Skyrim elves look AWFUL :(


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Elamdri said:
Part of the problem with the elves is that elves are supposed to look like humans. Orcs, Khajit, and Argonians don't have to look like humans, so there is a lot freedom there. Elves, not so much.
You do realize that in the elder scrolls universe Orcs ARE elves. Their racial name is Orsimer. But yeah elves in TES universe are not supposed to look like some pretty humans they are after all different species so what is beautiful for say an Altmer is not necessarily beautiful to a Breton (Manmer), Dunmer or Imperial.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
pffh said:
You do realize that in the elder scrolls universe Orcs ARE elves. Their racial name is Orsimer. But yeah elves in TES universe are not supposed to look like some pretty humans they are after all different species so what is beautiful for say an Altmer is not necessarily beautiful to a Breton (Manmer), Dunmer or Imperial.
Yep. Of course, it needs be said dunmer are cursed altmer (the chimer were a faction of altmer, not a subrace in their own right) anyways, and are in the big scheme of things the most civil breed of elves. Elves in TES aren't the "benevolent, but kind of dickish about it" stereotypical fantasy elves, they are diiiiiiiiiicks.

Seriously, altmer...not to Godwin up in here...are practically nazis. The Aldmeri Dominion (i.e. the Thalmor, in case you're not too schooled in TES lore) is all about racial purity, purity of worship, and oppression. They don't consider any other race worthy or equal, especially other mer. Even bosmer, who are second-generation aldmer, are looked upon just as badly as, say, khajit or argonians and are second-class citizens.

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
Elamdri said:
lacktheknack said:
Elamdri said:
This is hyperbole, but if Bethesda made elves three feet tall, with 7 arms, red skin, and horns, then they can call them elves all they want, but they're not elves.
Ironically enough, this would be CLOSER to classic elves. They were tiny devilish troublemakers before the likes of Tolkien came in and rewrote them.
Sure, but here's the deal. TES is a classic, high fantasy game. Tolkien's elves have been the accepted norm for elves for about 60 years now. Now if you wanna make some deviation from the high fantasy Genre, fine, but when we're talking about TES, there are some expectations I think, and what they've put out don't meet those expectations in my opinion.

Tolkien WON. Elves LOOK like human beings. They may not have to look like supermodels, but they're general appearance should be human. Especially in a game series that bleeds as much Tolkien and D&D as TES.
So, let me get this straight here.

You're saying that because other mediums make something look or act a certain way, all others that are similar have to have the exact same criteria apply to them?

You know that is directly acting against creativity and design right?

Now, let's play a little game. Look at the original, then tell me which one looks more different and out of place from it.

If you answered one, you're lying.

Besides, the definition of fantasy not only allows but encourages alternate ideas and takes on something.



The faculty or activity of imagining things that are impossible or improbable.
After all, if we didn't have alternate takes and executions of ideas and designs, we wouldn't have the interesting elven slave race angle for Dragon Age, the mysterious Dwarven/Elf Dwemer from TES, and the sparkly Vampires from Twilight.

Though, on reflection, maybe we're better off sticking to formula for that last example...


Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
pffh said:
Elamdri said:
Part of the problem with the elves is that elves are supposed to look like humans. Orcs, Khajit, and Argonians don't have to look like humans, so there is a lot freedom there. Elves, not so much.
You do realize that in the elder scrolls universe Orcs ARE elves. Their racial name is Orsimer. But yeah elves in TES universe are not supposed to look like some pretty humans they are after all different species so what is beautiful for say an Altmer is not necessarily beautiful to a Breton (Manmer), Dunmer or Imperial.
Quoted to reinforce this point.

Orcs = Elves


Dwarves = Dwemer = Elves with awesome beards and steam punk

I don't know about the rest of you, but I like the spins Bethesda put on their fantasy races. Makes them more interesting than just going with the standard preset 'THIS IS THE ELF. THE ONLY ELF'.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
There are more than enough generic smex-elfs modifications for everyone, it's a non-issue.

Honestly... I just don't see what's so repulsive about them. They look different, like a different species really -should-, but I don't see what it is that's so ugly about them.

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
This thread isn't dead yet? Jesus christ. I can't believe its still going on. Elves don't have to look like Tolkien elves, jesus!

Reion 13

New member
Oct 26, 2011
I, personaly, dont like any of the races that much. Theyre realy just humans with slightly different face shape and skin color.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
What makes me chuckle is that most of the people in this thread think that elves are benevolent creatures in mythology.

Oh dear.

...and don't get me started on fairies.../shudder.


Dec 3, 2010
I thought they looked hideous. When I made a high elf mage for my second run I modified him to look as little as an elf as possible. Worked out quite well. He resembled a nord when I was done. <3


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Elamdri said:
What the hell was Bethesda thinking? The elves in Skyrim look absolutely HIDEOUS. I mean, they look like something you'd see out of Aliens. I feel like the Khajit and the Argonians feel more human than the elves do! It's become very off-putting.

I can't figure out what's worse. That someone designed them in the first place thinking that they would be aesthetically pleasing, or that someone didn't tell the person who created them that they're an absolute failure and put them in the final release.


I would like to point out that I think the two biggest problems with the elf models are 1: The ridiculous anime bug eyes and 2: The incredibly pronounced brows that they have, I mean, they jut out so far from their heads you could land a Cessna on them. Their skull structure looks like David Boreanaz and Cro-Magnon Man had a baby.

Also, since people keep bringing this up as well: Yes, the elves looked WORSE in Oblivion. That doesn't mean that they look GOOD in Skyrim.

By the way, people keep using this image and I just want to comment:

^That guy looks like he belongs in a DYNASTY WARRIORS game, not TES.
ALL the characters look aweful. That is what happens when the devs use shitty 512x512 textures.


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010
Elamdri said:
What the hell was Bethesda thinking? The elves in Skyrim look absolutely HIDEOUS. I mean, they look like something you'd see out of Aliens. I feel like the Khajit and the Argonians feel more human than the elves do! It's become very off-putting.
Elves aren't "supposed" to be beautiful. Sometimes, they're short toymaking weirdos. Sometimes they're just one step up from goblins and orcs. Sometimes, they're meant to be an actual other species, so they look like it, and that causes us (humans who prefer human-looking things) to go "Eww!"

I think the idea here was to create an Elven look that was intentionally divisive. Some folks love it, other folks hate it, but just about everyone feels something. That's head-and-shoulders above games in which choosing your "race" is as minor a detail as choosing the shape of your ears.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Dastardly said:
Elamdri said:
What the hell was Bethesda thinking? The elves in Skyrim look absolutely HIDEOUS. I mean, they look like something you'd see out of Aliens. I feel like the Khajit and the Argonians feel more human than the elves do! It's become very off-putting.
Elves aren't "supposed" to be beautiful. Sometimes, they're short toymaking weirdos. Sometimes they're just one step up from goblins and orcs. Sometimes, they're meant to be an actual other species, so they look like it, and that causes us (humans who prefer human-looking things) to go "Eww!"

I think the idea here was to create an Elven look that was intentionally divisive. Some folks love it, other folks hate it, but just about everyone feels something. That's head-and-shoulders above games in which choosing your "race" is as minor a detail as choosing the shape of your ears.
I am going to beat whoever necro'd this thread within an inch of their life. This was mostly supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek deal. Try not to take it too seriously


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Why did this thread get revived?
Seriously guys Bethesda can make the elves look however they damn well please. Who gives two shits if they don't look like the Tolkien elves. It is fantasy so they have free reign over the looks of everything within their games.