So....a Duke Nukem movie, I did not expect this to happen in this day and age.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It arguably barely works for things like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat.
Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie holds up well, and MK'95 holds up even better, outside of some CGI and lack of gore. Check out Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist. Those guys went above and beyond for a small budget origin movie.

Then again, they did make something halfway interesting out of Rampage.
The director changing the origin of the giant monsters, because he felt the game's version of events was "too silly" comes off as hypocritical, when he has a wolf that flies. I still love the movie, but he's lucky the Rock and the CG Gorilla, George, has such great chemistry and gives the audience what they want in monster destruction.
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Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie holds up well, and MK'95 holds up even better, outside of some CGI and lack of gore. Check out Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist. Those guys went above and beyond for a small budget origin movie.
Oh yeah, that's why its arguable. Although as opposed to MK'95 I'd have gone with Kevin Tancharonen's MK Legacy, the first several episodes at least. Which proved he could have handled everything way better than anyone had in live action and/or animation before. Still, its a little different when the exceptions are generally those smaller budget or more niche audience aimed projects (Assassin's Fist was sweet)... and the big mass market appeal efforts are generally the trash I'm talking about. Like Street Fighter 1994. Point being though, if it is so hard to do a good version of a trailblazing fighting game like Street Fighter... what chance would an exploitative trendfollower like Time Killers have. Same with something like Doom, and then go down to its exploitative trendfollower like Duke.

I guess I could sum up my opinion on the project like this. If "Duke Nukem" was the only property that a production studio I owned could afford to license for a reboot or live actioning or whatever... I'd seriously be wondering if maybe I should just save the money and do everyone a favor by simply not making a Duke Nukem movie.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
MK Legacy, the first several episodes at least. Which proved he could have handled everything way better than anyone had in live action and/or animation before.
I always thought it was just kind of okay. I'll give it some points for originality, but nothing wowed me too much for some reason. That's the one I tried to be more "realistic/grounded" and copy Chris Nolan?

and the big mass market appeal efforts are generally the trash I'm talking about. Like Street Fighter 1994. Point being though, if it is so hard to do a good version of a trailblazing fighting game like Street Fighter... what chance would an exploitative trendfollower like Time Killers have. Same with something like Doom, and then go down to its exploitative trendfollower like Duke.
It ain't that hard, it just has to be done by people that care, and want to put in the actual effort. Instead of some top executives looking to make the crappiest product for a quick buck. The Street Fighter animated movie proves my point. Hell, two out of the three Fatal Fury movies prove my point. Okay, the first movie is more like a 45-minute episode, but my point still stands. It's called keep it simple. The biggest problem with the Street Fighter 1994 movie, is that it was clearly supposed to be a GI Joe movie at some point, and they turned it in a Street Fighter by replacing all the names.
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Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I always thought it was just kind of okay. I'll give it some points for originality, but nothing wowed me too much for some reason. That's the one I tried to be more "realistic/grounded" and copy from Chris Nolan?
I just loved how each introduction episode was clearly in a different (and appropriate) genre for the character it introduced. Sonia, Jax... espionage thriller like the Bourne movies. Subzero, Scorpion... ninja movie. Johnny Cage... meta action deconstruction. But my favorite was Raiden's introduction in a psychological thriller, Shutter Island style. It did lose steam when they put it all together in the second season, but with the genre switching that was probably inevitable.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010

So many things in my head right now:

1. I'm amazed this wasn't made ages ago like back in the 1990s

2. Who are they gonna cast as the Duke himself?

3. Curious that this news comes out a few weeks after the leak of the 2001 Build of Duke Nukem Forever, like what is the Duke brand suddenly revitalized and a new game is coming soon as well? (And if it does I hope they take notes from Doom Eternal)

4. Ideally this movie can work if they get it right. Focus on being that 1980s Action movie cheese with the seedy grindhouse feel of a Quintin Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez film, heck I'm amazed this movie isn't being handled by Robert Rodriguez, Duke Nukem seems up his alley.
Fully expecting this to be all violence and no tits, or something very close to that ratio.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I came up with a new script idea that could work. They Shazam it. The main character is an obnoxious spoiled shitposting video game nerd 11-year-old. The kind of kid screeching obscenities in chat to overcompensate for his pre-pubescent squealy voice. The kind of kid most of us generally want to strangle. He has to have a really dorky name too. Mervin dorky level name. The most toxic obnoxious little shit to walk the earth. The kind of kid who's parents only care about giving him everything he whines for just to shut him up. The movie has to establish that the kid has a really pathetic existence, big talking... but a total coward. Thinks he's popular... but everyone hates him. And then, just as an alien invasion begins... he finds some kind of magic mcguffin that turns him into how he sees himself in his head. And he becomes Duke Nukem.

The real statement would be make that first part really long. Like an hour and a half in itself... and then make the kid's transformation into Duke the last thing that happens before the credits roll. Really pound the point home. But that movie would never see the light of day. So if you still wanted to make that point, you work it into the rest of the story. As Duke battles his way through the aliens, any time he learns a lesson or is nearing becoming a better person... he reverts to his kid form. He constantly has to act like the world's most self-absorbed asshole to remain in "Duke" form to fight the next threat.

And then... I don't know. He choses to save someone and loses the Duke form forever, but gives the mcguffin to one of the alien leaders who uses it and becomes such a self-absorbed stupid jerkwad that the technologically superior alien army is completely wiped out by earth's military. Or he stays Duke but gets killed, and then it turns out the aliens only attacked is because they wanted the mcguffin because it turns out anyone using it becomes the next Hitler or something. So they are trying to save the universe, killing one mini-hitler at a time. Or a Saints Row dance party ending or something equally wacky.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
That reminds me, I hope the streets are rage movie is not going to be in all shoot them up fast. The director of the first John Wick is doing it. I would have preferred someone else. Give it to somebody like Isaac Florentine or Scott Adkins. I know the first Streets of Rage was a semi-grounded brawler, but I hope they do a nice mix match of 1 and 2.