Skyrim elves look AWFUL :(


New member
Nov 19, 2009
chaos order said:
i never really liked the elves to begin with (mainly because they're sorta elitists. i like dark elves but they kinda creep me out. (its the red eyes.

But you have to admit argonians look freaking sweet.
Hell yeah they do.


A Clever Title
Apr 5, 2010
Sandor [The Hound said:
PunkyMcGee said:
I look of the elves in skyrim. It doesn't take the "most beautiful creature on the planet" route. I like how my wood elf doesn't look trust worthy. it makes it all the more fun for me.
I assume you meant to say I like the look? If so same here, they actually look like a different ace now as opposed to just pointy eared humans. :)

might make them harder for nerds to bash over though, but going on the nexus it seems that some sad and lonely people have already remedied that...
yeah I had the word "lioke" and went back to fix it and forgot my context.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Part of the problem with the elves is that elves are supposed to look like humans. Orcs, Khajit, and Argonians don't have to look like humans, so there is a lot freedom there. Elves, not so much.


New member
Jun 7, 2011
PunkyMcGee said:
I like the elves in skyrim. It doesn't take the "most beautiful creature on the planet" route. I like how my wood elf doesn't look trustworthy. it makes it all the more fun for me.
Wood Elves, Trustworthy? We all know the Bosmer are the thieves of Tamriel.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
Elamdri said:
What the hell was Bethesda thinking? The elves in Skyrim look absolutely HIDEOUS. I mean, they look like something you'd see out of Aliens. I feel like the Khajit and the Argonians feel more human than the elves do! It's become very off-putting.

I can't figure out what's worse. That someone designed them in the first place thinking that they would be aesthetically pleasing, or that someone didn't tell the person who created them that they're an absolute failure and put them in the final release.
They were supposed to be ugly. Since when were elves supposed to be pretty?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
All I'm saying is that I've killed enough Drow in my time to know that THIS:

is not a dark elf.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
I despised the elves in Oblivion so incredibly much. They were ugly, and then their personalities just screamed "I'm an asshole, please rape my face."

At least in this one, the elves I've met are pretty much alright, aside from the ones that try to kill me.

As far as which race I think actually got uglier from Oblivion, I'd say the Khajit look uglier now, but that's just me.

In any case, I picked Argonian, because, hey, breathing underwater, amirite? I think they look pretty badass this time around, except that they don't have enough customization options, meh.


New member
May 23, 2011
Elamdri said:
Part of the problem with the elves is that elves are supposed to look like humans. Orcs, Khajit, and Argonians don't have to look like humans, so there is a lot freedom there. Elves, not so much.
Why? Because Tolkien did it, and pretty much every fantasy setting since then has done it? They're a ficticious race, there's nothing that they're "supposed" to be, no more than every setting with wizards has to follow the rules followed by Gandalf. The Elder Scrolls does a lot of things differently. I'd like to point out that the dwarves in this setting are of normal height, built steampunk cities, and are extinct. So why should the games follow the "pretty elves" standard?


New member
May 5, 2011
I dunno, I find my own catharsis to be personally constructive and fulfilling. It's also nice to know that the internet, as usually, is collectively wrong (<NOTE: SARCASM). Also, nothing written on an internet forum, anywhere, ever, in the history of time, has been constructive, so pointing out that something ISN'T constructive is like pointing out that that a Scion XB is ugly. It's a given.
Your own catharsis could have been jotted down in a Word document, not coming here with a shitty attitude and blowing off any attempt at showing you our views on the race.
Maybe 'constructive' wasn't the right word, but acting with courtesy or at least not being completely inflammatory is something everyone here should try and employ.


New member
Oct 22, 2011
Elamdri said:
Part of the problem with the elves is that elves are supposed to look like humans.
Says who?

Part of the reason I liked Dragon Age 2 was that they made the elves look a bit different from the humans, besides the pointy ears. (Though I think they could've pushed it even farther.)

I think it's nice when a game plays around with the preconceptions of a genre. Elves are so often the kind, ethereal, race of pretty faces. It's kinda fun that Skyrim's elves look a little effed up in comparison.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
They are meant to look alien and inhuman as opposed to just being Lott style attractive humans with pointy ears. Skyrim isn't the first thing to take that angle with elves.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
DarkRyter said:
Elamdri said:
What the hell was Bethesda thinking? The elves in Skyrim look absolutely HIDEOUS. I mean, they look like something you'd see out of Aliens. I feel like the Khajit and the Argonians feel more human than the elves do! It's become very off-putting.

