So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"


New member
May 16, 2009
So... liking metal and not believing in God makes someone a possible killer? >.>

Kay... <.<

Can they really even do that legally?

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
Memor-X said:
i only found out that i was on my school's one back in high school when my friend hacked their servers i still have a text copy on my computer now

Grades: Average
Attendance: Perfect
Uniform: Perfect
Excels in Maths and IT. Only Excels in English with creativity. Excellent cook in Food Classes, prone to eat raw mix eg. dough, cake batter, Attendance however seems unaffected. Sleeps during tests/exams when completed. Dislikes Sexual Education in Health

Interests: Computers, Food, Games
Music: Misc
Study Period Location: Unknown
Always found in Library on computers. Found several times unblocking sites using staff logins. Continues to find loopholes in network to play game. Music consists of Goth (Marilyn Manson) Rock (Grand Theft Audio), Metal (Korn) Foreign (ALI PROJECT), mainly video games when asked. Seen walking to Midvale Shopping Center and/or waiting at Busloop (in evenings) or Library (before Recess/Lunch). When no work available, plays handheld video games.

Religion: Other
Believes in Entities that control balance and should not be considered gods, believe that all other religions Quote: "Blindly follow invisible Phantoms cause they have no will of their own"

Visits to -
Principle: 1
Assistant Principle: 3
Councilor: 10
Mini-School Manager: 4
Teacher: 2
Other Staff: 15
Contently sent to System Admin to explain actions on computers. Sent to councilor after every bullying incident. Does not report bullying, found several times in fights, all instances of extreme bullying.

Councilor Notes:
Over the Years [NAME] has become more self reliant due to lose of friends and has begun to show little interest in making new friends. [NAME] will bottle up anger from aggressors, all reports of [NAME] getting into fights have been because of his built up anger being too much for him. Does not report to teachers because he believes that others are in more need of him. does express hatred for to people who have wronged him, this includes former friends. Believes that people he hates need to pay by Quote "Making them suffer for the rest of their lives".
When in a fight, he seems to to be blinded to everything around him, i mainly refer to Barkly Main Corridor Incident when Barkly Mini-School Manager [TEACHER], Barkly/Lalor Assistant Principle [TEACHER] and [TEACHER] had to retrain [NAME] when he failed to comply to [TEACHER]'s instructions however seems to former student [DIV] and [STUDENT], reason unknown.

Final Notes:
Potentially unstable. Does have violent thoughts. Expresses hatred to certain students. No religious basis. Advise to Staff - In classes keep occupied or allow to occupy himself. In Schoolyard, when alone keep an eye on nearby problem students, when in library, do remind and enforce school computer network rules

i don't belive most of this cause 1. i only have 2 of Marilyn Manson's songs, his "This is Halloween" for the remade Nightmare Before Christmas and "Seizure of Power" from the Resident Evil Soundtrack and i never thought he was goth, but these reports they actually use them, one i saw said a guy was high risk because he beloved himself to be the Hand of God and he was on a list of students transfered to another school where we send all our expelled students, he, he, also, [DIV] the friend who hacked the network, she was expelled for breaking a guys arm but she still turned up now and again

Okay, we have like 7 people who found these.

PLEASE go to the news or something.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
hmm, it seems to be a bit jumpy to conclusions and stereotyping. RAGE AT THEM.

I mean, surely metal doesent mean physchological problems, surely it would be on life experiences with other humans....maybe its because metal isnt well liked in schools (from my experience) so it could lead to hostile actions from other students( again, from experience)

Popido said:
You can do whatever you want as long as you dont claim that you're a gamer.
I agree, dont do this.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
If that was me I would actually be really angry. Like, my head would be nearly exploding from not letting it out. I'm angry just from reading it.
It is a bit hypocritical. They would be annoyed if people called out prejudices about their religion on them, yet they assume that because you like metal you have a fascination with death and with gothic culture, and that because you're an atheist you have a lack of empathy.
No offence to religious people here. I'm just talking about his teachers.
This is the sort of thing that makes me angry. Just prejudice in general.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Hahaha this is the best thing today. even better than the cyborg getting his university diploma!

Now go and make your teachers sleepless at night by subtly hinting at wanting to kill everybody.


New member
Apr 24, 2010

How do they know that kind of stuff though.

... well my guidence has suggested to my parents that I should go to therapy....

