So, Nintendo won E3, right?


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Matthew Jabour said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Don't they announce the same things every year? "We'll have a new Mario, Kirby and Zelda game this year... and the next year... and the next year... and the next year too, because we're just that bold...". An endless cycle of the same games over and over and over. What's the big news here, Bayonetta's getting a sequel and they're making a shooter?
Where do people keep getting 'announced another Mario' from?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Matthew Jabour said:
Where do people keep getting 'announced another Mario' from? They had a couple spinoffs, with completely different gameplay, but they explicitly stated there would NOT be a new Mario game. Do you mean the level editor thing? Is that the new Mario you seem to have willed out of thin air?
That's the thing about calling something a "Mario" game as Mario is so expansive it's ridiculous. Mario Maker is completely new. And no amount of saying is has Mario on the cover is going to change that.

Alfredo Jones

New member
Jul 1, 2013
Johnny Novgorod said:
Don't they announce the same things every year? "We'll have a new Mario, Kirby and Zelda game this year... and the next year... and the next year... and the next year too, because we're just that bold...". An endless cycle of the same games over and over and over. What's the big news here, Bayonetta's getting a sequel and they're making a shooter?
Nintendo announced three new IPs: Splatoon, Project Guard, and Project Giant Robot. Also I while Nintendo has been doing the whole "rehash your most popular franchises" routine the longest, I don't think it can no longer be said that they are the only ones. Sony is bringing out another Uncharted game and Microsoft another Halo. And the Halo one is just an updated compilation of previous entries in the series, something Nintendo has done before too. I'm not saying that all of this is bad, I just want to point out that Nintendo isn't the sole perpetrator of these "crimes".


New member
Jun 9, 2008
If you like Nintendo what they showed was great, if you dont then all they showed was passable. Nothing was there to win hearts of people that didnt already had a Nintendo following.

Also, an edited video better be more interesting to watch then a press conference, I really dont see why people are comparing them since they are very different ways of presenting the content with one being live and the other being carefully edited to get the best out of it.

Lee Medcalf

New member
Jul 23, 2011
Not that I think anyone can "Win" E3, but for me I found myself rolling my eyes at Nintendos offering simply because it feels like, once again, they trot out the same IP over and over to the point I'm surprised anyone gets excited at an announcement.

New Zelda? Check!
New Smash Bros? Check!
New Mario property platformer? Check!

In fact I thought the Mario Construction Kit was released to save Nintendo actually turning up in person at the next E3.

But flippancy aside, this E3 was fine all round for which ever platform is your favourite. Each company wheeled out something to please that platforms fanbase, be it Halo for Xbox or Uncharted for PS4. EA chucked out sports reskin 2014 and teased games that probably won't actually be finished in time for next E3 let alone this one.

So in the end I don't think anyone "won" E3 but it wasn't a complete shambles for anyone unlike last years Xbox presentation.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Well one would hope that after being out for a YEAR longer the the others guys they would start shoving games out the door. If it gets a truly great quality Metroid game then I might actually get one if the Zelda games turn out to be anything more than fan wanking dross.

I can pretty much call it now that the other two will crush Nintendo next year as they've blown their load this year. But it's a load the fans were dying for.

Although I do see lots of the; 'they do their own thing' justification. Well of course they do, anybody who erects a razor wire fence, covered in live sharks, with "3rd party devs keep out" has only their own things really.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Matthew Jabour said:
I don't hear a lot of disagreement on this one. Bayonetta, Xenoblade X, Yoshi's Yarn Thing, Kirby, Cap'n Toad, Smash Bros., new Zelda, new kind-of-Zelda, that squiddy thing that looks pretty cool - basically everything was a huge plus. Sony and Microsoft really dropped the ball on this one, and it seemed Nintendo took advantage of it all.

That said, I've been wrong before. If this is another case of fanboyism clouding my judgment, I'd like to know. Because otherwise, I'm just going to go ahead and say Nintendo won E3.
im a Sony fanboy, and I agree. I wouldn't even say that Nintendo necessarily knocked it out of the park, the other ones were just so underwhelming. Whereas before I had zero interest in Nintendo, I could now see myself buying one in a few years, if they have strong library. This mostly due to two new Zelda titles that actually look good for once. If they can add a strong Metroid and Fire Emblem then they'll win me over. Also, off topic, but I really hope that's Zelda in the trailer. She uses a bow instead of a sword, right?

