So notch is an assh*le......


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Dfskelleton said:
So Notch said something to those yogscast douchebags? That's freaking awesome. If I were in his position, I wish I would have the balls to do something like that.
Notch, on behalf of... me, thumbs up.
He was making false accusations and damaging there business, doesn't matter though as long as people you hate are getting hurt right?


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Oh god, this story is the Extra Credits-Escapist story all over again. Lack of specific instructions, little money, miscommunication, and the fans overblowing the whole deal.


New member
Apr 24, 2008
I can't believe how thin is the skin on some people. Everyone is so damn eager to side with someone that it gets ridiculous.

Personally, I love the Yogscast. They have provided me with countless hours of entertainment and they really endear themselves to e with their behavior. I also respect Notch, because he made a million-maker out of thin air!

However I do not feel that any of the parties involved have offended me in any way. This is a feud that concerns THEM and only THEM. I, just as all of us, have no say in this matter. It's like seeing two strangers fighting on the street, immediately siding with one or the other and then both sides trying to gather as many followers as they can through their constant ranting! This is why so many issues get turned into internet wars! Focus on your own problems, people, and let the others do the same thing!


New member
May 27, 2009
Macrobstar said:
Turns out notch made it up, yep all of it for no good reason. He sold the rightsof there video without consent and slandered there name. and now notch fanboys are DDOSing their website and losing them subscribers, and notchs response?

"Fair enough"

You've got to be fucking kidding me...... I think a full apology and compensation is in order and notch needs to stop acting like a spoiled celebrity.
Can you share with me the proof that notch made it up please? you seem to be holding back on evidence you found but are not posting, or is there some other reason why the yogcast's statement should be taken as fact over notch's.

Macrobstar said:
GrandmaFunk said:
Macrobstar said:
Turns out notch made it up, yep all of it for no good reason.
and what good reason do you have to make this statement up?
So you didnt read the statement then?
You didn't understand what he means. You have two statements both contradicting each other, just because their opposed doesn't mean one should be instantly declared false, which is why everyone is opposed to you it seems. I think you have noticed this as you don't seem to want to reply to them at all.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
lacktheknack said:
I liked the bit where you instantly assume Yogscast was telling the whole unadulterated truth and Notch was lying through his teeth.

Protip: Everyone involved is human. Neither are telling the whole truth, nor are they lying through their teeth. People have an amazing ability to reconstruct scenes in their head in different ways, and fully believe them.
Well considering notch doesn't deny thats what happened....


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Xanadu84 said:
So you went into reading this post assuming that Notch was an asshole.

I mean seriously, your saying that one unvalidated claim from an individual is completely false based on ANOTHER persons unvalidated claim. The only way to do that is to have made up your mind before reading. Its very possible that we will never know for sure, but your opinion has no more validity then the people supporting Notch.
Notch admits thats what happened


New member
Mar 1, 2010
kouriichi said:
I have to sign with Notch.

The yogs are a couple of spoiled internet celebs, and they act like it.

They did a Lets Play of Space Marines that was 15 minutes of them complaining about the game, when they were just bad at it. >.>;

Not to mention, if nothing bad HAD been done, why would Notch bring this out, and start lying for no reason? Im more inclined to believe Simon and Lewis were just acting up a bit.

As for paying for travel, food, ect. No one else got that did they? >.>; Simon an Lewis make alot of money off of youtube. Its not like they cant afford it. Wernt their tickets and rooms free? Rooms alone can be pretty expensive in Las Vegas, especially when there's a convention being held, and rooms can be book ahead of time.

I think the yogs were just being prima donna's, feeling that they were entitled to more then they deserve. Alot more of minecrafts success came from X (davidr64yt) then from the yogs.

Now dont get me wrong, ive been a fan of the yogs for a longtime. And in that time, ive come to realize they arnt exactly... Mature. >.>; I think they're famous because of minecraft. Not the other way around.
They started on Cataclysm beta, along with Jesse Cox and in a way Total Biscuit who was the only one with previous experience through WoW Radio and BluePlz! podcast. Sure They gained a lot of popularity thanks to their MineCraft adventures, but as many "big names" on Youtube will tell You - YT is not content driven it's personality driven. You can show a video of paint drying on a wall with a funny commentary and it will have plenty of views if people enjoy Your personality.

Second - They weren't paid for flights, food nor anything else. They got 2 rooms after asking for support, rest of the crew had their rooms paid off Yogs own money. They also did not "whine" about it. They simply stated They could use some help with setting everything up.

