So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Why don't most people realize that most schools keep a psych profile on most of their students.
Okay, so the OP's case is a little different, and he is being judged on the wrong factors, but still. It seems like some people here don't realize that schools keep psych profiles because of the possibility of unstable students.

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
funguy2121 said:
Jabberwock xeno said:
Memor-X said:
i only found out that i was on my school's one back in high school when my friend hacked their servers i still have a text copy on my computer now

Grades: Average
Attendance: Perfect
Uniform: Perfect
Excels in Maths and IT. Only Excels in English with creativity. UuExcellent cook in Food Classes, prone to eiat raw mix eg. dough, cake batter, Attendance however seems unaffected. Sleeps during tests/exams when completed. Dislikes Sexual Education in Health

Interests: Computers, Food, Games
Music: Misc
Study Period Location: Unknown
Always found in Library on computers. Found several times unblocking sites using staff logins. Continues to find loopholes in network to play game. Music consists of Goth (Marilyn Manson) Rock (Grand Theft Audio), Metal (Korn) Foreign (ALI PROJECT), mainly video games when asked. Seen walking to Midvale Shopping Center and/or waiting at Busloop (in evenings) or Library (before Recess/Lunch). When no work available, plays handheld video games.

Religion: Other
Believes in Entities that control balance and should not be considered gods, believe that all other religions Quote: "Blindly follow invisible Phantoms cause they have no will of their own"

Visits to -
Principle: 1
Assistant Principle: 3
Councilor: 10
Mini-School Manager: 4
Teacher: 2
Other Staff: 15
Contently sent to System Admin to explain actions on computers. Sent to councilor after every bullying incident. Does not report bullying, found several times in fights, all instances of extreme bullying.

Councilor Notes:
Over the Years [NAME] has become more self reliant due to lose of friends and has begun to show little interest in making new friends. [NAME] will bottle up anger from aggressors, all reports of [NAME] getting into fights have been because of his built up anger being too much for him. Does not report to teachers because he believes that others are in more need of him. does express hatred for to people who have wronged him, this includes former friends. Believes that people he hates need to pay by Quote "Making them suffer for the rest of their lives".
When in a fight, he seems to to be blinded to everything around him, i mainly refer to Barkly Main Corridor Incident when Barkly Mini-School Manager [TEACHER], Barkly/Lalor Assistant Principle [TEACHER] and [TEACHER] had to retrain [NAME] when he failed to comply to [TEACHER]'s instructions however seems to former student [DIV] and [STUDENT], reason unknown.

Final Notes:
Potentially unstable. Does have violent thoughts. Expresses hatred to certain students. No religious basis. Advise to Staff - In classes keep occupied or allow to occupy himself. In Schoolyard, when alone keep an eye on nearby problem students, when in library, do remind and enforce school computer network rules

i don't belive most of this cause 1. i only have 2 of Marilyn Manson's songs, his "This is Halloween" for the remade Nightmare Before Christmas and "Seizure of Power" from the Resident Evil Soundtrack and i never thought he was goth, but these reports they actually use them, one i saw said a guy was high risk because he beloved himself to be the Hand of God and he was on a list of students transfered to another school where we send all our expelled students, he, he, also, [DIV] the friend who hacked the network, she was expelled for breaking a guys arm but she still turned up now and again

Okay, we have like 7 people who found these.

PLEASE go to the news or something.
And we have dozens more who lost their virginity last weekend. Sthe lives in Wichita Falls, you wouldn't know her.

I don't get it


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Hehe. If I found out I was on a list like that, you best believe I'd be taking a water pistol to school sometime.

Mr Companion

New member
Jul 27, 2009
You are atheist, so you have a lack of empathy? WTF?
An atheist myself I seem to understand other peoples emotions the best out of anybody I know. Why would a religious belief help that? Anyway at least you have some dirt on the teachers now, if they start getting on your nerves or suggesting you did something wrong just say "Oh yes, thats almost as bad as keeping tabs on a students shooter potential, HYPOTHETICALLY I mean. :)"


New member
Dec 2, 2009
That report strikes me as ignorant in the worst possible ways.

I would have stolen it and taken it to the press, and I mean national press like cnn or something. Then again, I'm sure my file said "high shit-wrecking potential if crossed."