Alfredo Jones

New member
Jul 1, 2013
Fox12 said:
Also, off topic, but I really hope that's Zelda in the trailer. She uses a bow instead of a sword, right?
Funny thing about that. In an interview he was doing during E3 Eiji Aonuma stated that the person we saw in the trailer may not have been Link. To be more precise his direct quote was "No one explicitly said that that was Link". I haven't seen the interview in question, I only heard of this through ScrewAttack.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Dead Raen said:
Your personal opinion of E3 doesn't affect how strategically and critically important for game companies it is to perform well in.

Gamescom may be bigger, but E3 is the primary convention for showing off what's new and upcoming.
Not really anymore. Many devs today choose either the "leak" method or the big "surprise" announcement. E3 has been progressively losing relevance with many devs and the gaming community at large.

Perform well at E3, and all that delicious positive publicity is yours. Perform better than everyone else, and you get even more - and then magazines and sites like The Escapist start writing pieces about how strong a company's showing was, and you should buy that product because it's the best looking available, and those potential customers who aren't in the know enough to post in gaming forums have now become aware of a certain company's success, making them more inclined to buy their product. After all, it was the winning item at E3.
Thing is, most of the "big winners" at E3 are those titles that already had massive hype built up around them prior to the show. In some cases, months in advance.

So, at best, E3 is an overly expensive ad-campaign. It can potentially provide a small increase in anticipation among those who're already aware of the game going into the show. That, and maybe a small quip to put on the box-art. However, the buzz around most games shown at E3 builds before or after the show; rarely because of the show.

This is not the case with every game shown at E3, of course. Some manage to remain "secret" until the show reveal, at which point the buzz will start. However, most attendees and gamers-at-large will already know most of the games being shown at the convention.

I'm not saying E3 is completely irrelevant. It's certainly a primary event for the Big Three and a few of the bigger publishers, that's for sure. I'm just saying it's not the go-to game convention anymore. Not for the industry at large.



New member
Oct 24, 2009
I don't really care about Nintendo as I think I outgrew their games but in the term of E3 Presentations they did won and showed a lot more games and stuck to games at least.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
Lee Medcalf said:
Not that I think anyone can "Win" E3, but for me I found myself rolling my eyes at Nintendos offering simply because it feels like, once again, they trot out the same IP over and over to the point I'm surprised anyone gets excited at an announcement.

New Zelda? Check!
New Smash Bros? Check!
New Mario property platformer? Check!

In fact I thought the Mario Construction Kit was released to save Nintendo actually turning up in person at the next E3.

But flippancy aside, this E3 was fine all round for which ever platform is your favourite. Each company wheeled out something to please that platforms fanbase, be it Halo for Xbox or Uncharted for PS4. EA chucked out sports reskin 2014 and teased games that probably won't actually be finished in time for next E3 let alone this one.

So in the end I don't think anyone "won" E3 but it wasn't a complete shambles for anyone unlike last years Xbox presentation.
And Nintendo has never stopped making announcements. As for new Nintendo IPs, Splatoon, Project Guard, Project Giant Robot, and Project S.T.E.A.M. have been announced. Fantasy Life, 2 Harvest Moons, Devil's Third, and a ton of indie games for third party. Why are we even pretending that Nintendo had no new IPs. They had the same amount of new IPs compared to the other conferences.


New member
Jul 25, 2012
Atmos Duality said:
Well, apart from Nintendo killing any hope I had of justifying my 3DS's existence this Summer.
Well, honestly they already did much for the 3DS before E3. I'm just glad they focused more games for the WiiU.

3DS owners we already got a handful of games waiting for us.
-New Pokemon (Well if you care anyway lol)
-Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney (Finally..)
-Persona Q
-New Harvest Moon
-Monster Hunter 4 ultimate (Early 2015)

If you really want a company killing any hope for their handheld is Sony with it's VITA.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Nintendo ABSOLUTELY won E3.
Sony was fairly good.
Ubisoft was okay.
Microsoft was boring.
EA was bad.

Nintendo was AMAZING.

And that's coming from someone who's historically primarily a PC gamer, secondarily PlayStation.

If the Wii U were to knock the PS4 into 2nd place, I'd understand.

The Wii U's game lineup has been putting the PS4 and Xbone game libraries COMBINED to shame since they launched.....and now it's E3...and that's STILL true.
The PS4 and Xbone got maybe...15 worthwhile games announced between them. Nintendo announced AT LEAST 15 major games on their own, and I know I'm forgetting at least a few of them. And those aren't counting the hordes of more minor games they announced.
*head explosion*

Dunno what happened to Nintendo between the last E3 and this one, but DAMN. They need to keep that shit up.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
"insert your favorite console manufacturer here" won E3.

