Skyrim elves look AWFUL :(


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Personally, I squeeled with joy when I saw the first screenshots of the preset faces for the different races. I always enjoyed my slightly outerwordly elves more than the playdough-faces of Oblivion. My dunmer looks properly creepy, as she should be.

Matthew Geskey

New member
Mar 30, 2011
Elamdri said:
Part of the problem with the elves is that elves are supposed to look like humans. Orcs, Khajit, and Argonians don't have to look like humans, so there is a lot freedom there. Elves, not so much.
Yes, but ebony is supposed to be made of tusks and glass of melted sand, not mined ores.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
lacktheknack said:
Elamdri said:
This is hyperbole, but if Bethesda made elves three feet tall, with 7 arms, red skin, and horns, then they can call them elves all they want, but they're not elves.
Ironically enough, this would be CLOSER to classic elves. They were tiny devilish troublemakers before the likes of Tolkien came in and rewrote them.
Sure, but here's the deal. TES is a classic, high fantasy game. Tolkien's elves have been the accepted norm for elves for about 60 years now. Now if you wanna make some deviation from the high fantasy Genre, fine, but when we're talking about TES, there are some expectations I think, and what they've put out don't meet those expectations in my opinion.

Tolkien WON. Elves LOOK like human beings. They may not have to look like supermodels, but they're general appearance should be human. Especially in a game series that bleeds as much Tolkien and D&D as TES.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Matthew Geskey said:
Elamdri said:
Part of the problem with the elves is that elves are supposed to look like humans. Orcs, Khajit, and Argonians don't have to look like humans, so there is a lot freedom there. Elves, not so much.
Yes, but ebony is supposed to be made of tusks and glass of melted sand, not mined ores.
sigh, lets save that for another day. I can only fix so many wrong things in one evening...

Kakashi on crack

New member
Aug 5, 2009
Well... They look more like morrowind elves IMO so I like em.

The elder scrolls elves reflect "dnd" elves while reflecting the environment they're in in a sense.

DND elves, which is what most people think of, are fair high-cheekbone critters, not as tall as humans, and generally nimble/quick. They also hunt, and eat enough to stay plump enough for their cheekbones to look nice.

This is SKYRIM one of the hardest places to get FOOD if you live in a hold because you rely on the local farmers, possibly cold-water river fish, and possibly some livestock to feed a whole town. The elves of SKYRIM are probably in constant HARDSHIP and so they naturally reflect such with their appearance. If you look closely, its rather obvious that if it wasn't for their sunken-in features that are common among poverty and places where food isn't common to find, they would look a lot like regular elves, and personally I think its an improvement from the fat-faced slobs of Cyrodil which rightfully were like that due to having constant sources of food.

IMO, the elves don't need to look pretty, and in a land such as Skyrim, the only people who should be pretty are maybe the Jarls and other high-ups.

I think they look perfectly fine the way they are. >.>


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Misterian said:
I didn't find Skyrim's elves hideous.

If anything, I thought the Altmer had really weird eyes, but that's it.
They eyes are REALLY the biggest offense in my opinion. They just don't fit on their faces at all. It feels cartoonish and it breaks the immersion for me.

Soviet Heavy

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Jan 22, 2010
I personally find these elves more appealing than the creepy ones from Dragon Age 2. That is what happens when you take a Cat and blend it with a human face trying to make a factor of cuteness that goes off the scale and divebombs into the uncanny valley.

At least Skyrim isn't trying to force alien cuteness onto you. Plus, the Elves in Elder Scrolls are all assholes.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
lacktheknack said:
Notice how not-elvish they look, according to you.
The top two are fine. The bottom one is what I like to refer to as the "Keebler" take on elves, which thank GOD we have beaten into all but the deepest corners of obscurity.


New member
May 5, 2011
Putting your thoughts down and being able to physically see them is cathartic. Telling people over the internet that you think something looks like shit and the developers are retarded leads to this conversation:
"I think X"
"Well I think Y"
*end of thread*
You also don't have to reach for ad hominens to convey a poor attitude. You've ridiculed a company and discounted the possibility other people find them appealing. We've found out you hate the elves because they don't fit your preconceived notion of how elves should look, so what's there to discuss?


New member
Nov 20, 2009
I'm playing a dark elf vampire assassin and he looks utterly sinister. All the elves in general look amazing.

Matthew Geskey

New member
Mar 30, 2011
Elamdri said:
Matthew Geskey said:
Elamdri said:
Part of the problem with the elves is that elves are supposed to look like humans. Orcs, Khajit, and Argonians don't have to look like humans, so there is a lot freedom there. Elves, not so much.
Yes, but ebony is supposed to be made of tusks and glass of melted sand, not mined ores.
sigh, lets save that for another day. I can only fix so many wrong things in one evening...
Just saying that what is supposed to be in high fantasy and what bethesda wants are very different things

(What's up with the captcha? the square root of 0.5 to the power of "i"? I can't type that.)


