Skyward Sword


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I like the game, but after playing through it twice in a row, I feel I need a trial seperation from it. Visiting the same areas over and over can be pretty taxing when you're trying to enjoy a game. I mean, it's a nice idea to go back once in a while and giving us a reason to do so isn't bad either, but when you force the player to revisit the same areas over and over in this sandbox-esque world, you really make the player wonder if they have something better they could be doing with their time. I've seen worse writing, honestly, but the thing is that some of Miyamoto's choices in that regard made me wonder, "Is this the same guy who wrote the story for Metroid: Other M?" And when you look at the graphics close up in Link's perspective, you can really see the Wii's limitations from here. The fact that I was using an HD-TV didn't really help matters either. The controls, you can take them or leave them. I'm the kind of guy who does his best with what he has, so I didn't really mind it, but I could see where everyone was coming from. Piece of advise: the system will have an easier time recognizing your swings if you grip from the back of the Wiimote.

Overall, it's earned an average score in my book and I certainly hope its done better next time.

P.S.:The "official" timeline Nintendo offered is convoluted that I find that the series may need a reboot. Seriously, three split timelines?


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
First of all: An abomination? Skyward Sword? If this game is what you call an abomination than I'd hate to see what you're like when you play an actual bad game.

Second, most of your list of complaints seem to be mainly nitpicks. Rubber gloves? The clawshot not being able to grab items? If you didn't like the game that's fine. But you must have tried really hard to think of stuff to complain about this game my friend.

Kaitengiri said:
You are awesome. XD

I forgot

New member
Jul 7, 2010
ClanCrusher said:
3) Yhatzee is a meany head who doesn't like the games I like.

I forgot said:
Yahtzee resorting to middle school antics with "if I don't gush it with praise, zelda's fanboy army will attack me" is really fucking pathetic. Use your brain for a minute. People aren't mad because you "pointed out a flaw" but because it's actually horseshit that isn't really a flaw, one you contrive or one you don't explain. You've been doing this for how long and you can't accept criticism yourself?
Nate-ndo said:
Before I watched his review, I told my girlfriend that Yahtzee was going to hate Skyward Sword, and his chief complaints would be motion controls, the graphics, the game structure, and the fact that it has the same ur-narrative (save Zelda). I said he then usually goes, "Look how mad Nintendo fanboys are! I must be correct!"
Lordofthesuplex said:
This is elitism plain and simple. You can't accept the fact that people are not as pretentious and have absurdly high standards as you and therefore have to generalize everyone who doesn't agree with the actual fanboys. Seriously, I'm done with Yahtzee as far as Nintendo games go. I'm only watching the stuff from the other companies he reviews from now on because if he's not biased against Nintendo then he clearly is obsessed with enhancing his standards on how he critiques games whenever that company is under the chopping block. And I hate it when anyone does that to any company.
Flamers. Got to love them. Notice in particular that the third quote directly proves the counterpoint of the first quote and the second quote proves Yhatzee's over-reaching point. Frankly it's rather humorous just how contradictory these flames are sometimes. One calls him elitist, the other calls him a Middle Schooler. Frankly, considering that he said 'fuck you' to all the fanboys, he probably expected this, but by responding to him has outed you as a fanboy. See the catch-22? Congrats, you three have just had your true natures revealed.

But I digress. If you fanboys, and I'm talking about all fanboys, not just the Skyward Sword crowd, have yet to realize Yhatzee's general opinion towards mainstream gaming after OVER A HUNDRED EPISODES, you're never going to learn. Just like you're probably never going to learn that it's better to argue using logic and counterpoints rather than simple minded insults and blind loyalty.
What one person says doesn't disprove my point. It's not hard to imagine people not liking Yahtzees reviews for the reason I already said in my first post (You can probably find some in this thread). For one claiming that I should use logic and counterpoints, you instead resort to simple-minded insults yourself. hypocrite.
I'm criticizing the way Yahtzee deals with people not liking his review, not the review itself; if you used any reading comprehension you would've known my comment had nothing to do with him liking/disliking skyward sword. If you used logic, my comment itself isn't an "outing" of me as a fanboy because it had nothing to do with me liking skyward sword. That would be like me saying you're a blind Yahtzee fanboy for responding to my comment in the first place (although that makes more sense since you could neither read my comment and resorted to simple insults by calling me a flamer/fanboy). And you're basically telling me that over a hundred episodes, I should still expect Yahtzee to make childish reactions/arguments because people dismiss his review and for him to not grow up. Man, I wonder who's true nature has actually been revealed.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Hiya Yahtzee, Zelda/Nintendo fanboy here.
Not the "foaming at the mouth because you said OoT is a bad game" kind of fanboy, I just really enjoy Zelda games, so that ranks me as a fanboy I suppose. Same goes for Nintendo games, even though I refuse to defend everything that gets put on the Wii.