Nintendo had a good showing, arguably the best overall.
But the top single moment for me goes to Sony's announcement of Grim Fandango. It took me by surprise, which no other has ever done this year.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Here's what Nintendo's conference did that no other conference did right: perfect pacing.

Time after time after time, they showed gameplay gameplay gameplay. Every other conference dazzled too many CGI trailers (MGSV being the only well directed one) that either made me crave more but got none, or just left me with a sour impression. Reggie still has the charisma of being the only suit in the industry that is actually fun to watch live (both Microsoft had too many suits who would not SHUT THE F*** UP about things no one cares about... and don't get me started on EAs concept art BS). Nintendo's humor was either meta as f***, so bad they're good, or just plain witty.
I mean cmon! They had Nintendo execs fighting in horribad CGI DragonBall Z nonsense.. it was genius!
Overall their conference was so much more fuuuu.... so much fuuuuuuuuuu...


Although I will give MS credit for the Sunset Overdrive trailer. Then again that reveal was faaaaaar too smart for such a boring conference.

And Sony also gets points for the Grim Fandango reveal and the sheer amount of arousals popped when: "From Director: Hidetaka Miyazaki" came up.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Matthew Jabour said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Don't they announce the same things every year? "We'll have a new Mario, Kirby and Zelda game this year... and the next year... and the next year... and the next year too, because we're just that bold...". An endless cycle of the same games over and over and over. What's the big news here, Bayonetta's getting a sequel and they're making a shooter?
Where do people keep getting 'announced another Mario' from? They had a couple spinoffs, with completely different gameplay, but they explicitly stated there would NOT be a new Mario game. Do you mean the level editor thing? Is that the new Mario you seem to have willed out of thin air?
The Mario Maker side-scroller platform game creating application developed and published by Nintendo for the Wii U video game console and scheduled for release in 2015 is exactly the game I just willed out of thin air, yes.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
xaszatm said:
Lee Medcalf said:
Not that I think anyone can "Win" E3, but for me I found myself rolling my eyes at Nintendos offering simply because it feels like, once again, they trot out the same IP over and over to the point I'm surprised anyone gets excited at an announcement.

New Zelda? Check!
New Smash Bros? Check!
New Mario property platformer? Check!

In fact I thought the Mario Construction Kit was released to save Nintendo actually turning up in person at the next E3.

But flippancy aside, this E3 was fine all round for which ever platform is your favourite. Each company wheeled out something to please that platforms fanbase, be it Halo for Xbox or Uncharted for PS4. EA chucked out sports reskin 2014 and teased games that probably won't actually be finished in time for next E3 let alone this one.

So in the end I don't think anyone "won" E3 but it wasn't a complete shambles for anyone unlike last years Xbox presentation.
And Nintendo has never stopped making announcements. As for new Nintendo IPs, Splatoon, Project Guard, Project Giant Robot, and Project S.T.E.A.M. have been announced. Fantasy Life, 2 Harvest Moons, Devil's Third, and a ton of indie games for third party. Why are we even pretending that Nintendo had no new IPs. They had the same amount of new IPs compared to the other conferences.
so basically it was like every other press conference?

Ieyke said:
The Wii U's game lineup has been putting the PS4 and Xbone game libraries COMBINED to shame since they launched.....and now it's E3...and that's STILL true.
The PS4 and Xbone got maybe...15 worthwhile games announced between them. Nintendo announced AT LEAST 15 major games on their own, and I know I'm forgetting at least a few of them. And those aren't counting the hordes of more minor games they announced.
*head explosion*

Dunno what happened to Nintendo between the last E3 and this one, but DAMN. They need to keep that shit up.
i'd like to know what these amazing Nintendo Games are. Cause all the only game I really want from Nintendo is Hyrule Warriors. Maybe Bayonetta 2.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Kaimax said:
-Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney (Finally..)
-Persona Q
-New Harvest Moon
-Monster Hunter 4 ultimate (Early 2015)
I actually do like Pokemon (even if it's a misdemeanor for someone my age to admit that in some states), but I just don't have the patience to grind out a team anymore.

Layton vs Ace Attorney...that's the only one on that list I really care about. I find Persona good but nowhere near as good as it's been hyped, and Monster Hunter...well, I respect my hands too much to cripple them again with another handheld MH game.

If you really want a company killing any hope for their handheld is Sony with it's VITA.
Well yeah. That's why I don't even own a VITA.
Sony has a great piece of hardware but doesn't seem to care about enticing developers to back it.
(it doesn't help that AAA is getting to the point where they refuse to do anything but blockbusters)

But I do own a 3DS so...if it's all the same, that's also why I was disappointed.

I lament the potential lost over that which never existed.