So notch is an assh*le......


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Because people should never be at odds about anything ever and it's a big deal when it happens.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Oh, Internet drama.

A great big world full of people overreacting to the smallest of misunderstandings.


batlh bIHeghjaj.
Dec 19, 2010
Since Notch just gave a whole crapload of money (over 10 thousand dollars ) to Desertbus which helps sick children I find it hard to call him a asshole.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
ash-brewster said:
Since Notch just gave a whole crapload of money (over 10 thousand dollars ) to Desertbus which helps sick children I find it hard to call him a asshole.
He's rolling in cash, its a nice thing to do but that still doesn't change the fact that he's an arrogant prick


batlh bIHeghjaj.
Dec 19, 2010
Macrobstar said:
ash-brewster said:
Since Notch just gave a whole crapload of money (over 10 thousand dollars ) to Desertbus which helps sick children I find it hard to call him a asshole.
He's rolling in cash, its a nice thing to do but that still doesn't change the fact that he's an arrogant prick
Quite a thing to say considering you don't even know they guy. Besides there are plenty of people in the world who are rolling in money and yet don't give a thing to charity. So credit where its due to notch.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
ash-brewster said:
Macrobstar said:
ash-brewster said:
Since Notch just gave a whole crapload of money (over 10 thousand dollars ) to Desertbus which helps sick children I find it hard to call him a asshole.
He's rolling in cash, its a nice thing to do but that still doesn't change the fact that he's an arrogant prick
Quite a thing to say considering you don't even know they guy. Besides there are plenty of people in the world who are rolling in money and yet don't give a thing to charity. So credit where its due to notch.
Fine, his public persona paints him as an arrogant prick. A charitable one though

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Incidentally, $10,000 isn't a lot of money in these contexts.

I personally know people who give that amount to charity annually or on a regular basis, and who don't rush out to tell you about it. Some of them are still pricks, or socially inept, in other areas of their lives.

It's not a relevant factor.


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Meh, I know quite a few hold out Notch as a minor deity and incapable of doing bad, but not being a minecraft fan he's always given me the chills a bit:

That time when he challenged beth to a game of his favorite pc game. Seemed to me such an obvious populist move to draw the sympathy of gamers, and boy did it work. Personally that left me cold (if this is how we start resolving arguments then next thing you know there will be an entire industry of merc gamers to be hired by game companies to settle their disputes).
So notch lost points with me on this one.

And now I just feel he was wrong to publicly name and shame them on his twitter without consulting the other party first. His fans were all too keen to enact revenge based on his word alone and with such rabit fans, notch needs to be more responsible but evidently doesnt give a fuck.

Im growing to dislike notch, and again, i havent even played his game.

Also donating large sums meaning resulting in an automatic increase in karma... Yeh it's easier to do that when you're floating in cash, all ya need to do is sign a signature and it wont even eat into your profits too much and get you good publicity. Not that the act itself isn't admirable or unwelcome, but to my eyes you're attaching far too much saintly meaning to it.

Irl i donate 20 quid a month to various good causes and spent 1 year working at a soup kitchen for the homeless (stopped cos i dont have the time anymore, need to focus on uni now that im in my 3rd year). You all gonna tell me these actions are less worthy cos i donated less money?


New member
Jun 28, 2008
kouriichi said:
I have to sign with Notch.

The yogs are a couple of spoiled internet celebs, and they act like it.

They did a Lets Play of Space Marines that was 15 minutes of them complaining about the game, when they were just bad at it. >.>;

Not to mention, if nothing bad HAD been done, why would Notch bring this out, and start lying for no reason? Im more inclined to believe Simon and Lewis were just acting up a bit.

As for paying for travel, food, ect. No one else got that did they? >.>; Simon an Lewis make alot of money off of youtube. Its not like they cant afford it. Wernt their tickets and rooms free? Rooms alone can be pretty expensive in Las Vegas, especially when there's a convention being held, and rooms can be book ahead of time.

I think the yogs were just being prima donna's, feeling that they were entitled to more then they deserve. Alot more of minecrafts success came from X (davidr64yt) then from the yogs.

Now dont get me wrong, ive been a fan of the yogs for a longtime. And in that time, ive come to realize they arnt exactly... Mature. >.>; I think they're famous because of minecraft. Not the other way around.
Are you mad at them because they didnt like Space Marine? Seriously? I own that game, it's FAR from perfect and people are entitled to their own opinion.

The payment thing, this was a 'for profit' convention. They were the main guests, and did not ask to be paid for their services, all they wanted was some assistance with accomodation.
So effectively they flew 10 people from the UK to Las Vegas AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE in order to be guests at a convention the profits of which were going to someone else.
Yet you're bitching about them for asking with assistance paying for rooms.

Notch has absolutely no professionalism, releasing a statement like that based on hearsay and yet refusing to apologise for what he said is not just rude but damaging to the other party involved.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
JesterRaiin said:
How sad : yet another proof that behind image of omnipotent deities we consider our celebrities are simple people like us, with all their disadvantages. On one hand we want them to provide us with something unique, creative, fun and on the other we don't allow them to have their own cake o'madness.

OT : Some guys. Misunderstanding. Twitter. Day like every other. F*ck it. Who cares ?
ding ding we have a winner. i fully agree.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
J03bot said:
Tharwen said:
Two sides of the story. I don't know enough to make a judgement on either of them.

This is an awful lot like the Escapist/Extra Credits thing.
Did the email exchange that we were promised ever actually get published? I want closure, dammit!
Er... I thought we did, but I just never read them. I don't know.

By the way, completely changing the topic, do you want a copy of Magicka? I have a few spare keys from that sale Valve gave us a few days ago and you don't seem to have it.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Cyfu said:
notch is a douchebag, have known that for quite a while now.

what escapist/extracredits thing? i don't think i've heard if that. is that why they left the escapist? is there anywhere i could read about it?
It was awhile ago. Surprised you haven't heard about it. It was quite the controversy.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
anthony87 said:
At least the Yogscast guys didn't immediately run to Twitter and start insulting and slandering Notch, they responded in a well worded and thought out manner so that's a giant +1 to them as far as I'm concerned.

OT: Since this will always be a case of he said she said we can't really judge if the events in question did happen, although it is increasingly clear that Notch got all of his information about said dickishness from other people rather than from first hand experience. (i.e. He never saw Yogscast acting like dicks himself.)
The one part of the situation we can judge is how the groups responed to it and all I can say personally is Notch acted in a very unprofessional manner. Making very serious acusation about somones character in a medium like twitter was very misjudged and ment he was vague about the events. Also I really don't see why he had to bring this out in pubilc when he could have just talked to YC in person about.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
I really feel that notch was immature, although I'm not saying that the Yogscast aren't occasionally as well.

This is very similar to the whole Bethesda thing and once again notch seems to have just posted his side of the argument on twitter without even consulting the people he was angry with. I think that notch seems like quite a nice guy most of the time, charity donations etc, but I feel very disappointed in his behavior as of late.

I'm sure it was just caused by stress/tiredness/alcohol/misunderstandings and I hope that this doesn't affect them working together in the future