Skyrim Mods That Need to Exist

Sight Unseen

The North Remembers
Nov 18, 2009
I would like a way to remove fast travelling. I want to explore the world for myself, and sometimes it's too tempting to use that shiny fast travel button!

Also, I agree with Jack and Calumon. I'm amazed personally that cooking wasn't made into it's own skill, and that, as of right now, it's really very pointless.

Also maybe a better marriage mod.

Odd Owl

New member
Oct 21, 2011
Mr.Tea said:
Agitated Owl said:
Potion/Scroll/Magic Mirror of Cosmetic Manipulation.

I'm one of those OCD players who can spend a hour on character creation, only to discover that the hair style or skin tone I thought looked great in the character creator looks like crap out in the game world.
Oh dear, that pisses me off so much when it happens. And the Saints Row: The Third example is especially apt because my character looked great in the editor, but awful in cutscenes.

Skyrim has similar problems too, but like Oblivion (where it was even worse), you can just use the
console command whenever you want and touch up your face and hair. Just make sure to remove all your items first and not change race while in the editor and all should be fine. I did it twice, throughout the life of my now 100+ hour character, with no ill effects.
Unfortunately, there are no console commands for us console players. Ironic, isn't it?

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
CrazyJew said:
Fast switch with number keys.
You can do that.
You put it on favourites (F) and then mouse over it and press a number, thus it's linked to that number.

Mr. Socky

New member
Apr 22, 2009
I'm looking forward to improvements to the lethality of combat, and hopefully the responsiveness. I'm not sure if other people have this issue (I've admittedly not checked too carefully) but when I click to swing my sword, it just feels sluggish. Not in the "I'm swinging a big-ass sword, and it'll take a while" sort of way, more in the "Why is my sword not swinging yet... Ok, there it goes. Damn, he moved." sort of way.

I'd also like improvements to the marriage system. As in, some reason for it to exist. The complete and utter lack of interaction with one's spouse is such an immersion killer right now. I mean, I'm not expecting 20 hours worth of Bioware-styled romance dialogue here, but I'd like SOMETHING. Marrying a person with the personality of a mannequin feels somewhat creepy to me.

And finally, I'd like a mod that just generally re-balances the magic. For instance, in the destruction magic tree, anything that isn't fire is generally useless outside of a few very specific circumstances. And even under those circumstances (like using lightning to drain a mage's magicka) the options aren't that useful. Most of the time the target dies before you drain his/her magic pool, meaning that it's better to go with the cheaper-to-cast and does-more-damage fire spell in the first place. Non-combat spells are similar, sticking you with a handful of useful spells and cluttering up your magic menu with a whole ton of crap that will never, ever be useful(without a clever modder, in any case).

Sight Unseen

The North Remembers
Nov 18, 2009
Samuel Goodall said:
More spells anyone? Or spell crafting. Maybe also merchants who could afford some of the loot I am finding instead of me having to haul it into my house for the game. Dragon raising would be good... But as has been claimed before the two real necessities are...
Dragons to be less frequent. After being attack by 5 dragons in half an hour the joy wears off.
Hardcore Mode with a way to not make you rival the emperor in personal wealth.
I dont have a problem with too many dragons... I've been playing my character for ~40 hours and I think I only have like maybe 10 dragon kills, and 2 were quest related. And my previous character I had been playing for about 26 hours and had maybe 7-8 kills. That's the thing with random spawns, you never know how many you'll get. I run into a dragon every 5-6 hours it seems, and I try and make a point of walking to all of my destinations unless it's a huge inconvenience to do so (going from Solitude to Riften, for instance)

Then again I've only done a handful of the main story quests, and some people seem to think that spawn rate increases as the story progresses, so that may be why.

EDIT: just checked and I have very nearly 50 hours played, and 9 dragons killed, including those 2 quest related ones.

Daaaah Whoosh

New member
Jun 23, 2010
There should be a mod where you can turn into a dragon. Like with werewolves, only you get to fly around and have infinite shouts. It would be much quicker than walking around, and more enjoyable than fast traveling.