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
Memor-X said:
i only found out that i was on my school's one back in high school when my friend hacked their servers i still have a text copy on my computer now

Grades: Average
Attendance: Perfect
Uniform: Perfect
Excels in Maths and IT. Only Excels in English with creativity. Excellent cook in Food Classes, prone to eat raw mix eg. dough, cake batter, Attendance however seems unaffected. Sleeps during tests/exams when completed. Dislikes Sexual Education in Health

Interests: Computers, Food, Games
Music: Misc
Study Period Location: Unknown
Always found in Library on computers. Found several times unblocking sites using staff logins. Continues to find loopholes in network to play game. Music consists of Goth (Marilyn Manson) Rock (Grand Theft Audio), Metal (Korn) Foreign (ALI PROJECT), mainly video games when asked. Seen walking to Midvale Shopping Center and/or waiting at Busloop (in evenings) or Library (before Recess/Lunch). When no work available, plays handheld video games.

Religion: Other
Believes in Entities that control balance and should not be considered gods, believe that all other religions Quote: "Blindly follow invisible Phantoms cause they have no will of their own"

Visits to -
Principle: 1
Assistant Principle: 3
Councilor: 10
Mini-School Manager: 4
Teacher: 2
Other Staff: 15
Contently sent to System Admin to explain actions on computers. Sent to councilor after every bullying incident. Does not report bullying, found several times in fights, all instances of extreme bullying.

Councilor Notes:
Over the Years [NAME] has become more self reliant due to lose of friends and has begun to show little interest in making new friends. [NAME] will bottle up anger from aggressors, all reports of [NAME] getting into fights have been because of his built up anger being too much for him. Does not report to teachers because he believes that others are in more need of him. does express hatred for to people who have wronged him, this includes former friends. Believes that people he hates need to pay by Quote "Making them suffer for the rest of their lives".
When in a fight, he seems to to be blinded to everything around him, i mainly refer to Barkly Main Corridor Incident when Barkly Mini-School Manager [TEACHER], Barkly/Lalor Assistant Principle [TEACHER] and [TEACHER] had to retrain [NAME] when he failed to comply to [TEACHER]'s instructions however seems to former student [DIV] and [STUDENT], reason unknown.

Final Notes:
Potentially unstable. Does have violent thoughts. Expresses hatred to certain students. No religious basis. Advise to Staff - In classes keep occupied or allow to occupy himself. In Schoolyard, when alone keep an eye on nearby problem students, when in library, do remind and enforce school computer network rules

i don't belive most of this cause 1. i only have 2 of Marilyn Manson's songs, his "This is Halloween" for the remade Nightmare Before Christmas and "Seizure of Power" from the Resident Evil Soundtrack and i never thought he was goth, but these reports they actually use them, one i saw said a guy was high risk because he beloved himself to be the Hand of God and he was on a list of students transfered to another school where we send all our expelled students, he, he, also, [DIV] the friend who hacked the network, she was expelled for breaking a guys arm but she still turned up now and again
I don't believe this is in quite the same vein. The topic creator's profile recommended special treatment as a way to appease his inevitable violent rage. Yours is more like a psych profile in that it's all observations, and even in the parts where they advise teachers to take certain courses of action they sound more like they are trying to protect you (keep an eye on problem students) and keep you from breaking the rules (enforce computer rules).

They still make assumptions and from what you say those are sometimes incorrect, though the fact that they have quotes is somewhat damning. Be that as it may, I don't see anything really wrong with YOUR profile because they aren't jumping right to the conclusion that you'll bring a gun in whenever you have a bad day.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Wow....that is a tad weird. I dunno what mine would say, but my deputy headteacher used to scream "GET A HAIRCUT!" and then walk away cackling. I'm sure he thought my ideal attire was a poncho and sandals.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
That's just...... a bit wrong in many many ways. A school should look out for its own security sure, but going so far as to label a student a potential murderer by his tastes in music and clothing? And how the hell do they know he's atheist? I am thoroughly confused by that. Maybe your school just needs to take a step back and realize how idiotic their system is.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Get real mean, wear black and get a sign saying "Try to change me" while dancing to this song:

Tht will drive them nuts!!! xD


New member
Sep 30, 2010
Not to flip out, but if they judge you as non-empathetic due to your atheism, they might want to be careful about, you know, attracting the ACLU.

That's pretty weird, on the rest of it. I wonder what it would say about me.
Sep 8, 2010
I'm sure I was on my high school's list if they had one. Isn't it great how they just assume atheists are sociopaths, despite the vast majority of historical atrocities being committed for or sanctioned by religion?