The whole issue is about Notch bringing the slander to Twitter before even attempting to sort it out between the two sides, basing his accusations on random Reddit posts... and Reddit, despite having plenty of wonderful people there has whole lot of haters and trolls along for the ride - just like every popular internet community.
When it come sot events like conventions everything is about damage control, and instead that Notch proved to be little too trigger happy really and i can only hope such thing won't happen again. It benefits no one.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Did anyone expect anything out of Notch, aside from developing minecraft?

He made something cool. Doesn't mean we should expect him to be cool. If he's a prick, does that make minecraft worth less to you? If yes, go ahead and stop playing. If no, go ahead and keep playing. Doesn't make sense to boycott the game until the developer's a bit less of a prat, if that's the only issue IMHO.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Loop Stricken said:
Beryl77 said:
The Yogscast could also just make it up.
In the end, no one of us can really judge this.
How can the Yogscast make up Notch ranting over the Intertubes?
They can easily make up the story. We have no proof that their version of the story is true.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
kouriichi said:
As for paying for travel, food, ect. No one else got that did they? >.>;
Yogscast didn't even get that. They had two rooms provided, their entourage was ten people, they paid for their own transport.

Beryl77 said:
Loop Stricken said:
Beryl77 said:
The Yogscast could also just make it up.
In the end, no one of us can really judge this.
How can the Yogscast make up Notch ranting over the Intertubes?
They can easily make up the story. We have no proof that their version of the story is true.
What story? Notch said x did y, YC said nope. What are they making up here?


New member
Apr 28, 2010
weker said:
Macrobstar said:
Turns out notch made it up, yep all of it for no good reason. He sold the rightsof there video without consent and slandered there name. and now notch fanboys are DDOSing their website and losing them subscribers, and notchs response?

"Fair enough"

You've got to be fucking kidding me...... I think a full apology and compensation is in order and notch needs to stop acting like a spoiled celebrity.
Can you share with me the proof that notch made it up please? you seem to be holding back on evidence you found but are not posting, or is there some other reason why the yogcast's statement should be taken as fact over notch's.

Macrobstar said:
GrandmaFunk said:
Macrobstar said:
Turns out notch made it up, yep all of it for no good reason.
and what good reason do you have to make this statement up?
So you didnt read the statement then?
You didn't understand what he means. You have two statements both contradicting each other, just because their opposed doesn't mean one should be instantly declared false, which is why everyone is opposed to you it seems. I think you have noticed this as you don't seem to want to reply to them at all.
After yogscast posted this well written statement notch said fair enough and apologised so hes not really disagreeing anymore is he? Also some guy linked some articles in the thread


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Macrobstar said:
Notch admits thats what happened
again, where/when did he admits this?

or are you also equating "this was a misunderstanding" with "i made the whole thing up for no reason"


New member
Feb 27, 2010
I disassociate the games I play from the personalities (or personality cults) of those that make them. If I didn't I pobably wouldn't play anything.

The video games industry is full of assholes. Ubisoft are assholes. Epic are assholes. Activision-Blizzard are greedy assholes. EA are Evil Incarnate (and assholes). Peter Molyneux is a fool and Lord British is insane and they're both assholes. The only good man in the Sodom and Gommorah of the games industry is Gabe Newell.

Oh wait... he won't release HL2: Episode 3. Fucking asshole.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
GrandmaFunk said:
Macrobstar said:
Notch admits thats what happened
again, where/when did he admits this?

or are you also equating "this was a misunderstanding" with "i made the whole thing up for no reason"
Notch didnt deny yogscasts statement, and then goes on to apologise and calls it a misunderstanding. Dudes an asshole, even more so if he doesn't admit it


New member
Sep 29, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
Like the well trained necromancer, Notch's horde of zombies fanboys will swoop down on all who oppose him.

Swooping is bad.
Alistair approves (+15)

Back on Topic:
I wonder what would have happened if fanboys and girlies would stop being that way and start to use all their vital organs to process many sides of the story, okay, I stop daydreaming now... I'm sorry...


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Macrobstar said:
Dfskelleton said:
So Notch said something to those yogscast douchebags? That's freaking awesome. If I were in his position, I wish I would have the balls to do something like that.
Notch, on behalf of... me, thumbs up.
He was making false accusations and damaging there business, doesn't matter though as long as people you hate are getting hurt right?
Business? You mean making Minecraft LPs? That's not exactly what I would call "business".
Getting hurt? "Oh Boo Hoo! He said mean words to us! When will the hurting stop!?"