; that muddies the waters big time. Context is everything.

If you think that two opposing, heavily armed, well trained groups of soldiers killing each other in the theatre of war is the same as a bratty child being decapitated by a heavily armoured brute because they said something like "I'm not scared of you" then you've got bigger issues than a mod that allows you to do so.
Actually, Context may be a good Idea if we consider a relation towards reality. But lets face it, it is Pixels, i will never equate anything that is Virtual to be in the same standing as a similar Occurance in Reality. A Child being killed in real life as it were is for me personally a whole different Issue than a bunch of Pixels in a Game. What makes one bunch of Pixels more important, or rather, emotionally attached to you than another? Why can i kill a Wolf, a Dog, a Kitten, a Adult, a Dragon or what have you, but not a Child? Even though all of those are essentially made of Pixels and only contain a artificial Personality based on 1 and 0?

And even worse, why would you, if you wish to create a emotional Attachment to them, make the Children, who should by their very Design encourage you to want to protect them, i.e. have a similar Reaction to them coming to harm as it would be in real life, make them so utterly offensive towards you? Why should i care about a virtual Child, one which is entirely not real, when all it does is talk down to me when im clearly capable of slaughtering the whole Village, a bunch of Trolls, Bears and whatever? The Children arent made to be actually like Children. Every NPC in those Games acts according to a set logic, evil, good, strong, weak and so forth, yet ONLY the Children act in a entirely different set of Logic altogether, one that is NOT consistent with the Idea of Action vs Reaction, potential causality and similar. Basicly the virtual Kids are designed in such a Way that they can and will talk smack to you because they were made immortal and as such are entirely immersion breaking on that fact alone.

There is a difference to wanting to kill them, them being unable to die to anything, or being made in such a way that they simply do not even fit within the Game as it is. Therefore, i can entirely understand the reasoning for a Mod like that to exist. Hell what even is the Issue, even if Children are killable, lets assume Bethesda made them so in the first Place, the Choice whether to do so or not is entirely up to you, however and i stress this, this has no bearing, moral or otherwise, on the Player doing so. At least i believe that Adults, and by relation most Children are totally capable of seperating Fiction from Reality. If they can not, then the Problem is not the Game, but something else entirely and they should recieve help.

Also, cutting out part of my Post which inherently removes your Argument aint really helpful there, as it explained it already before you posted your Response to it, just saying.