Not trying to start a whole 'nother argument or anything; just saying.


New member
May 8, 2011
t3h br0th3r said:
i'm not surpised ur school had one, it seems relatively common.

at my middle school there was a %90 chance i was on that same list, and if i wasn't they were pretty dumb given the symptoms i was showing. (Depressed, very few friends, self-absorbed, bullied,interest in medieval weaponry).

but after being on that list i went on to found my schools Gamer's Club (Freshman year, no teacher help, only kid to pull that off in school history) and get published a bunch of times in the school literary magazine.

I'm currently mopping up my undergrad degree and have been accepted into graduate school so there is hope bro.
That was me in middle school too, I was weird now that I look back. Oh well, I've changed since then.


New member
May 8, 2011
TheEvilCheese said:
Wow, that is a pretty damn twisted thing to do in my opinion.

I mean, really, isn't the best way to stop the shooting getting rid of the guns?

Just sayin'

Also, I don't know about law over there but in the UK we have the right to demand any information held regarding us, so they'd have to show me the folder.
If someone wants to shoot someone else, they will find a way to do it, even if the law prohibits it. Banning guns doesn't do anything but keep guns away from people who will only use them to defend themselves.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Jabberwock xeno said:
Memor-X said:
i only found out that i was on my school's one back in high school when my friend hacked their servers i still have a text copy on my computer now

Grades: Average
Attendance: Perfect
Uniform: Perfect
Excels in Maths and IT. Only Excels in English with creativity. Excellent cook in Food Classes, prone to eat raw mix eg. dough, cake batter, Attendance however seems unaffected. Sleeps during tests/exams when completed. Dislikes Sexual Education in Health

Interests: Computers, Food, Games
Music: Misc
Study Period Location: Unknown
Always found in Library on computers. Found several times unblocking sites using staff logins. Continues to find loopholes in network to play game. Music consists of Goth (Marilyn Manson) Rock (Grand Theft Audio), Metal (Korn) Foreign (ALI PROJECT), mainly video games when asked. Seen walking to Midvale Shopping Center and/or waiting at Busloop (in evenings) or Library (before Recess/Lunch). When no work available, plays handheld video games.

Religion: Other
Believes in Entities that control balance and should not be considered gods, believe that all other religions Quote: "Blindly follow invisible Phantoms cause they have no will of their own"

Visits to -
Principle: 1
Assistant Principle: 3
Councilor: 10
Mini-School Manager: 4
Teacher: 2
Other Staff: 15
Contently sent to System Admin to explain actions on computers. Sent to councilor after every bullying incident. Does not report bullying, found several times in fights, all instances of extreme bullying.

Councilor Notes:
Over the Years [NAME] has become more self reliant due to lose of friends and has begun to show little interest in making new friends. [NAME] will bottle up anger from aggressors, all reports of [NAME] getting into fights have been because of his built up anger being too much for him. Does not report to teachers because he believes that others are in more need of him. does express hatred for to people who have wronged him, this includes former friends. Believes that people he hates need to pay by Quote "Making them suffer for the rest of their lives".
When in a fight, he seems to to be blinded to everything around him, i mainly refer to Barkly Main Corridor Incident when Barkly Mini-School Manager [TEACHER], Barkly/Lalor Assistant Principle [TEACHER] and [TEACHER] had to retrain [NAME] when he failed to comply to [TEACHER]'s instructions however seems to former student [DIV] and [STUDENT], reason unknown.

Final Notes:
Potentially unstable. Does have violent thoughts. Expresses hatred to certain students. No religious basis. Advise to Staff - In classes keep occupied or allow to occupy himself. In Schoolyard, when alone keep an eye on nearby problem students, when in library, do remind and enforce school computer network rules

i don't belive most of this cause 1. i only have 2 of Marilyn Manson's songs, his "This is Halloween" for the remade Nightmare Before Christmas and "Seizure of Power" from the Resident Evil Soundtrack and i never thought he was goth, but these reports they actually use them, one i saw said a guy was high risk because he beloved himself to be the Hand of God and he was on a list of students transfered to another school where we send all our expelled students, he, he, also, [DIV] the friend who hacked the network, she was expelled for breaking a guys arm but she still turned up now and again

Okay, we have like 7 people who found these.

PLEASE go to the news or something.
And we have dozens more who lost their virginity last weekend. She lives in Wichita Falls, you wouldn't know her.