I agree with your dislike of Fi, your dislike of motion controls (generally speaking), and how you found it silly that the world is bright and un-cloudy despite being covered with clouds when seen from above.
But I disagree with your overall hate of the game, how the motion controls suck in this game, and how this is just "another" Zelda game.
I love Skyward Sword because of all the new things it does well, and if you disagree, so be it.
I've watched enough of your reviews and read enough of your posts to know that you are not insane or like bad games. Hell, I bought and played Psychonauts simply because you said it is fan-fucking-tastic, and you know what? It really is.

You're entitled to your dislike of Skyward Sword as much as I am entitled to my love of Skyward Sword.
I'm not going to stop watching your reviews and spam every comment you make with "ZOMG WHAT ABOUT SKYWARD SWORD?!?!?!" rage :p

Happy New Years sir.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
I respect people's opinions including Yahtzees but I'll still have my own opinion on anything. Still, Yahtzee did make very valid complaints against it. Skyward Sword pissed me off so many times.

Fi states the obvious too many times she makes Navi tolerable.
Electric Bokoholins and Lizards with metal gauntlets, all really irritating.
Backtracking, then again Wind Waker took a long time to get from point A to point B so I was immune to backtracking.

Yeah I'm defending the game slightly, I can't help it, for all it did bad it did alot more right for me. OK one last thing, motion controls, I thought they work well, am I alone? I didn't care for drowsing however. Yahtzee, why did you not mention that? Why? It was a perfect target for bad motion controls.

But yeah, theres going to be someone who hates what you love. For example, I hate Doctor Who, fuck that show. You hate Zelda? Thats cool. I have no ending quote, hey its 2012.


Charles McGuffin

New member
Aug 4, 2011
jackpackage200 said:
I think yahtzee and i are the only people who hated this game. The game was boring and not fun at all.

EDIT: What sucks is that my friends have been giving me shit for not liking it
You're not alone. The game is bad and most importantly FUCKING BORING.

Especially because it's so easy. I have the feeling that Nintendo is making their games only for retarded people.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
only thing really getting on my nerves is the slow text talk and the use of motion for the shield. the motion control of the sword is cool although i flail and my arm got sore after a few hours.


New member
Dec 22, 2008
ClanCrusher said:
I don't think there is a single person in this entire forum who has played the wii for any decent amount of time that can tell me that the motion controls to their games have always worked 100% of the time. Not one.
I can reasonably say they work 95% of the time.

If you can't get the controls to work properly, you are simply bad at the game.

I'll repeat this again, and this time you better acknowledge it:

If you think Skyward Sword's controls are bad, then you are simply bad AT the controls, which is another thing entirely.

And seriously, 4 out of 10? Even with all those flaws, it's still a game that's fun and worth playing. Any score less than a 7.5 is bullshit, even if it is your opinion. 4 out of 10 is a score that's given to shovelware, and I know for a FACT that Skyward Sword is better than THOSE games.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
After reading more posts that looked like entire threads by themselves I feel I have a bit more to say. Starting with, again, I simply liked this game for everything it was, had no issues with controls motion or otherwise, and if I had gotten annoyed with 'electric gimmick' as its been dubbed, hey guys! bombs, arrows, even the minor stun from slingshot nulled all of this, sorry if you can't run straight at stuff with just a sword and win, that's not how we roll anymore.

Getting onto my point, why beyond why do we have these pages long summaries, analyizing the entire game as if we were made to take notes and test after every subsection by subsection? Has the gaming community become so scrutinizing that we ALL have this fever-dream of being game reviewers? Each arguement here begun as pass/fail, either the game is the best thing ever or it fails harder than Obscure: The Aftermath.

What I am trying to say is that putting nearly anything under a microscope you can find it looks pixilated and dingey, which is what we love Yahtzee for. However, none of us are using humor or trying to get a rise out of anyone except to 'win' an arguement which no one will read or care about.

This is not and never was ment to be an arguement, but more a realization that I had based on reading posts from both sides.

