I keep trying of a way to think of this in terms of "it just needs a good script" or "you can make something good out of anything with good enough writing." My initial thought was do a "Last Action Hero" with it. Sidekick character gets sucked into the video game world of Duke Nukem, classic videogame tropes and jokes, alien gets loose in the real world, Duke and sidekick have to return to the real world to finish it off, deconstructing video game trope jokes... resolution. But that obviously goes reeeaaallly wrong the second Duke gets into the real world. And that's kind of the problem with every other idea than just making it an 80's spoof. At some point his attitude toward women has to be addressed. And either you go with it and only appeal to the fringe crowd of "anti woke" people (but not all of them because the Bible thumpers wouldn't be on board with the rest of their brethren here) or you lampshade it, making it for... a group of people who aren't really interested in watching a "Duke Nukem" movie in the first place.
Plus, things like Duke Nukem were made specifically for pure dionysian excess. Such properties are generally pretty shallow. It is why there aren't big multimedia franchises around Time Killers or Splatterhouse. They work in terms of the games themselves, I can have a blast playing Time Killers. But a book or movie based on the property... It arguably barely works for things like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. Nobody has figured out how to do it well with Doom, or Wolfenstien, Alone in the Dark, Silent Hill. Although it think if SHOULD be able to work for AitD and Silent Hill, the fact that it hasn't points to how difficult it is even for a franchise where it should work.
Then again, they did make something halfway interesting out of Rampage. So I guess that's a way to go with it. Something that fits the most basic framework of Duke Nukem, but is basically just its own thing. A above average written boilerplate alien invasion movie... and the main character's name is Duke. And then in the wrap-up the "love interest" stock character asks him, "what's your last name." And he turns around after putting on sunglasses and lighting a cigar and says, "Nukem... Duke Nukem," in the Duke voice.
And then gets hit by a truck. Cause that would be about the level of wacky the rest of it would have been.