New member
Oct 19, 2009
I think your school has a lot of time on its hands. We had over 4,000 my folder was very, very was pretty much everyone's. because all 6 of the guidance counselors were WAY overburdened.

My suggestion...MOVE!

The Youth Counselor

New member
Sep 20, 2008
It's ironic that I now provide emotional support to and plan for juvenilles, young adults, and families. After the Columbine massacre happened, (I was then in the fifth grade) I started noticing a lot more attention by staff on me. Every time there was a threat received for a shooting or bombing, I was one of the first students questioned.

In the mental health profession and child psychology there is a lot of garbage still taken as fact and used to profile at risk youth. Hopefully someday there will be a change and I'm working to take part in that.


New member
Jul 30, 2008
Now its time to deck yourself out int goth style clothing and walk into school carrying a duffel bag. (of course, just keep gym clothes, ect. in the duffelbag) Its fun to mess with peoples minds. When asked about this sudden change just say, "I saw my file. I dont want to disappoint."

(I was on a very similar list when I was in school. I never really figured out why.)


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Jabberwock xeno said:
funguy2121 said:
Jabberwock xeno said:
Okay, we have like 7 people who found these.

PLEASE go to the news or something.
And we have dozens more who lost their virginity last weekend. Sthe lives in Wichita Falls, you wouldn't know her.

I don't get it
It's bullshit. The posters don't believe that their respective lives are interesting enough, so they lie. It's just like when someone sees an original joke that another poster makes earlier on in the thread and copies it verbatim without crediting the person who said it, so that it'll look to people just entering the thread like he said it himself.

I do believe that some of the more misguided amongst school faculty members will do things like compiling lists like these, but I also don't believe they will leave it out. OP and his artistic kin on this thread are not just dishonest but poor storytellers as well. When the point of the story is "and I totally looked cool doing it, too" you have to question the adolescent reasons for telling the story in the first place.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
What the fuck?

If I found out my school was running something like this, I'd think very hard about changing to somewhere else ... because, for a start, why do they even need it? If there's a serious chance one of your classmates are going to come in and just start shooting everyone up, you don't wanna be there.

Times like this I'm glad of living somewhere without a serious gun culture. Even with my mother (a teacher of reasonable career advancement) working in an inner city school, I don't recall her having to write up such reports... just purely academic ones. And spinning through them at quite some speed, at that, as there are a lot of kids to get through, lots of marking, lots of work to prepare. You don't want the extra hassle of doing those other reports unless it's strictly necessary. Otherwise you have to choose between ruining your private life, or being bad at the rest of the job (or maybe both).


New member
Mar 10, 2010
[quote="WhatIsThisIDontEven" post="18.284217.11188072"
"Grades: Excellent, excels in science.
Interests: Shows an interest in death and goth culture.
Music Choice: Heavy metal, shows interest in death.
Religion: Atheist, shows lack of empathy.

Grades affect your likelihood to kill people? I thought people who did well were less likely to become criminals.

How can they think you show an interest in death without either reading between so many lines, or just plain jumping to conclusions because it's fun and stuff?

Metalhead = killer. Sure...

Where is your school and who the F*** thinks that being an atheist makes you apathetic? Seriously? This is the 21st century! Your school has issues :(
I hate it when people immediately think that being an atheist makes you an evil, heartless, apathetic person. Oh society, why art thou so screwed?

Also If my school had this list my friend would be at the top and me one or two below :p


New member
Feb 15, 2011
HEY! You're not praying! You must be the MURDERER!
Sorry, the Atheism = Killer made me think of that quote from Awesome's creed.

OT: Yeah, I think it's quite wierd with the odd labeling of that document, and the author of said document would have a serious case of anxiety by visiting a Scandinavian school. In terms of Atheists and metalheads, we are topping the scales. I, myself, am an Agnostic metalhead, I usually wear Gaming T-shirts (the style of Diablo, and other red-on-black color schemes,) so I'd guess I'd be pretty high on that list should I attend your school.


New member
Aug 8, 2009
I think its funny because i think they have a similiar file for me

my muay thai coach actually called my school to alert them of my really bad tempter (ive gotten control of it)and teachers have been to told to avoid confrontation with me