Hollywood has flirted with adapting the '90s video game for years.
So many things in my head right now:
1. I'm amazed this wasn't made ages ago like back in the 1990s
2. Who are they gonna cast as the Duke himself?
3. Curious that this news comes out a few weeks after the leak of the 2001 Build of Duke Nukem Forever, like what is the Duke brand suddenly revitalized and a new game is coming soon as well? (And if it does I hope they take notes from Doom Eternal)
4. Ideally this movie can work if they get it right. Focus on being that 1980s Action movie cheese with the seedy grindhouse feel of a Quintin Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez film, heck I'm amazed this movie isn't being handled by Robert Rodriguez, Duke Nukem seems up his alley.