So notch is an assh*le......


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Tharwen said:
J03bot said:
Tharwen said:
Two sides of the story. I don't know enough to make a judgement on either of them.

This is an awful lot like the Escapist/Extra Credits thing.
Did the email exchange that we were promised ever actually get published? I want closure, dammit!
Er... I thought we did, but I just never read them. I don't know.

By the way, completely changing the topic, do you want a copy of Magicka? I have a few spare keys from that sale Valve gave us a few days ago and you don't seem to have it.
Sure, if you're offering, that'd be great. Thanks! I love how off-topic every one of our quoting sessions ends!


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Well he did say this:!/notch/status/139722432251568129 So I do sense some guilt there.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
TBH, I don't care about either. Yogscast have always been immature and unfunny and are frequently carried by their guests. Notch has some sort of ridiculous cult built up over a mediocre game that gets way more attention than it should.

There, have I insulted the fanboys enough?

Good, you deserve it.

To the actual matter, it seems more likely both are telling a portion of the truth. Yogscast probably swore at somebody on some occasion and Notch probably ran a shitty, disorganized convention and inflated his story.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
Keava said:
guess we are lucky nerds are too weak to fight? <.<
Them's fightin words!

*smacks hand on table*

...I think I broke something.

...the table? ...
OT: Seems to me like a typical case of modern communication issues, things being discussed in the public that should have been discussed in private.

After reading a few post, I would align myself with Yoqscast, it seems Notch was the "aggressor" and Yoqscast suffered a lot more in this case.
(please keep in mind, I don't know the whole story, this is just what I get from it)


New member
Nov 13, 2011
meh seen several people back up what notch said and have seen no one speak up for the yogs guys or pre emptively verify it (well about from their slightly rabid fanbase ofc) on the whole it looks to me at least like the yogs are making it up or spinning it at least.

massive amount of drama over nothing either way


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Well I don't give a crap if he's an asshole or not. I want to play his games, not take him out to dinner.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Firstly, I wouldn't worry about the Whole DDOSing thing.

Plus, I even highly doubt it's not DDOSing, probably just A group of kids performing a shitty Denial of Service attack by tying in "Ping <Yog site/ Ip address> -t" into the command prompt which really won't do anything.

Closer to the topic, I'm a fan of the Yogcast videos and minecraft and all I have to say is that, last time I looked, they are all human. Humans don't tell the hole truth ever, even the most honest of people. So I'm going to sit on the fence with this one and keep watching their videos whilst playing minecraft. :3


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I'm not going to even bother plundering my attic for a fuck to give about this.

I just play the game.

I don't really care about who makes it.

Except for Shigeru Miyamoto, who is awesome, and Warren Spector, who seems like probably the coolest guy ever.

I don't really watch the Yogscast anyway, I watch GameChap and Bertie because it's quick and fairly entertaining.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Tharwen said:
Two sides of the story. I don't know enough to make a judgement on either of them.

This is an awful lot like the Escapist/Extra Credits thing.
Now that you mention it. Yes it is. The fanboys divide and attack the one they like the least of the two and no-one has really seen a proper dialog between the 2 parties involved before picking a side.

Like it's been said, I can't make up my mind without seeing 2 sides to the story, but from what I've seen in the past Notch can be quite immature and knows how to play his role as the victim.


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
From what I can tell is that Notch and The Yogscast had only spoken or seen during the 1 interview and Notch's twitter posts came from hearsay and were not actually witnessed by him. Regardless of if The Yogscast had done those things or not, you don't post hearsay. Easily misunderstood or accidentally taken out of context.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
jamiedf said:
notch is a total arsehole, he even admitted that the shit he said wasnt entirely well informed, and now hes issued a pathetic apology which is fans are just willing to accept because there great idol as spoken. i really cant stand the egotistical prick with his hypocritical and two faced practices.

just take a look at the responses from both sides, notch bitches all other twitter leading to the yogcast being attacked in real life by his rabid fans. yogcast- wait and respond sensible and maturely....yeah thos childish yogcast men how dare they present themselves in a reasonable manner
Yeah... but did you ever think that maybe his side was true?

I've now heard both sides of the stories, and I've seen more than enough of Yogscast's videos to know that they don't really care about the game they post on YouTube.

Sounded more to me like they were trying to cover their ass. Of course you would issue out this statement after acting completely like manchildren at the Con.

Ever thought for a moment that maybe they are only in it for the money, and that maybe they did actually do all those douchebag things?

I've now heard both sides of the story, and I still call bullshit.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Sober Thal said:
You left out the bit where he called them total pricks on twitter to hundreds of thousands of people based on heresy and at the best second hand accounts without verifying anything and he still had the cheek to call them unprofessional.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
The guy regularly donates literally tens of thousands of dollars to charity, and is normally a pretty nice guy, and only one tired and stupid comment and suddenly he's an asshole...