The Mythmaker

New member
Dec 8, 2008
"It's not a very good point if he's not going to address the valid criticisms of his review and is only going to focus on the froth-mouthed fanbois."

His post seemed less a general response to his critics than a condemnation of those self-same froth-mouthed fanbois. Unless he feels his opinion was invalidated by points other people made, he's likely to defend it. And while some people might have brought up valid, thoughtful points, I doubt that those were the comments that drove him to make his post in the first place. None of the arguments that you yourself have made are ones that he mentioned in his follow-up (those being that his argument is invalid because it's stale, not because it's wrong; that his opinion is invalidated because he is biased against motion controls; and that he is biased against the Zelda series as a whole).

"My problem with your point wasn't the notion that the items are in similar locations, but that this is somehow important. Why does it matter what order the items appear in?"

In your original post, you said "the differences between this and OoT are quite numerous indeed. Not only in mechanics and gameplay, but in story as well." My point was that one could make the case that the similarities between SS and OoT are quite numerous as well. Not to the point that they're the same game, obviously, but to the point someone could look at the two games and say "these are quite similar."

"The Boomerang (at least in OoT) was a device used to stun enemies and reach items that were far away. The Beetle is a fly-by-wire tool used for exploration and reaching far away items, and later can be upgraded to retrieve bombs and other items from unreachable locations and drop them on targets. It has no such "stun" feature and is functionally useless in combat, whereas the Boomerang can buy you time in combat to retrieve a weapon that can actually deal a killing blow. It's similar to comparing an airplane to a helicopter and asking "what's the difference" on the grounds that both of them can fly. There are an abundance of functional differences, and the practical applications of each are very different.

The difference between seemed more to be a case of these games having a different approach to non-sword combat. Most of OoT's weapons were ones which had a strong combat-focus. The slingshot, for instance, I found to be very unsuited, and generally an inferior choice, for general combat in SS, while in OoT, it was the preferred method for deeling with certain enemies (Keese and skultulas, for example). The same can be said for items like the hookshot. Mostly, the use of tools in OoT was not just as a tool, but as a weapon as well. SS focuses on a more strategic use for them. Slingshots to hit certain targets (vines, switches, etc), hookshot for platforming, and bombs for opening paths. Rarely do you encounter an enemy where the sword is not the easiest way to defeat them (they do show up, but rarely).

The boomerang wouldn't fit into this dynamic, as it was both a combat and practical tool. The beetle is designed similar to the boomerang, used to enter unreachable places and hit enemies in awkward places, to act as a slower projectile with unlimited ammo, and to retreive items. The beetle fills a similar role, except that, like other items, it has had its active combat role removed, and replaced with the ability to drop items.

"It's similar to comparing an airplane to a helicopter and asking "what's the difference" on the grounds that both of them can fly."

A more appropriate comparison would be a traditional bomber and a drone bomber. Clearly different, but interchangeable in some situations.

"That's pretty typical of any hero story honestly, not just Zelda. And while I can certainly agree that it might be nice to see some of these things not appear or appear less, I'm certainly not going to begrudge the game for using them."

Same here. My favorite parts of SS are the parts closer to the "core" Zelda experience (if you'll forgive the term). But just as I don't begrudge the game using them, I won't begrudge someone else for saying that the repetition bothered them.

"As many points as you've presented here, you have to admit that they're all really rather shallow. They're certainly not worth picking at."

Of course they're shallow. Frankly, most of them don't bother me a bit (most of my problems with this game arise from what has changed, not what has stayed the same). But I know it bothers some people, and they aren't "wrong" for thinking that way. They just have different priorities.

"Then why bring it up?"

To point out that there is a case someone can make, however little I think it matters, that these games are similar. Logical, clear-minded people have made the case to me that these games are too similar for them to personally want to play more than one. Their loss, IMO, but that's their opinion. *shrugs*

"But again, that's being much too generic and seems to be faulting the game's genre for its similarities to previous titles. A lot of things do, and should, carry over from game to game because otherwise you're not in the same genre/subgenre any more. *shrug*"

No quarrel from me. For the record, I don't agree with the opinion that these games are too similar.

But I don't see it as an invalid opinion which is "provably false" either. You might hold the opinion that there were enough changes for this game to stand alone as its own creation (as I do), but there's nothing wrong with someone's head if they believe that there weren't. Their standards might be unreasonably high, but that doesnt mean they're lying, which is the case you make.

