Skyrim elves look AWFUL :(


New member
Nov 19, 2009
What the hell was Bethesda thinking? The elves in Skyrim look absolutely HIDEOUS. I mean, they look like something you'd see out of Aliens. I feel like the Khajit and the Argonians feel more human than the elves do! It's become very off-putting.

I can't figure out what's worse. That someone designed them in the first place thinking that they would be aesthetically pleasing, or that someone didn't tell the person who created them that they're an absolute failure and put them in the final release.


I would like to point out that I think the two biggest problems with the elf models are 1: The ridiculous anime bug eyes and 2: The incredibly pronounced brows that they have, I mean, they jut out so far from their heads you could land a Cessna on them. Their skull structure looks like David Boreanaz and Cro-Magnon Man had a baby.

Also, since people keep bringing this up as well: Yes, the elves looked WORSE in Oblivion. That doesn't mean that they look GOOD in Skyrim.

By the way, people keep using this image and I just want to comment:

^That guy looks like he belongs in a DYNASTY WARRIORS game, not TES.


New member
May 5, 2011
Then don't play them, god damn.
I think the elves look great, especially the Dunmer. I've made one that dual wields swords with a very gaunt, triangle shaped face and he looks absolutely sinister (not at all influenced by that one race screenshot of the dark sinister looking Dunmer with two daggers).
The fact that not all the races look humanoid is an absolute bonus. Picking different races should have a very distinct feel to them, and the elves (excluding Bosmer) are completely other worldly.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Elamdri said:
What the hell was Bethesda thinking? The elves in Skyrim look absolutely HIDEOUS. I mean, they look like something you'd see out of Aliens. I feel like the Khajit and the Argonians feel more human than the elves do! It's become very off-putting.

I can't figure out what's worse. That someone designed them in the first place thinking that they would be aesthetically pleasing, or that someone didn't tell the person who created them that they're an absolute failure and put them in the final release.


Are you high?


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Elamdri said:
I can't figure out what's worse. That someone designed them in the first place thinking that they would be aesthetically pleasing, or that someone didn't tell the person who created them that they're an absolute failure and put them in the final release.
Bold for point. You assuming something already. Perhaps you should rethink that.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009

...I'm gonna go ahead and call that an improvement. Maybe the elves aren't SUPPOSED to be pretty.

...In fact, I'm gonna go with that. Who says all races have to fit a traditional version of "aesthetically pleasing"?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
HumpinHop said:
Then don't play them, god damn.
I think the elves look great, especially the Dunmer. I've made one that dual wields swords with a very gaunt, triangle shaped face and he looks absolutely sinister (not at all influenced by that one race screenshot of the dark sinister looking Dunmer with two daggers).
The fact that not all the races look humanoid is an absolute bonus. Picking different races should have a very distinct feel to them, and the elves (excluding Bosmer) are completely other worldly.
I still have to look at them in my game. Christ, I feel like I need to go on an ethnic cleansing in my Skyrim world just so I don't cringe every time I walk around the cities.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Wayneguard said:
Elamdri said:
What the hell was Bethesda thinking? The elves in Skyrim look absolutely HIDEOUS. I mean, they look like something you'd see out of Aliens. I feel like the Khajit and the Argonians feel more human than the elves do! It's become very off-putting.

I can't figure out what's worse. That someone designed them in the first place thinking that they would be aesthetically pleasing, or that someone didn't tell the person who created them that they're an absolute failure and put them in the final release.


Are you high?
I never said the Oblivion elves looked good. I said the SKYRIM elves looked awful.

Actually, none of the races in oblivion besides maybe the Khajit and Argonians looked good.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
kingcom said:
Elamdri said:
I can't figure out what's worse. That someone designed them in the first place thinking that they would be aesthetically pleasing, or that someone didn't tell the person who created them that they're an absolute failure and put them in the final release.
Bold for point. You assuming something already. Perhaps you should rethink that.
Rethink what? That perhaps a designer hated the people playing their games and instead purposely made them look like their faces were put in a vice grip with giant anime eyes? I suppose that's a possibility too.


New member
Apr 14, 2009

This is a fairly pointless thread, and all I'm going to say is that not every fantasy story much include the flawless looking elves from Lord of the Rings. My next playthrough will be with a night elf battlemage.


New member
May 23, 2011
Personally, I would consider the fact that elves have more aesthetic differences from humans than radio-antenna ears to be a benefit. They're a different species, with a suitably alien culture. Looking slightly off in comparison to other species serves to drive home the differences.


New member
May 5, 2011
Elamdri said:
kingcom said:
Elamdri said:
I can't figure out what's worse. That someone designed them in the first place thinking that they would be aesthetically pleasing, or that someone didn't tell the person who created them that they're an absolute failure and put them in the final release.
Bold for point. You assuming something already. Perhaps you should rethink that.
Rethink what? That perhaps a designer hated the people playing their games and instead purposely made them look like their faces were put in a vice grip with giant anime eyes? I suppose that's a possibility too.
So you're just venting here then? The developers are completely retarded and you know better. You're making a much bigger deal out of this than necessary, if we're being honest. If you're not asking us to say why we like the races to show you a different viewpoint, and instead using this as a personal blog to rant about the game, then why make this thread?
You've done nothing so far except shit on the design; there's nothing constructive here at all.


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
We are not ugly! You take that back!

Seriously, I think they look great. You want to know wht they don't look human? It's because... *drumroll* they're NOT HUMAN! What's the point of having 10 races if they all look the same? I wouldn't want humans with longer ears *coughoblivioncough*.


A Clever Title
Apr 5, 2010
I like the elves in skyrim. It doesn't take the "most beautiful creature on the planet" route. I like how my wood elf doesn't look trustworthy. it makes it all the more fun for me.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Some people are just never satisfied. Frankly I find the elves' faces a lot more agreeable than your attitude.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
HumpinHop said:
Elamdri said:
kingcom said:
Elamdri said:
I can't figure out what's worse. That someone designed them in the first place thinking that they would be aesthetically pleasing, or that someone didn't tell the person who created them that they're an absolute failure and put them in the final release.
Bold for point. You assuming something already. Perhaps you should rethink that.
Rethink what? That perhaps a designer hated the people playing their games and instead purposely made them look like their faces were put in a vice grip with giant anime eyes? I suppose that's a possibility too.
So you're just venting here then? The developers are completely retarded and you know better. You're making a much bigger deal out of this than necessary, if we're being honest. If you're not asking us to say why we like the races to show you a different viewpoint, and instead using this as a personal blog to rant about the game, then why make this thread?
You've done nothing so far except shit on the design; there's nothing constructive here at all.
I dunno, I find my own catharsis to be personally constructive and fulfilling. It's also nice to know that the internet, as usually, is collectively wrong (<NOTE: SARCASM). Also, nothing written on an internet forum, anywhere, ever, in the history of time, has been constructive, so pointing out that something ISN'T constructive is like pointing out that that a Scion XB is ugly. It's a given.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
webepoop said:
jeez, typical Nord, always discriminating against the elves!
...I am actually playing a Nord in game, so you sir I award ten internets.

chaos order

New member
Jan 27, 2010
i never really liked the elves to begin with (mainly because they're sorta elitists. i like dark elves but they kinda creep me out. (its the red eyes.

But you have to admit argonians look freaking sweet.