I can't figure out what's worse. That someone designed them in the first place thinking that they would be aesthetically pleasing, or that someone didn't tell the person who created them that they're an absolute failure and put them in the final release.
They were supposed to be ugly. Since when were elves supposed to be pretty?
It's FINE if they're UGLY, but they don't look like ELVES.


New member
May 5, 2011
It's FINE if they're UGLY, but they don't look like ELVES.
If you've played WoW, read Eragon, seen LotR too many times or what have you and have type-casted elves as ethereally beautiful, then nothing anyone can say here will change your mind.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
webepoop said:
jeez, typical Nord, always discriminating against the elves!
What you got against Nords bro!? You and your damn elf kind..."oh look at us we are so majestic and superior LOOK AT MY POINTY STUPID EARS!" Damn elves.

OT: Like it has been said before elves are not meant to be pretty.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Elamdri said:
DarkRyter said:
Elamdri said:
What the hell was Bethesda thinking? The elves in Skyrim look absolutely HIDEOUS. I mean, they look like something you'd see out of Aliens. I feel like the Khajit and the Argonians feel more human than the elves do! It's become very off-putting.

I can't figure out what's worse. That someone designed them in the first place thinking that they would be aesthetically pleasing, or that someone didn't tell the person who created them that they're an absolute failure and put them in the final release.
They were supposed to be ugly. Since when were elves supposed to be pretty?
It's FINE if they're UGLY, but they don't look like ELVES.
They look like the elves of the Elder Scrolls universe.

Here's a different elf.

Have another.

<img width=400>

One more.

<img width=200>

Notice how not-elvish they look, according to you.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
HumpinHop said:
I dunno, I find my own catharsis to be personally constructive and fulfilling. It's also nice to know that the internet, as usually, is collectively wrong (<NOTE: SARCASM). Also, nothing written on an internet forum, anywhere, ever, in the history of time, has been constructive, so pointing out that something ISN'T constructive is like pointing out that that a Scion XB is ugly. It's a given.
Your own catharsis could have been jotted down in a Word document, not coming here with a shitty attitude and blowing off any attempt at showing you our views on the race.
Maybe 'constructive' wasn't the right word, but acting with courtesy or at least not being completely inflammatory is something everyone here should try and employ.
Venting to a computer is not cathartic. Personally I don't think I have a shitty attitude or have blown off anyone. I have a strongly worded opinion about the way that Bethesda handled the elves in the game. I've never said that anyone else's opinion was wrong, apart from sarcastically anyway, but regardless, I've not called anyone on this forum a name, but I've adamantly disagreed with them on their opinion. Also, to be honest, I think taking a stark stance on something in a forum is perfectly fine, it's better to have discussions about things we're passionate about and heaven forbid, disagree about than stand around pretending that we all like that same things and get along.

I think that there is a set "look" for elves, an industry standard if you will, and while you may have the freedom as a game designer to deviate from that, I have the right to say that I think it's a stupid decision and that something just doesn't work.

This is hyperbole, but if Bethesda made elves three feet tall, with 7 arms, red skin, and horns, then they can call them elves all they want, but they're not elves.


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
I didn't find Skyrim's elves hideous.

If anything, I thought the Altmer had really weird eyes, but that's it.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
HumpinHop said:
It's FINE if they're UGLY, but they don't look like ELVES.
If you've played WoW, read Eragon, seen LotR too many times or what have you and have type-casted elves as ethereally beautiful, then nothing anyone can say here will change your mind.
Really, what is is for me is their crinkled looking faces and their bug eyes. They look kinda like the vampires from Buffy knocked up an anime character and had some weird flipper baby.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
DeadlyYellow said:
Some people are just never satisfied. Frankly I find the elves' faces a lot more agreeable than your attitude.
My attitude is fabulous. Maybe not towards the guy who made the elves, but I think I've been pretty civil to everyone else. Adversarial, but civil.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Elamdri said:
This is hyperbole, but if Bethesda made elves three feet tall, with 7 arms, red skin, and horns, then they can call them elves all they want, but they're not elves.
Ironically enough, this would be CLOSER to classic elves. They were tiny devilish troublemakers before the likes of Tolkien came in and rewrote them.