Also, I think it would be nice to have more than one follower. Then you could all storm the gates of castles and kill dozens of enemies together.


New member
May 19, 2011
Bo Staffs as weapons. I want my monk.
Blocking while dual wielding. If I remember correctly, quite a few dual weapon styles have you using the weapons in tandem to defend while attacking. I understand not being able to block with a spell in your off hand but having two weapons and not being able to use either to block seems off to me.
Respeccing. Sure I can just make another character but sometimes you just want to get rid of that one perk you thought would be good but you don't even use now.
Spell crafting.
The ability to learn the ingredients of a potion by drinking or deconstructing it, kind of like learning an enchant by disenchanting something.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
Jack and Calumon said:
Also, like Yahtzee said in the credits to his review, a hardcore survival mode. MAKE me use that food, please! I'll love the game more if this happens and will cheer me up immensely, since what I would actually like a game when it's basically a Sim game of life in Skyrim when you're a traveller and trying to earn your keep. YES I HAVE STRANGE DESIRES!

Calumon: Can they take out the violence so Jack will let me play it? : (
Definately a new vegas style hardore survival mode. In a way I'm suprised Bethesda didn't do it from the beginning. Considering that within game play I've got random NPCs telling me how ghastly I look and I need to lie down for a bit and my followers yawning at me or coughing cause they aren't getting any sleep.

Let's see what else...

- The ability to attack from horse back

- More Mods for the houses including house staff for the larger places

- Thane quests. I thought about this one a bit and I couldn't help but notice two things. A) There's a lot of crumbling castles in Skyrim and B) It's easy to get lots of money and reputation. Wouldn't it be cool if for each region you get a quest to take back a castle and in the name of your Jarl rebuild it (Kinda like Neverwinter Nights and the Castle quests). PLay your cards right and you might even have a town sprouting up around it.

- Dragons do need to be a bit tougher.

- Better tactical for companions. At the moment my companions are pulling out random weapons running in front of me when I'm tryin to shoot people, seriously! Once again Bethesda did an okay job with companions in Fallout, suprised they didn't do it here.

- A mod that sets the level violence and gore from no blood - so Calumon play - to Hardcore violence and gore - so childish realists like myself can get in touch with our sadistic side.

Mister Eff

New member
Apr 11, 2009
I want a flight spell. I get annoyed climbing mountains sometimes. Also I want arial battles with dragons. Tossing fireballs while zipping over towns and mountains would be awesome.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Blanket of text dialogue & tabloids to portray consequences to your status/actions, PLEASE!

The Inquisitive Mug

New member
Jul 11, 2008
Honestly, a lightsaber mod would be LOVELY. I don't know about you, but I can't duel cast Sparks without thinking about force lightning. The Unrelenting Force and telekinesis make for a good force push/pull substitute, and there are already black robes. Something about a metal sword just kills the illusion for me.


New member
May 19, 2011
The Inquisitive Mug said:
Honestly, a lightsaber mod would be LOVELY. I don't know about you, but I can't duel cast Sparks without thinking about force lightning. The Unrelenting Force and telekinesis make for a good force push/pull substitute, and there are already black robes. Something about a metal sword just kills the illusion for me.
I know. I have been looking for a sword that might suffice. Closest I think would be one of the Blade swords. Ebony swords are not bad either. Not that they are all that great but all the other sword forms/shapes are way off. Put a fire enchant on it and you have a bit of a red glow. It would work nicer if the enchants were a little brighter on the weapon.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Some thing to make all or most potions heal over time, or have a cool down. So a difficult battle is not just trade blows,chug potions, win.
Spears with a perk tree to go with them would be awesome.
Possibly something to make the direct shouts more powerful. The indirect ones like slow time, aura whisper, or storm call are awesome, but the fire breath and such do so little damage for their cool down that they feel worthless to me.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
I want a mod that prevents you from being able to take things like bowls and forks into your inventory....

"No damnit I wanted the apple not the whole fucking bowl!"

Having said that, you should still be able to manipulate the bowl by holding the button, just don't put it in your inventory... it's pointless. I don't think anyone's made a traveling silverware salesman.