New member
Sep 18, 2011
DeadlyYellow said:
Some people are just never satisfied. Frankly I find the elves' faces a lot more agreeable than your attitude.
+2 & a Gold Star for the day...


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Elamdri said:
lacktheknack said:
Elamdri said:
This is hyperbole, but if Bethesda made elves three feet tall, with 7 arms, red skin, and horns, then they can call them elves all they want, but they're not elves.
Ironically enough, this would be CLOSER to classic elves. They were tiny devilish troublemakers before the likes of Tolkien came in and rewrote them.
Sure, but here's the deal. TES is a classic, high fantasy game. Tolkien's elves have been the accepted norm for elves for about 60 years now. Now if you wanna make some deviation from the high fantasy Genre, fine, but when we're talking about TES, there are some expectations I think, and what they've put out don't meet those expectations in my opinion.

Tolkien WON. Elves LOOK like human beings. They may not have to look like supermodels, but they're general appearance should be human. Especially in a game series that bleeds as much Tolkien and D&D as TES.

It looks like a stringy human with a weird bone structure. That fits your definition pretty well.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Kakashi on crack said:
Well... They look more like morrowind elves IMO so I like em.

The elder scrolls elves reflect "dnd" elves while reflecting the environment they're in in a sense.

DND elves, which is what most people think of, are fair high-cheekbone critters, not as tall as humans, and generally nimble/quick. They also hunt, and eat enough to stay plump enough for their cheekbones to look nice.

This is SKYRIM one of the hardest places to get FOOD if you live in a hold because you rely on the local farmers, possibly cold-water river fish, and possibly some livestock to feed a whole town. The elves of SKYRIM are probably in constant HARDSHIP and so they naturally reflect such with their appearance. If you look closely, its rather obvious that if it wasn't for their sunken-in features that are common among poverty and places where food isn't common to find, they would look a lot like regular elves, and personally I think its an improvement from the fat-faced slobs of Cyrodil which rightfully were like that due to having constant sources of food.

IMO, the elves don't need to look pretty, and in a land such as Skyrim, the only people who should be pretty are maybe the Jarls and other high-ups.

I think they look perfectly fine the way they are. >.>
I'm sorry if you can't get food in Skyrim you're an abject failure as a human being (or elf I I guess). I mean, for starters, in every town there is a huge castle with an ungarded and unattended kitchen full of food for you to steal. Second, if you go into ANY home, all you have to do is place a basket on someone's head and take everything they own. Third, the world is populated by deer that stand still while you douse them with flames and then only once you've killed it, do it's friends even think about running away.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Skyrim elves DO look good,in my opinion. It takes balls of Daedric Steel to live in Skyrim,especially now. The elves,in my opinion,look universally tough,badass,or have a "Fuck with me and die" look tattooed on their face. And it is pulled off well,especially with the proper war paint choice.

Plus,universal elf identifier? As some racist humans in Dragon Age put it...Knife ears. Dunmer: Knife ears. Altmer: Knife ears. Bosmer: Knife ears. Orsimer: Knife ears. Falmer: Knife ears. Elf=long-lived race of humanoids with long,narrow ears.

So,the Mer of Skyrim do not look hideous. They look like badass examples of their individual races. Finally...This is Bethesda's baby you're talking about. They have the right to make their elves how they want to,simply because IT'S THEIR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. They'll sooner let you play as a Dwemer then bend their knee to you and change their elf design.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
lacktheknack said:
Elamdri said:
lacktheknack said:
Elamdri said:
This is hyperbole, but if Bethesda made elves three feet tall, with 7 arms, red skin, and horns, then they can call them elves all they want, but they're not elves.
Ironically enough, this would be CLOSER to classic elves. They were tiny devilish troublemakers before the likes of Tolkien came in and rewrote them.
Sure, but here's the deal. TES is a classic, high fantasy game. Tolkien's elves have been the accepted norm for elves for about 60 years now. Now if you wanna make some deviation from the high fantasy Genre, fine, but when we're talking about TES, there are some expectations I think, and what they've put out don't meet those expectations in my opinion.

Tolkien WON. Elves LOOK like human beings. They may not have to look like supermodels, but they're general appearance should be human. Especially in a game series that bleeds as much Tolkien and D&D as TES.

It looks like a stringy human with a weird bone structure. That fits your definition pretty
Actually, it looks like a vampire from buffy, but with huge eyes.


New member
Oct 22, 2010
I think they look ok especially compared to oblivion where wood elves where just midget imperials, as for skyrim if you mess around with the bars and stuff (carefully) you can do quite alot,

I like to pretend he's half-imperial :L

Apologies for the half-assed photo i couldnt find my camera so i took it with the webcam on my laptop