The internet is a fickle beast, I guess.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
JoesshittyOs said:
jamiedf said:
notch is a total arsehole, he even admitted that the shit he said wasnt entirely well informed, and now hes issued a pathetic apology which is fans are just willing to accept because there great idol as spoken. i really cant stand the egotistical prick with his hypocritical and two faced practices.

just take a look at the responses from both sides, notch bitches all other twitter leading to the yogcast being attacked in real life by his rabid fans. yogcast- wait and respond sensible and maturely....yeah thos childish yogcast men how dare they present themselves in a reasonable manner
Yeah... but did you ever think that maybe his side was true?

I've now heard both sides of the stories, and I've seen more than enough of Yogscast's videos to know that they don't really care about the game they post on YouTube.

Sounded more to me like they were trying to cover their ass. Of course you would issue out this statement after acting completely like manchildren at the Con.

Ever thought for a moment that maybe they are only in it for the money, and that maybe they did actually do all those douchebag things?

I've now heard both sides of the story, and I still call bullshit.
i am simply going of what i have read, i wasnt their i cant say for certain. but here is what i know.

the yogcast people were asked to attend, they were afforded rooms but they paid the rest.
everything they said on stage was rehearsed and notch had ample time to censor anything they said.
never once in there other convention attendance have they behaved in this manner so why would they at this one?
notch blows up on twitter because yogcast fans messaged him, he makes claims which he later backed down saying may not be entirely true. he claims that his community had been harmed by there re-actions and has he has seen them do time and time before they have attacked the yogcast basically on his orders (even in real life)

he then also claims that they are an "island of ego" or some such nonsense and if that aint a case of calling the kettle black i dont fucking know what is. he knew damn well what his tweets would do and for some one with the influence he has they should watch what they say.

what really boils e over is his attitude, hes basically fucked up his convention because he lacks organisational skills and therefore attacks the yogcast; which i dont care what people say they have contributed to the game. only to later back-out with nothing of an apology. its pretty hard for a "miscommunication" that resulted in his belief that he was telling children to fuck off and writing other signature and what not.

listen, i am probably biased, cant really say i am a massive fan of the yogcast people, but i defiantly hate notches business practices, and from what i have seen this time round i am inclined to side with the yogcast due to this arseholes ineptitude

p.s- sorry for the rant-esque reply


New member
Mar 17, 2010
tthor said:
The guy regularly donates literally tens of thousands of dollars to charity, and is normally a pretty nice guy, and only one tired and stupid comment and suddenly he's an asshole...

The internet is a fickle beast, I guess.
I don't get this argument. Plenty of assholes donate to charity, since getting rich often goes hand-in-hand with being an asshole, donations are tax-deductable, and anyone who makes a big deal out of publicizing their donations instead of doing them quietly is clearly trying to make themselves look good as a primary goal of the donation.

My take on Notch is that he made a ton of money from his over-hyped game selling more copies than it deserved to, thanks to more media attention than it deserved and more reviewer praise than it deserved. This in itself doesn't make him an asshole, but instead of seeing that he just got really, really lucky, he let the praise go to his head and thinks he will be a force in gaming for years, instead of staying humble like other independent developers that have found some breakthrough success.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Keava said:
mcnally86 said:
I think both sides are at fault honestly. At least Notch apologized and said "I was tired and drunk" but Yogs apologized by saying, "sorry Notch is such a tired drunk."
Because, till now, there is no real evidence nor proof They did anything wrong? I mean, fanboism aside, where in all this is Yogs fault really? In the fact they issued a statement explaining their point of view on the whole matter, where They did not blame Notch in person for anything, but rather the faulty organization?

Yeah. They did swear. In pre-recorded video footage. Which still falls under organization responsibility to review those things and lay out the house rules for the guests. Other than that there is no actual proof of any other accusations except the tweets by Notch, for which he apologized and called misunderstanding.

I'm just trying to figure out what's so hard to understand in word "misunderstanding" that half of the people don't seem to get?
I am unsure why you quoted me. Are you agreeing with me or against me? They are both at fault is what I said. Although after all is said and done both sides generated more hits because of this. Im not saying it was planned but now that its over both sides have more free advertizement.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
isometry said:
My take on Notch is that he made a ton of money from his over-hyped game selling more copies than it deserved to, thanks to more media attention than it deserved and more reviewer praise than it deserved. This in itself doesn't make him an asshole, but instead of seeing that he just got really, really lucky, he let the praise go to his head and thinks he will be a force in gaming for years, instead of staying humble like other independent developers that have found some breakthrough success.
Thats just it~ it seems that most people who don't like Notch don't like him simply because they don't like Minecraft or feel Minecraft is overhyped. Face it, you guys don't hate Notch so much as you just hate the game and want to voice your hatred of it as much as possible. Not that I can blame you for not liking Minecraft, Minecraft requires a sort of special mindset to enjoy, and if you don't have that mindset going in it will all seem like pointless crap.

EDIT: actually, it might not be so much that you guys hate Minecraft, but simply that you feel Notch doesn't DESERVE to be as successful as he has been, so you hope to knock him down a peg and try to put him in his place in the public eye..