"If he just wants more Zeldas like Okami or WW, then he should just say so. He shouldn't instead decide to keep claiming that each new Zelda is identical to OoT and that they are progressively worse and worse....that's not attacking the right point and it just makes him look dishonest."

As he said of Windwaker "the fighting engine worked well, there was an epic free-roaming world to explore and the cartoony visuals will ensure that it never ages poorly." These are things he pointed to as being good, and that he believes SS has been moving away from. He's free to say that the older elements of the game (including those carried over from OoT) are not aging well, and that he thought the direction of WW was a fresh one that the series should have emphasized more. Maybe I'm not making the case he would here, but it's an example of how the two philosphies don't contradict one another. There is nothing necessarily dishonest about it.

"That makes more sense and it's a fair point, but once again it seems to be blaming the genre for being too samey. While I certainly don't mind acknowledging that yes, a lot of what Zelda games do is similar, I hesitate to suggest that they are "the same" (as Yahtzee indicates) and a lot of it ties back into the game being of a particular niche, and trying not to go too extremely far from that niche."

There's nothing wrong with preferring the game stay in that niche, any more than wanting the game to move out of it. Some people liked the direction that Other M took, and if many did not, it was a valid direction to take, and there was an auience for it.

"For someone who doesn't believe it, Yahtzee sure seems to say it an awful lot. And while I might believe that it's just trying to piss off fanbois the first or second time, it's when you keep repeating it that I start to think that maybe you really believe it."

Hyperbole, perhaps? Even a moron would be hard pressed to defend complaining about what changed, as well as claiming that they are the "same game," and everybody realizes that "same game" is an exaggeration of an opinion he actually holds to. I seriously doubt that Yahtzee would seriously floss himself to death if he paid 70 dollars for an expansion pack, or eat his own ass if Silent Hill 5 was any good.

"It makes me feel as if no one actually grasps what makes a game "good" or "bad" anymore, and we're all just broken into little loyalty camps around specific development teams and don't dare venture beyond ze designated borders between each camp."

Honestly, there really can't be a consensus about what makes a game good. People who like Kirby's Epic Yarn and people who like Dark Souls probably have different ideas of what makes a game entertaining (likely "fun" and "challenge", respectively). And a game doesn't have to be "good" to be either. The game I've played most on my Xbox 360 has a Metascore of 46, and even I admit it's a piece of crap. But I actually have more fun playing it than other, better games. :p


Oct 5, 2011
United States
You know Yahtzee is starting to piss me off, not how he hates 90% everything I've accepted that Hell I didn't even buy this game, it's how he goes out of his way to piss people off. "Fuck you Skyward Sword and you too fanboys"...classy. I know that he's entitled to his opinion and it's his job to tear down these games but why does he need to so blatantly insult those who disagree with him? If anyone else in popular media said "fuck you" to a group that criticized them they would be crucified, why the fuck does this guy get a free pass?


Dec 24, 2011
Honestly, if you don't like a game just stop playing and move on. Nobody has forced you to play Skyward Sword against your will. Yahtzee's a professional game reviewer so he has a valid reason to go on long rants about a game he doesn't like, it's part of his job. People who aren't proffessional game reviewers probably have better things they can do with their time than try to show the rest of the world why some game they didn't enjoys is bad.

To those in support of Skward Sword, don't fuel the fire with this longwinded banter. You enjoyed it, you have nothing to prove.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Alright, I feel like this needs saying.

Twilight Princess had a lot of potential. It's clear that they were aiming for a more mature Zelda and in some respects, they succeeded. However, a couple major things really held it back.

For one, and this is a big one for me. For a zelda game trying to be mature, it wasn't mature enough. That's right. For lack of a better word, it just kind of felt half-assed. Like they wanted to have a mature zelda game but were still holding on to some of the childish elements.

And lastly, compared to OoT, the world just kind of felt... empty. It seemed like there's was nothing really left to do after you finished the main storyline besides that optional cave in the desert. And everything was just so easy. You were just really tough all the time.

Having said that, I thought it was a good game.

Now, I will admit right now that I've never played Windwaker. However, I can't stand two things.

One. You're child link again and are such for the rest of the game. Massive points off for that. Now I might not have said that if I hadn't played OoT but once I saw adult link, I was like. "I'm not going to play another Zelda game where I have to be child link all the time again."

Two, the cartoony cell-shaded look. More massive points off for that. Yes, I can't get past it. It looks stupid, especially combined with child link. BAAAHH!!!

So call me an idiot if you want but from those two things, I just can't play Windwaker without hating it.